How Can You Still Side With Sylvanas

No Sylvanas just kills her own people cause “muh despair.”

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More like to kill more Alliance soldiers.
So to win.
While Thrall/Saurfang/Baine do it to help their ally buddies.
So to lose.


What. She literally just kills her own people for the lols.

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Ah yes!! I forgot about that xD! Yes Siege of Thunderbluff!

But don’t burn my nice cow wooden statue in the middle please! xD

Not at UC.
Not when she murdered Zel.
You’re gonna need a reference there bud.

Worry not, Gamon will save us.

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Before the Storm novel. Sylvanas orders her dark rangers to shoot ALL of the forsaken citizens present at Arathi. EVEN THE ONES THAT OBEYED HER ORDERS TILL THE END.


Takes out Gamon toy
I, Gamon, will save us!

I wonder if he has relocated to TB after SoO xD

<All the ones that she didn’t know for certain weren’t in cahoots with the Alliance defectors.
Far as she was concerned, they were all affiliates with ally.
Cause, ya know, doesn’t really help when a good chunk of them start running to the Alliance camp.
Also doesn’t help when they form their little group in the first place to undermine her authority/elicit self-pity because Sylvanas has WC things to do and can’t baby them in UC anymore.

Actually, if I remembered correctly for this, she only shot the ones that fled to the Alliance, those that returned she did not touch. Something along the lines of because she wanted them to tell the rest of the Undercity that “they can never be reconciled with the living”

Clearly you do not understand what it is to be Forsaken. And are wanting to equally hamfist your reason much like Blizzard has done in its story telling.
As well as argue for the sake of arguing.

Pick a villain from History, Lets say Stalin and he has a higher body count than most dictators, and he clearly had contempt for his people and in the beginning he was not really wanted by his people. YET some folks loved and cherished him, was it love of the power he had, or out of fear? Or because they were/are patriotic?

Prior to him, you had Czar (kings and wackanoodles Rasputin) running the show and oppressing the folks as well as the straw that did them in, a war that lost popularity, So time was ripe for a change and people trade one war for various others and then you had splinter factions (red/White/blue and 2-3 other off shoots of tribal groups) all grasping at power and the “loa” grants him power over the others (a tad more complex).

And he like others does what he says he is going to do (mass purges of the populace of intellectuals, wealthy, financially solvent and then his own army) And this took a period of some ~30 years and a couple of wars. Yet with his body count and “crimes”* he still had popular support and folks backing his play.
(greed/fear/love, none of that matters)

Now back to the game world, back to Vanilla where I began, did you get the original game and open the box and read the booklet? The parts that describe the races and there goals or interactions? Just to remind you the Forsaken are only apart of the horde so they do not have to fight them…for now*1

  • Crimes being used because what he did were crimes now according to most international conventions, And yes Turkey and the Armenians are guilty as well. Just cause he did not face a trial and was a “ally” during the war does not give him a pass as being a good guy.

*1 One thing that attracted me to playing the Forsaken a underdog/unwanted feel and to be honest back then not a lot of people quested in Forsaken lands unless they were Forsaken and when we traveled out of our lane a lot of folks made it clear we were “not welcome”. (RP wise of course, I have a lot of friends from all races, except the alliance, horrible creatures the alliance!)

Also of footnote…
“Trust no one”
“Our enemy’s abound”
“Be ware the living”
“Death to the living”
“Be quick about your business”
I have to say that pretty much speaks for its self on Who and What we are, as well as how we should act and why we love her.

Also Whom do you think we are going to throw our lot in with? I have not seen one in game character “stepping up” to challenge her for rule of the Forsaken.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to go solo the Hot Topic…


Only the ones that returned to her before the killings happened went back unscathed.

All that stayed on the field got ranger’d.

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Sure, the ones that ran to their families betrayed Sylvanas and you can push the “they deserved it” angle all you want just for the sake of evil even. But EVERYONE knew that when Sylvanas ordered the horn blown, that the Forsaken would return to her, some immediately ran back to her, but she still had them shot down. They left their own families and loved ones that they wanted to stay with out of loyalty to their political leader and she killed them for it.

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She killed deserters. Menethil is second most hated word for forsaken, first would be Arthas.


She killed the ones who obeyed her orders to return as well! :slight_smile:

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It’s explained in the book. Perfectly. You can’t disagree with her logic, because it makes sense.

Yes, she still had them shot down because CM was there, AKA someone who could rightly usurp her.

And what was she doing?

Mingling with a group of Forsaken that had a history of undermining her authority.

They were shot down because she couldn’t be 100% sure they weren’t conspiring against her.

To say that we as readers knew that they all weren’t doesn’t invalidate the fact that Sylvanas did not, and that CM was there only justifies her paranoia further coupled with the fact that this group was, in some senses, a challenge to her authority in the first place.

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What, it makes no sense, and if the player character becomes aware of all this then it becomes illogical to follow her. As it is literally working to kill yourself.

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as long as i can kill alliance - i’ll follow anything

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Yea i think i remembered now, she did. Because she didn’t want those who managed to “reconile with the living” to return and give the UC hope.

While it is cruel, I still think that she did it to keep the horde as one. Sometimes a “necessary evil”, although I’d say its not needed but that is just my opinion