How did Disc fly below the radar?

Hes sitting here bringing up my account, rating, etc, while posting on an honor level 5 account with 4 total pvp achievements. far as im concerned, hes a PVE’r

Indeed I don’t xD

Sureeeee. pretending to be an EU now. LOL

Not only that they actually specifically buffed Prot Pal in PvP. They are by far the worst tank and F tier. I actually couldn’t belive my eyes at PvP tank buffs.

Is there a clip of this?'Thuzad/Isheartears

You can see alts on the bottom. Check yourself

That is actually interesting. i didnt catch that

You can clearly see I have two chars with the same name in EU xD

Just go find a disc to play with or shutup bro. dont care.

I’d probably play more in NA and boost you for gold but unfortunately I cannot buy token elsewhere than my region. There is some weird limitation and I CBA farming 400 k gold for enchant.

Well I’m always looking at Prot changes. However yea here they are. When was the last time we saw this. I mean Prot Pal is terrible and they buffed them.

Maybe finally we can have some Tank Meta, the dream.

Maybe never? My experience is tanks just passively rotate around pvp via PVE changes until they randomly pop up as super busted and take some meme nerf like “takes 600% more damage in pvp” to delete them

I can’t remember the last time and that’s a big defensive PvP buff too. So something is going on and I like it. Hope they buff more Tanks in PvP to fill their role in Blitz.

you shouldnt give up your secrets so easily!

yeah would be cool if they are going to actively balance them. ive never liked them just floating around and occasionally becoming huge issues.

The thing I never liked is flat damage increase across the board. Every tank is very different. That doesn’t work. So if they actively try to fix that then that’s great.

I also like the direction with Prot War and hope they expand on the protecting team mates theme. Demo shout now reduces damage for your team by 30%. You can spec into the magic shield that is 3 times your armor on intervenes as extra protection.

Tanks should be huge at Buffing/Debuffing and controlling the map.

On the controlling the map hilarious blood dk last night named - Healrstealr just kidnapping the healer off the map. That might be a little too obnoxious but funny none the less.

is a perfect example of

seems like a good route to go since its not just an invincible DPS that either does no damage or is overpowered

Boosting for gold is allowed and not against the social contract so again you shoot your feet.

What are you even talking about? clearly that one went over your head, which is no surprise. but glad to see that you have in depth knowledge of boosting regulations, as an experienced user ofc.

Because the only place disc is doing well is in pvp. Their pve situation, which is what most classes are balanced around, is complete garbage so much so I actually expect the spec to get buffs before it gets nerfs.

After reading your posts I’d probably charge you double but guarantee that if we fail I’d give your gold back not to see you again