Back in 2004 when I first started playing I wanted to be a holy warrior type character, so I made a paladin. A few months after one my close friends that I play with online started playing and decided to pick horde.
I wanted to still play a jack of all trades hybrid type class and the shaman class really popped out at me. I felt it was the equivalency of a paladin back then, so that’s what I went with. I also researched some pvp videos and I really like Thrall as well.
From there on I never looked back, I’ve been a shaman ever since, no other class has ever been as much fun to play as the shaman class.
Even after all that I never went back to playing a paladin, I got really attached to the shaman class.
I’m a type of person that likes to play just one character, I don’t like alternate characters whatsoever, I feel like it’s just a waste of time, I like to do everything I possibly can on one character.
So that’s my story on how I picked my class!!