How Can You Still Side With Sylvanas


In this thread - nerds arguing over the ethics and morality of a fictional universe.

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Calia provoked Sylvanas by asking the UC people to defect over to the alliance and if i remember correctly even asking them to run over. My memory is not very good at this point because its been almost a year since I read the book.

Nonetheless, yes Sylvanas was still in the wrong, i did not deny it as i mentioned, to killing those undead either way. However, I still think that what killawar said earlier made some sense as well. That she is in a perilous position and ascended to the throne of warchief at a rather bad time.

All in all, my take in this is that Sylvanas has ulterior motives, but how she achieves them is questionable. Pyromancer had one interesting theory on why she is doing this but whether or not that holds true, we’ll find out soon enough I suppose!

You know nothing about Sylvanas She serves no one and I will serve Sylvanas no matter what. The death is the only way.


Thrall freed his people from the camps. He’s responsible for the founding of Durotar (named after his father) and Orgrimmar after Orgrim Doomhammer. The Horde as it stands now would not exist without Thrall’s contributions. He gave them a home.

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Like I said you 100% have an agenda. That you think attacking the leader of the horde and destroying the horde navy was not an act of war then you are irrelevant to this conversation and are only trying to twist or ignore major story elements to suit your agenda.


A home that couldn’t support the entire population, and forced them to be economically reliant upon a hostile foreign power.

He did this, in part, because he felt the Orcs should repent for the crimes of their parents (established in “Heart of War,” and “The Shattering”)

The liberation of the internment camps was undertaken under Warchief Doomhammer. By the time Doomhammer was killed and the mantle passed to Thrall, most of the camps had been liberated.

Why not Ill join in the nerd morality argue over fictional stuff
How can I support her?

Because just like in WC3 RTS she is true to her self…living or specially in death where she dosen’t waste time to ask for permission to get things done.

I cant wait for her plan to come together and say something like:
"As your leaders bicker as our planet died I just though: "Since you champions where sooo good at destroying or messing up everything to quicken reality destruction for the Void I merely pointed you on the right direction so we could…SAVE IT, fools. Survival was all that matter in the end no matter the cost, for my people, for the Horde, for the Alliance…that was all that mattered to me."

Oh it will be EPIC… I can just picture it in a cinematic… :rofl:

Thrall was front and center with Doomhammer during the liberation and was at his side when he was felled. He was instrumental in it.

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So what? That doesn’t change the fact that the liberation was undertaken during Doomhammer’s reign.

It certainly doesn’t absolve Thrall of settling his people in an inhospitable desert because of green guilt.

Paranoia? Have you followed the character Genn Greymane. The war between Sylvanas and Greymane did not stop during Legion. Let’s not pretend they are not hated enemies.
Sylvanas was protecting the evacuation of the civilian population of Undercity. The Night Elves could learn a lesson about how to protect the civilian population of a city.
Let’s not forget the Night Elves sailed their fleet to attack the Horde.

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Why do you assume I “Have an agenda?”

I’m sorry I don’t see the point in the alliance and horde fighting, when we have a giant curropt titan sword buried into Azeroth, slowly killing the planet?

I’m sorry I’m more concerned about the Naga and Queen Azshara rising to try to release yet -another- old god upon the world?

The alliance and horde squabbles are so bloody benign at this point, when we have literally world ending events going on that are going to wipe us -all- out.

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Where else did they have to go? They were a disorganized mess until he orchestrated and secured Durotar for them.

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Wow, it’s almost like Sylvanas knew beforehand that Undercity was going to be attacked, when the Night Elves were attacked suddenly without warning. How dare they not be able to evacuate when their entire city is suddenly surrounded.


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"The planet’s damaged and somewhere out there, really bad guys exist.

Better go let attacks against my faction go completely unpunished because of it!"


Ashenvale? Azshara? Feralas?

Not only are there viable alternatives, you’re ignoring the fact that Thrall, in “The Shattering” literally admits that part of his reasoning for settling in Durotar was to make the Orcs atone for the “Crimes they had committed upon this world.”

And keep in mind that Durotar has been described as “inhospitable” and it’s people “starving” in canon before. Keep in mind that the people he’s punishing are the children of the veterans of the First and Second wars.

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What? There’s an old god trying to rise, Azshara has surfaced, and is threatening the planet?

Better go attack this alliance paladin, clearly he’s the problem, on this one island, completely away from everything going on.

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For starters, I see you chose to just ignore the fact that your point about Theramore was thoroughly debunked above.

Beyond that, we had no clue that Azshara had “surfaced” until after the war started.

Are we supposed to ignore hostile actions from the opposing faction just because there are bad guys out there somewhere?

You keep trying to trot out this dishonest point of pretending we’re sailing halfway across the world to attack people who are content to leave us alone. I’m sure you realize how dishonest that is. If not, then stop lying.

That was a while ago, and it’s already been dealt with.

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Yeah, keep killing alliance, tha’ts going to solve all the worlds issues, and totally not screw you over man.

Short sighted warriors. Only give a damn if you can put an axe in it.

Are you really going to dodge the point, and argue from an Out of Universe perspective?