How Can You Still Side With Sylvanas

I think your judgement has been clouded by an unwavering assault of Alliance propaganda and outright lies.


Some people just want to be evil.

I don’t understand it, I don’t get it, but apparently some people simply enjoy being a sadist/evil person.

I think there’s something wrong with them personally.

This is taking a story and pushing it onto a person’s real life.
I think there are people who write things like this and either dont’ realize what they’re doing or are truly out of touch.
So to you people who supports Sylvanas in game want to be evil.
The wolf in another post calls people posting on Horde characters ‘trash’.

There’s something wrong with this attitude, imo.



There are literally people that are gleefully happy to be the villians, and do the absolute worst thing, and don’t simply give a damn.

There are people who openly embrace this sort of attitude, and find everyone else to be in the wrong.

Have you been in alot of Anti/Pro Sylvanas threads? You can see them coming out of the woodworks constantly.

If your gleefully, playing an evil character, and simply enjoy inflicting suffering, fictional or not, then there’s a problem with you.

Because the alternative is a group of textbook traitors, and Alliance sycophants, like Baine Bloodhoof.

I don’t even like Sylvanas, I never have, but the alternative is just abysmal.

Sylvanas can say whatever she wants to. As long as she doesn’t literally exile her own people for staging a counterattack against the Alliance during a time of war she will never be as bad as Baine et al.


I’m “gleefully” happy that we have a WC who doesn’t care about the Alliance.
I suppose that makes anyone “evil” then, hm?

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Nyaria, the fact that you equate playing a fictional character in game to being an evil person in real life shows me you are confused in some way.


Shes dead and cant even do it so who cares

No, I’m not confused at all.

I simply think there’s something wrong with someone who happily goes along with being a villian, and supports a clearly villianous character, with no redeeming qualities.

This isn’t even an evil character, that is mildly relatable in some way, this is a pure, unabashed evil character, that does the worst things they can possibly think of for the complete purposes of crushing moral.

There is no relatable traits with this villian, like one could argue for other story villians, in which might garner some support, this persons a sadist, who simply does whatever fancies her whims.

And if you wholeheartedly support that, and refuse to acknowledge anything they do is morally wrong, then there’s something wrong with you.

I just want to watch the world burn, that’s all.

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Yeah…Nyaria, I do think your type of mindset is flawed.
Just because you have a problem separating fiction and real life doesn’t mean the rest of the world’s reasonable people have a problem with it.


She killed Alliance and kicked the Night Elves off Kalimdor. How could I NOT side with Sylvanas?


And all the animals and people you have killed in game desperately deserved it right? It was all justified killings? Are you a sadist\evil person that enjoys killing things, or is it just a game you play and get things by killing stuff?


I don’t have a issue with seperating fiction from real life.

Your clearly not reading what I’m typing.

I really don’t care for your psychoanalyzing, because I just think your trying to write me off as “Thinking wrong”

If you support Sylvanas, unabashedly, without being able to recognize anything she does is morally wrong, then your just evil.

I’m reading what you’re typing.


I have a Highmountain Tauren Druid that unabashedly supports his warchief.

Guess I’m evil. I’m okay with this.


Your taking snip its and trying to dismiss me through snippets, without reading the rest of it.

Seeing how literally all other Tauren canonically don’t like Sylvanas, then your pretty odd center.

I read it all but in the end you’re making a judgement call on people, real people and accusing them of being evil.
There’s no getting around this.


If Method or whoever can finish this next raid, maybe we will have our answers.

Personally, I am not convinced of some hidden plot as she clearly is just your average psychopath all concerned with her quest for immortality at the expense of everything around her. That means the Horde and her forsaken are just pawns in a game that is all about her and loyalty to her is pointless.

I don’t forsee any cool plot twists…no sixth sense moment. At best Nzoth needs a new servant.