How Can You Still Side With Sylvanas

I’m judging her as a character.

She’s blatantly evil. All redeeming qualities Sylvanas once had as a character have long been since reduced to non-existence based on her actions from Cataclysm and on.

Sylvanas is very clearly a neutral evil character, if you go by -any- character building set up.

I still side with her until I know her plan. It may not be what it appears and until I know for sure I’m not going to mess things up.

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That was what I said about that NE lady I was seeing in Darnassus!

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I main Demon Hunter and I cant stomach Night Elves. So sadly thats not an option for me if they do kill her off. Azshara is my second favorite character but sadly I we’ll never be able to side with her game wise unless we gonna get something mindblowing after the raid today. Jaina is my third favorite who thankfully seems pretty safe with plot armor this expansion.

The reason I listed are just some of them I find her relatable. He names a few good ones too:

Im not gonna judge you for characters you like or find interesting or relatable. Im just pointing out reasons why I like her as a character and would hate to see her be killed off because “we” are supposed to be honorable like an orc or a tauren.


It makes them understandable and sympathizable, however.
And, given what she’s done to whom, it also makes her logically correct.
Tree had a bunch of enemies in it, so it had to go.
UC had a bunch of enemies in/around it, so see previous.

Sylvanas would’ve pretty much had this war in the bag had short-sighted selfish defectors not stuck their hands where they don’t belong. We appoint people to lead because they have the long-term in mind and don’t let constant over-emotion cloud their judgement.

Which is why Baine would make a crappy WC.
As would current Thrall.
Or Saurfang.


The horde once had honor, I don’t believe it does anymore.

Especially when she takes charge.

The other option is to side with the Alliance. That will NEVER happen. Plus, I haven’t seen the endgame yet so as far as I know she is saving the Horde and even possibly Azeroth. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your pawns in order to save the Queen . . . . um, King. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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That old Horde honor thing, kind of flew out of the window when the Forsaken, Sin’dorei and Goblins were introduced into the Horde as prominent forces.


Yeah, and look where it gets us.
Into a position where we’re either stuck with an incompetent leader who fraternizes with the enemy, or a WC who doesn’t abide by those values and gets usurped because they don’t agree with our (frankly backwards) philosophy.


i don’t side with her, but I’m curious to see where Blizzard takes her story.

Said hourglass figure is attached to an undead. No thanks.


I hope that after BfA ends, the forum moderators and customer support get their crap together and start permabanning lists of people from both in-game and the forums.

Your too stuck on war.

If your not at war with something, clearly there’s a problem from your point of view.

The Faction wars literally get us nowhere, but closer to all of us being wiped out at the next major event.

Personally I hope we do lose this upcoming major event.

To kick it into you war crazed people’s skulls that there are far more important issues in the world then your petty squabbles with the alliance.

I’m not going to apologize for refusing to see anything beyond what’s two inches infront of my face, and whether or not it’s blue or red.

This bloody fixation on war between the alliance and horde is what’s causing this issue.

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But its called “World of warcraft”…

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You’re right, the Horde doesn’t have honor anymore. It stopped having honor the moment its people were allowed to starve so that Thrall could make geopolitical concessions.

It certainly lost it by the time Horde leaders betrayed their Warchief over petty grievances and the misplaced idea that the Warchief answered to them, rather than the other way around.

Now that we’re here, the “but muh honor” crowd is getting everything they deserve. Because honor, to them, is an empty platitude that’s dropped at the first sign of inconvenience. After all, that’s why we see Saurfang pass up a blow that could have killed Anduin; rather than handle his disagreements with the Warchief via the institutionalized manner of mak’gora, he’d rather let the enemy fix his mistakes. Even after he came to the conclusion that this war would be a total war.


No you are judging her as a RL person with RL morality. Even so you are looking at it through a super filtered lens of RL morality.

Like for instance her using the Blight was 100% the right thing to do in that battle. Our forces were being killed by the Alliance and driven back. Her using the blight not only nearly ended the battle, but allowed us to save many of our troops that would have other wise died. So she made a hard decision that in the end saved horde lives, but the moral knights are so caught up in her raising corpses and the blight killing some of our forces that they ignore the rest.

Now RL morality may say that you never intentionally kill your own forces even if it means saving more, but this is not RL 2019. This is a dark and war-torn high fantasy world. I also love how people ignore that Jania did the exact same thing when she let her distraction force sacrifice themselves.


You realize we can literally be at war still, and not it be between factions right? Do you remember legion? I remember legion, pretty sure we were at war with them at the time.

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Do you also remember when the Alliance attacked the Horde in Stromheim and the we fought over towers for the rest of it?


I didn’t ignore anything, I think the sending people off to their deaths simply for an edge is still awful, and I don’t condone it.

However, the reason I fixate on Sylvanas, is because she didn’t just do it once, she’s been doing it, repeatedly, over and over again.

And in some cases, at times when there wasn’t even a fight at hand.

People hand wave away Sylvanas’s questionable actions all the time.

If Sylvanas hadn’t decided to randomly burn down Teldrassil, the entire Undercity fight never would have been a thing.

The entire war sylvanas started was a first strike, based on paranoia, that the alliance would start a fight, with pacifist in chief Anduin in command.

Sylvanas has literally caused all of these events herself, by her own actions fueled by her own paranoia.


Speaking from an “honor” mentality, yes.
Speaking from a pragmatic one, it depends.
I like the latter more.

That’s because nobody ever wants to see it out until the end.
Except Sylvanas, and it seems we’re not giving her the chance to prove that her philosophy works. I’d rather sacrifice all my morals now to be done with it than continue sitting on a fence post, indecisive of which yard to jump into.

Sounds like Alliance talk. Hm.

But then you say things like:

So either you value honor and by extent war, or you don’t (because that’s inherently what “honor culture” propagates).

Azerite makes things “not so petty”. Another one of Sylvanas’ reason for going to war now rather than the eventuality of it later.

Then don’t call people “evil” when they choose to see further than two inches.

Fixation would end if someone won.
Which, again, = Sylvanas.