How Can You Still Side With Sylvanas

I gave specific conditions in which I would call someone Evil.

Your ignoring them.

I am a strong independent moosecow and I don’t need no herd.

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Azshara is my Queen and Sylvanas is my Warchief. Don’t you dare to speak ill off them. :octopus:


No I"m not. You don’t have the right or the ability to accuse others of being evil for supporting what you believe is an evil character in a fictional story.


“No redeeming qualities”
< Doesn’t care about the Alliance.
< Is willing to make sacrifices to end the conflict permanently with them.

If you wanna go on about how killing tons of people who’d gladly harm her own people is “evil” then you might want to switch factions.


If you refuse to acknowledge that bad things must be done to end other bad things that would’ve came up as a result of not doing the prior bad things, then you’re short-sighted.

TLDR: If you refuse to see what qualities a character has in the first place that people might sympathize with/understand and flat-out say there are none, there’s something wrong with you.


Calia didn’t provoke anything. She just didn’t turn her people away when they asked for help in doing it. THEY made the choice. On the other hand, Sylvanas slaughtered those who were returning to her as well as those trying to defect. She made no distinctions.

I’m confused, is OP bothered that people could possibly want to roleplay in a roleplaying game or are they calling out the weirdos who insist that Sylvanas is actually justified and a is a nice person?

Because I don’t think anyone has claimed the latter since Teldrassil.

No, your again completely miscatagorizing what I’m saying.

I’m saying, if you happily and gleefully, support an unabashed, pure evil character, that has no redeeming or relatable qualities, and cannot, or refuse to acknowledge what they are doing is morally wrong.

Then I am under the impression, you as a person, probably have issues.

I don’t care if your RPing along with Sylvanas, I care that if you cannot personally see an issue with what Sylvanas is doing, then you have issues.

In the horde war campaign we are told that Sylvanas is supported by most of the horde. The faction leaders are flat out betraying their people. Even attacking them to save Baine. Most of the Horde 100% supports fighting the Alliance. For this to change Blizzard is going to have to make her do something REALLY evil. I mean so unbelievably evil that it turns the people against her. I truly can’t wait to join in.

P.S. I kill and eat people, so your move OP.


Well, you’re wrong.

I can have fun in a video game being evil or otherwise and lead a perfectly normal life outside of it.


Yes, yes you are…
You do know this is a game? Right?
So people that roleplay evil characters in movies? They must be evil in real life…

So then sir Anthony Hopkins that played hannibal lecter must a truly evil person then in real life…
Dude seek some help if you believe that


Ya’ll are literally not reading what I’m saying.

No, people are, you’re just not making good points.


Yea we are that’s the problem


But she does.

Sometimes in life you have to do the bad things to prevent worse things from happening.
You can perceive Teldrassil as something bad - because it massacred a bunch of Night Elves.
You can perceive it as something good, because what’s better than having the people who wanted you dead off your continent? To an Orc, a NE is basically a terrorist, so I don’t think you’re going to pull the sympathy angle when we look back and see how much fighting they’ve done. TLDR: You can’t demand sympathy for a long-hated enemy and call people “evil” when you don’t get it.


No, you clearly are not.

I’m completely separating RP from IRL issues. I’m not ragging on people for RPing, like you guys are saying I am.

Your not reading. Your just skimming and picking out stuff.

This thread has probably reached the end of its usefulness, so with that in mind, I’m going to flag this thread down so a moderator can shut it down before it spirals out of control, attach the following video, and leave.

But first…

Lays out feast of popcorn and drinks

Moving on.

Like nobody ever played a neutral or evil character in a RPG with out killing puppies on the side IRL.


I don’t know what you’re arguing. Are you saying that people who like her as a character are evil?