How Can You Still Side With Sylvanas

Evil tends to win wars.

To WoW specifically, If I had to pick between a fresh out of training diapers king who had trouble morally killing a troll who was attacking HIM and a leader who has already made 3 entire kingdom capitals uninhabitable and someone who shouldve ended the faction war at the beginning without Jaina’s ex-machina… The resume just isn’t there for anduin.


I mean, you’re blatantly knocking down a strawman that represents nobody in this thread, but hey, go off.


You all are completely unbelievably obtuse.

And I can’t tell if your just doing it to troll or not at this point.

“It’s all you people and not me” = narcissism.

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Hmmmmm…ok…what ever you say sweet cheeks

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  • Fears death :white_check_mark:
  • Tragic past :white_check_mark:
  • Feels alone :white_check_mark:
  • Female leader :white_check_mark:

Just naming a few.

Do I see her as the “vilain”? No. Is she a good character? No.
But don’t say she has no relatable traits. I find her backstory and motives really interesting. You need to see it from a perspective that the other side aka the Alliance would have no issue at all to put a stake through her cold heart even way before she was Warchief. The only real character that would’ve thought twice about that would’ve been Varian as there was a mutal respect between the two, but he died the same time she became Warchief.


We’re all role-playing murder hobos for hire. I don’t think it’s a good idea to get too hung up on people picking a side and rationalizing it in the context of a faction-based game.

(I haven’t yet played through 8.1.5 Horde campaign on any character but a war-weary orc who already didn’t like Sylvanas, but I do have a few characters who have a good chance of siding with her if I get them through the questline - notably a forsaken who simply doesn’t question her and a goblin who is paranoid that the whole internal struggle is an Alliance-engineered scheme to divide and weaken the Horde … I don’t actually have a Horde character who wants to conquer the world, but that seems like a valid reason to overlook a few issues with the leadership style)

First, Slyvanas wasn’t always evil, they’ve gone back and retconned her. It annoys the crap out of me, as I do enjoy things for lore and when people change things years down the road it’s definitely annoying. I can get behind a good villain/bad guy, I enjoy sith on Star Wars, etc. Just keep it consistent.

I hate more of what they’ve done with Baine, and as a long time Tauren player… I finally swapped to Alliance and am playing DI Dwarf now. I used to not bother venturing outside of Tauren for any classes, but now I am so disappointed with Baine I am playing other races. Between the crap story line for Horde and Dark Iron Dwarf being made playable - I have no love for the Horde this expansion. If they do kill off Sylvanas, I’ll probably remain Alliance.


:white_check_mark: Hates Alliance.
:white_check_mark: Refuses to roll over to them for help.
:white_check_mark: Self-sufficient.
:white_check_mark: Intelligent (when the writers don’t character assassinate).
:white_check_mark: Pragmatic (see previous parentheticals).


She only fears death, because she knows that’s when her past actions are going to come back and drag her down to the hell she deserves. (As of right now, she’s completely held unaccountable for any actions she’s taking, so she’s just kicking the rock down the road)

Her tragic past made her an interesting character up to the end of Lich King, when her arc ended. You don’t get to stretch out a “Tragic Past” to wave off current psychotic actions.

The only reason she feels alone, is because she literally murders the people around here out of sheer paranoia, she refuses to try to connect with other people, and treats everyone around her like garbage. This “Feeling Alone” is completely constructed by her own actions.

I don’t really see the 4th reason you’ve listed as anything different from the other female leaders. Except those leaders (Except the clear villans) aren’t psychotically insane.

Sylvanas, once upon a time could be seen as a tragic character, but you don’t get to stretch such things, out to the point they don’t even matter anymore, while she’s murdering her own people because they might, possibly, have the slightest idea that they could live in harmony with their past families.

Baine is easily one of the worst characters in the franchise, and has been since he joined the faction leader cast back in Cataclysm.

I know Blizzard is surprised that so many people picked the “side with Sylvanas” option. Perhaps if the alternative wasn’t Baine & Saurfang, Sylvanas would get less support.


I totally agree with you. Cairne is missed. Tbh, I kinda blocked Saurfang out of my mind as well, but he’s just as bad for story writing this expansion.

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Also because that’s apparently where undead go regardless of what they’ve done. Light tends to abandon the Forsaken. So I guess by that logic then all Forsaken “deserve” to go to hell? Sounds like racism. That doesn’t constitute your definition of “evil” though, does it?

PTSD is a thing.


Time does not invalidate tragedy.

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Blame the writers not the “fictional character”

He would’ve made a good compromise candidate for Warchief back in MoP after we had to (unfortunately) oust The Best Warchief Ever™.

Since then, they’ve shifted him firmly into Baine territory. I just don’t see how the writers are this disconnected. Every single non-Sylvanas character at this point has extremely problematic ties to the Alliance. That’s entirely intentional. Why do they have to see our faction this way?


A tragic past is not an excuse for future terrible actions.

Shes pretty hot


In a cold way

Easily. I pay absolutely no attention to the story whatsoever, because from the outset of BfA it quickly became obvious it was a load of old tripe. Whatever convoluted machinations they devise, I just regard it as more rotting garbage.

I’ve been through the whole Horde Warchief saga before. It’s an old and hackneyed approach, yet it seems Blizzard doesn’t know another way.

In some respects I hope they do kill her off. It’ll be the final proof of how clueless this development team are, not that I really need further proof.

FYI you keep trying to rationalize her like a real person and compare her to RL morality instead of seeing her as a fictional character, in a fictional world, where our avatars reside.

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