How did you pick your main?

Back in 2004 when I first started playing I wanted to be a holy warrior type character, so I made a paladin. A few months after one my close friends that I play with online started playing and decided to pick horde.

I wanted to still play a jack of all trades hybrid type class and the shaman class really popped out at me. I felt it was the equivalency of a paladin back then, so that’s what I went with. I also researched some pvp videos and I really like Thrall as well.

From there on I never looked back, I’ve been a shaman ever since, no other class has ever been as much fun to play as the shaman class.

Even after all that I never went back to playing a paladin, I got really attached to the shaman class.

I’m a type of person that likes to play just one character, I don’t like alternate characters whatsoever, I feel like it’s just a waste of time, I like to do everything I possibly can on one character.

So that’s my story on how I picked my class!!

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Hobbs soloing old content

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This is my main. I thought - what could I do to make the most cool, original character ever with a great name and a unique look? This is what I came up with.

It’s usually either Paladin or Death Knight. They have the best class fantasy. Played vanilla and TBC as Paladin. Switched to DK as soon as wrath dropped.

Fast forward, mained DK most of the game. Loved the Legion order hall for DK. As an unholy DK, I feel like such a badass with my army of ghouls.

My main picked me.

Priest would get kicked when Id ask about doing dungeon quests.

Pally allowed me to solo the game when groups weren’t happening.

About to run Azure Vault for the weeklies.

No group needed.

No such thing as a main anymore. With how SHIfTy the class balancing is, if you want to survive this game you need alts. And you need alts to focus on a specific area of content. It’s limiting and quite honestly boring.