How did Disc fly below the radar?

Disc is the most represented spec even when it’s garbage soy milk drinker

I’vl made 5 people msg me while gearing my Rdruid raging about my CC maybe ur just a weak gutter dog on Druid.

Disc is op and a lot better than rdruid…but continue on your tirade queen :heart_eyes:

Good I hope you all enjoy the shield spam I wanted door and stun but you guys got what you deserve so I’m laughing. The facts are they will body disc again like last 10 xpacka and Druid will be the king again already practicing.

Nobody cares about this boring pseudo dps spec. Since Shadowlands Holy has superior design. If they tune the healers properly nobody will miss it. PW:S absorbing more than cocoon is a joke.

Also since I’m conservative I’d expect to be called an Austrian aquarelist fan than soyboy but life never stops surprising me.

Every Disc on the planet H8’s you and your kind.

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Well I don’t care. Holy is the real healer and Disc is a weird gimmick since Legion that is only good when overtuned.

Holy is for soymilk drinkers that weren’t good enough to play Holy Pally. Holy is a trash doppelganger spec for chicks.

BTW played that spec in Slands EZ 3k easy mythic Nzoth Kill joke of a spec.

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Holy is the spec that you play bc your boyfriend said “i need a healer” so you get dragged around in m+ and raids no idea wtf you’re doing so you played holy priest.


I don’t know what are you talking about M+ or raids because I don’t do them anyway. Holy has better toolkit and skill-cap in PvP. It has way more outplay potential.

Disc is a spec for DPS players who have to heal because they are the worse among their friends and someone has to heal. Also it’s not a rocket science to spread Attonment and deal your 3-4 buttons rotation. Let’s not pretend it’s the rocket science. Disc Priest mains are the same people who queue support in MOBAs and build carry items.

Why would i hire a self admitted boosted 2200 player to boost me to the same rating that ive gotten numerous times lmao.

dude do you think that your account is impressive or something? You’ve just broken into the category of ‘not a complete noob’.

Anyway, this whole thread looks like you lost to a disc priest and came over to NA to cry about it for extra visibility on your little crusade. you can just play with a disc. its called the meta. if your healer cant play disc then they are a beta healer.

I have zero sympathy for an EU DPS crying about healer balance. It doesn’t affect you. you can play with any healer, and your healer should be able to play any class.

Healer balance matters to HEALERs that get pushed into playing certain specs to compete. thats it.

You’re funny I have to admit.

Get me gold for enchants and Embelishments and I’ll show you that I can get same or higher CR in NA. Also you’re saying I’m not impressive to you yet I’m playing at your peak rating in 3s in the first week of the expansion.

If you’d play as much as post your biased opinions on the forums maybe you’d get your personal best.

They should grant you an exclusive title of the “forumful gladiator”. The amount of copium and bias in this thread broke the scale. It’s funny how you’re not even arguing with me but facts and data I presented.

I hope they come up with derogatory glad titles in the future tbh. Hideous Gladiator, Putrid Gladiator, Unwashed Gladiator, Overweight Gladiator. There’s so much potential behind it.

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My druid was top 100 a couple days ago and today is like 130 or something.

Dont think that could be described as weak gutter dog.

1600 is starting to mean 1600 for dps but for rdruid thats almost rank 1 :rofl:

Lmao. You’re one to talk. you’re here arguing with every dissenting opinion in your QQ thread about disc priests rather than figuring out how to beat them / getting one of your own. You lost a couple of games with your beta healer that has no pocket disc, and your answer, rather than to keep playing, was to whine about it on the NA forums, and i can only assume that you have one going on EU too.

You are weak!

Because this isn’t “opinion” it is biased attempt to deny reality. I posted 3 sources of data collected from WoW API and you still pretend it’s not the truth. You are living in your own bubble. You can have opinions sure but if you are literally presented with objective state of the game not based on “I feel that Disc is fine” but on stats then you are just ignorant that’s all.

Also I played literally want to know every healer to the higher level than you ever did in your life.

You don’t beat disc priests, they beat themselves.

So I’m not saying disc aren’t strong. however I feel like they are one of the easiest classes to cc. Meanwhile I have to cast fear three times on a pres all while being trained and them flying across the map.

But lets refocus. Do you admit that the below is true?

You talk past everything to push your little crusade agenda. but lets just admit that you’re sitting here crying on the forums because your healer isnt a disc priest. There is no chance you’d be here otherwise. Honestly, such loser behavior! Imagine taking to the forums to try and get a healer nerfed. Blizzard doesn’t look at this LMAO. you’re wasting your time taking 3 days of troll bait

You can play NE like - the guy here and have SW:D, Fade, Shadowmeld. Truely easy to CC, right… oh wait.

Top discs actually reroll Undead because Fury, Evokers and Affli which happen to be top specs have their CC removed with Will of the Forsaken.

Holy would be even harder because he can stun Druid when he tries to CC him.