so you’re thinking no profession equipment is better than having something that just isn’t quite the highest rank?
Given that most Work Orders didn’t have most (or any) of the mats required, or the gold to buy them, they weren’t being done by those with Professions. Therefore, players stopped posting them.
Nope. I just stopped participating in the profession system altogether.
Theres nothing good that it offers, i never use it
Overall, the system requires so many points that it seems impossible to catch up if you didn’t keep up with it from the start. And if people aren’t posting orders to fill then whats the point?
As a good many of us have.
Current professions is a cluster. Change back to the original format. Allow work orders for a select PVP style gear. All sides win. PVPers can have their high end gear and casuals can buy decent stuff from AH.
Because from all accounts I’ve seen, it’s horrible.
Everything would be better if they abandoned the idea of “server identity.” That died out way back in MoP when crossrealm hit the scene.
as a pvper I love it and use the public order system for my x3 crafts on every character sometimes more. it gets filled instantly every time, <3 to u crafters.but as a pvper I don’t need max quality.
This could easily be fixed by a simple checkbox saying “only max quality”.
especially since “server identity” isn’t the reason they won’t just merge servers.
they just want to avoid the percieved bad PR that comes with Server Merges. “game is dying” videos/blog posts, etc.
they really just need to bite the bullet and do it. WoW in 2025 does not need 150 near empty servers when 70 near full ones will do.
fair enough!
^This nails it
Alas, unless the player mentions this, I feel obliged to assume they do want max quality.
(but I realize that as long as your orders are getting filled, there’s not a lot of incentive to actually mention that you’d be willing to accept less)
I use public orders for things like crests or treatise and they almost always get instantly fulfilled if I provide the mats and a nominal tip.
But yeah, I’m not spending thousands of gold in mats plus whatever tip only to have it be returned as a 3-star craft from someone still leveling up their prof or who arbitrarily decided my tip wasn’t enough to use concentration on.
Blizzard killed public orders by not allowing you to pick your rank. Apparently it’s bad if people will only set things for max rank…
Also those things are irrelevant by this point of the expac. You’re better off spamming trade chat that you craft staves.
I do place work orders for treatises, but I send them to my own alt who is a scribe. I suspect that some other players do the same.
My scribe has occasionally completed public work orders for treatises, but it is rare.
Read that in the WCIII Troll Headhunter’s voice in my head.
as the others have said, public orders are incredibly rare because blizzard in their infinite stupidity made it so you cant set a minimal quality on public orders, the one order type that needs that protection the most.
it’s simply because you can’t limit the quality for those orders, which is very very strange