How did Disc fly below the radar?

I laughed at it actually, was pretty good.

No way you’re dumb enough to think I’m the same person who did that lol.

Hopefully disc gets some nerfs next Tuesday. We’ll have to wait and see if Blizzard wakes up this week.

But you did


This has to be trolling.

I doubt it. I argue with the guy like 3x/year then we’re fine again 45 minutes later.

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Try playing another healer and watch your team die as the unending amount of opposing discs you play against spam damage and fearlessly run through the fight to melee range fear you.

I actually thought pres was better but i guess disc is king since all the pres seem to have rerolled disc. Rdruid bias maybe.

Prove it.

We’re too old for grudges.


Cause we are good at pvp, no one wants us in raids or high keys.

No its not. ive never pushed 2s in the history of this game. its what i used to cap last week due to limited play time. on the road for 30 days straight for work.

I generally play whatever im trying to improve with if im not pushing rating. hard to imagine right?

And? you went far enough into my account to figure out what i capped with last week but not far enough to figure out that i play 3s, while posting from an account that has 386 HKs. lets not play that game.

It was stupid for you to bring up 2s given that blizzard doesn’t balance around it. its irrelevant.

Anyway, QQ more little feller. If you were serious about healing you’d have numerous healers ready to go and play the meta.

You are a clown. Do I have to post more?

I thought NA is developped region but apparently you don’t even know check-pvp there.

Disc Shields are literally bigger than Cocoon.

Lmao. stay mad little baby. You must be new if you think that there isnt always a fotm healer.

Anyway, you resorted to personal attacks multiple posts ago because you have no argument, and here you are changing the subject again. you dont even understand where the shields come from. Pathetic!!11!11

real healers play the meta. they dont sit here and cry.

I dont even care if they nerf disc LOL. working on my pressy as we speak, druid is ready to go.

Cry me a river baby. You can play disc and 2k would be max you get because your issue is between your chair and your monitor. I get it you try to defend Disc to get a new peak but it’s still not enough.

You’re the one that posted this entire QQ thread bro. I have the best healer in the game and its fun to play. im good! you’re a mad stubborn beta healer that doesn’t even have a pocket disc. LOL. imagine sitting here trying to bring up anything about rating while posting from an account with <500 hks. its weak and pathetic to even go there.

bye now!

I’m not a healer. You are too dumb to even check this.

LOL. you arent even a PVPer

And its even stupider for you to sit here and complain then. my god, just when you think it cant get worse. A PVE DPS complaining about the best PVP healer. Guess what bro, there is ALWAYS a best healer. you dont even have any skin in the game!

What is this!?!?

A PvE DPS xD You are extremely entertaining jester here for few reasons:

  1. You don’t argue with me in fact but with the facts. I posted all statistics.
  2. You are doing some mental gymnastics looking for arguments.
  3. You must be extremely mad because you got exposed.
  4. You don’t even know how to use

I have to say that NA forums are far nicer than EU ones but there also some individuals like you. You don’t seem to be too smart.

Yeah yeah. go take a nap bro. this entire thread is asinine. You do realize that you posted this in the pvp forum and not the pve forum right? They should start requiring 500 hks for an account to even post in here. would help reduce these sorts of mistakes

Like anybody cares about HKs. This is arena forums people just care about rating.

What does existing in bgs have to do with anything

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You don’t have that either. Don’t sit here bringing up other peoples account while posting from an honor level 5 PVE account.

and you have yet to deny

You’re a PVE’r through and through. fully exposed.

anyway im gona go level another disc just in case they nerf my first one.

About time they put the mini-game of Arena to the backside and focused on objective based MMO PvP. I hope they cancel the AWC next (hardly anyone watches it) and give us the Blitz World Championship.

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