How Can You Still Side With Sylvanas

Sylvanas killing the Desolate Council does make sense because she doesn’t have the information the reader does.

You knew that there were loyalists in there.
She didn’t.
She had good reason to think otherwise.
So she blasted them.

It’s still murder of innocent civilians that followed orders no matter which angle you push, a leader that kills the people who follow her doesn’t really inspire a whole lot of loyalty.

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We knew they were innocent; we have a degree of omniscience because we’re the reader.
She doesn’t have that luxury.
She had evidence pointing toward them being traitors.
Which is treason.
Which is punishable by death.
So they died.


but she has loyalty of horde people. Lor’Themar said it. Even his blood elfs

When did the desolate council ever plot to overthrow Sylvanas? I remembering them just managing UC because Sylvanas was busy being Warchief. Sure some were mad she was gone and felt abandoned, but they’re living corpses with a leader that will literally KILL them if they have any form of hope. I think their frustration is a little warranted.

You seem to (conveniently) forget that the council was made as a jibe toward her ability to lead.
Nathanos pointed out that some Forsaken had taken to leading themselves because Sylvanas was no longer in the UC to decide for them.
Sylvanas pointed out that the name was likely chosen as a jibe at her, as to imply that she had abandoned them.

The council forming with that name deliberately taken was to poke at her ability to lead and call it into question.

She killed them because they were potentially defective as well.
Defective and going to the faction that would fight against her.
Be really inconvenient if the Alliance got the specs of the Undercity 100% because of some Forsaken deciding that they wanted to move into SW.

You’re not considering all the factors here.

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Honestly at this point the only justice for the Forsaken people is a dead for good Sylvanas.

Remember Genn who hates the Forsaken so much? Yeah he also says that he no longer sees the undead as monsters or something like that, he sees them as victims of Sylvanas and feels sorry for them.

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Very true, she was also in a bad position because of Garrosh where he treated the undead as “meat shields” since they ain’t living beings, which was even more cruel imo. Hence, in the novel, the forsaken felt like they were ostracized which makes some of them have distrust in Sylvanas.

She also became warchief at lets just say a not very favorable time. Garrosh basically messed up the whole horde and their relation with the alliance (RIP Theramore). Vol’jin didn’t do much to reconilate it in WoD, and now the burden falls on her to not only reunite the horde but also how to defend against the alliance.


No? The Forsaken are fine with her.

Genn was ready to kill even his own son (pre his own worgen transformation) if he got turned into a worgen.
Yes, Sylvanas attacked Gilneas. She did so because Garrosh would’ve anyway and used the Forsaken as fodder while doing so. Genn calls Forsaken monsters - > is literally less human than they are. The fact that he shows pity is more indicative of self-unawareness rather than a legitimate criticism. Nobody cares about what Genn thinks, he’s a moron. The Forsaken as a people still care for Sylvanas deeply. You seem to forget she’s the reason they exist with free will in the first place. She’s basically a religious figure to them.

So again,


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10000% agree. I don’t even know what a helmet looks like on my character in game anymore because I have had Squid Hat on forever.

I will accept 1 million Azerite.

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I sided with Sylvanas because I’m tired of the “let’s work together!1” trope every expansion.

Burning down a single tree wasn’t enough. BURN THEM ALL!

PS: Don’t even care if she backstabs me, I’m a free agent and will see it coming from a mile away. Mitigate!


I side with Sylvanas because she’s the most interesting character in WoW as far as I’m concerned.

I’m tired of Thrall, I’m tired of Baine. Jaina gets a pass. Saurfang whines about honor when it was his Orc race that started this whole thing to begin with and, by proxy, turned Sylvanas into what she is now.

Victory for Sylvanas.


The horde really needs to get rid of these sylvanus lovers.

I’m pretty sure we need to get rid of the people who want to rebel every time they get upset by the WC’s decision.


I’m staying Loyal because Jaina killed my King, messed up our city and destroyed our fleet before we even sided with the Horde. The Alliance has too much troll blood on its hands to ever make peace.

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Its a game my dude…how could people play sith and do all the evil story conversations in Swtor…like i did…because its a game and people like to play the bad guy…

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cause its different.
who wants to be the boring good side.
i want variety
i want something different.
i want choices
following sylvannas does all, those things
ive been following thrall etc for 13 years. time to shake it up.
the different story texts etc have been awesome.

I have loved her character overall with her back story, leadership, and everything. I don’t mind being looked at as evil or being a loyalist to my queen. I will follow her to the end and will truly be rather annoyed at blizzard if they went down the lazy path and will kill her off in the end.


Man, I so cannot wait for the end of this expansion so that people will quit making posts like this…cos all these threads about “Sylvanas is/isn’t evil” is screaming “toxicity” and “spam” at me…and is one of the many reasons why the Blizz community gets such a bad reputation…

I believe it’s absolutely none of your business if people want to side with Sylvanas.

I mean…what’s it to you?

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