How did Disc fly below the radar?

The most represented healer in 2s and 2nd in 3s behind Presvoker. PW:S on Rapture give as much absorb as 3x Serenity on H Priest or full hot NS yet no nerfs seen on the horizon.


They posted there’s a 30% nerf to PWS and raptures CD is increased by a minute


Ah sorry buddy then I’m blind and missed it somehow, thanks!

Nah sorry I just made that up I’m really bored


At least you made my day. It’s priceless. Thanks xD


The most obvious answer is that Arena/Shuffle is the meme bracket and Blizzard are now balancing around Blitz, which is exactly what Ion said was going to happen.

Makes sense seeing that MW is getting a Peaceweaver nerf and they’re the most represented healer in Blitz. Hpriest got a big buff last week and they’re the worst.

Time to laugh at the 3 people still playing Arena LOL.


Hi, actual disc priest here. The only class ive touched this expansion. The best players can kill me easily, out heal me on other classes, and they usually have way more mana than me by the time im oom.

What content are you playing that made you feel this way?

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3s arenas - Disc and Presvokers are by far the most represented and dominant healers in the arenas. They have an insane output. With Presvoker nerfs there will be one S+++ arena healer.


Im not seeing the same data as you. Most healers are around the same peak ratings in 3v3. Id argue Pres and MW are better than disc in this season based on my experience.

Do you want healers to be able to heal or flop to a single dps? My tip to you on how best to kill one of us is find your purge button.

MW better than Disc? I think we play different games bro. It’s literally the worst healer in EU.


Hear me out…

DISC. The normal shape of UFOs. UFOs now identified as UAPs are DISC shaped. DISC shaped UAPs are typically difficult to track and “fly under the radar”. Therefore, DISC priest may be extraterrestrials and there is a bigger plan amiss.


Also I don’t know where did you take your stats from. Stats for NA in fact aren’t much different if you change the region. So you have reliable stats from me and “trustmebro dot com” from you buddy. Not saying your feelings are wrong but numbers don’t lie. Surprisingly MW indeed is doing amazing in Blitz. I didn’t know that. You learn something every day.

So is Bob Lazar lying or not?

Im using drustvar.

I checked it two days ago and it was still showing data from the last expansion.


Checked it now and it’s indeed updated:

Your data is showing exactly what I said though.

Down with disc…Cause I leveled my monk druid and dragon first :rofl:

Every class is about 100 points away from eachothers peak rank at most. Doesnt look too bad to me. Good luck out there.

Except there is almost 10x more Discs than MW. Also if you check NA top 100 in 3s I cannot find a single MW that you claimed is better than Disc however I can see plenty of Discipline Priests. How would you eplain it?

Did you accidently sprinkle bath salts instead of sugar over your corn flakes this morning?


This guy is crazy disc is unkillable, too much damage, and easy to play

Oh I see how it is. Just enjoy it bro :slight_smile:


Amatox is the source of all of my UFO info. Granted, his opinion is typically wrong and he has disorganized thoughts. But you got to take what you can get. Least I don’t have to worry about the Clinton Foundation taking me out and the worst thing that Amatox does is make me pay him in corndogs for information.