Well, I never said anything about “Refugees”, but more on the level of Immigrants (also, the Gnome’s were refugees for 3 games; and the Gilneans are still refugees). TBH, the only reason I toy with the idea is where the NEs would likely end up, and who their neighrbors would be (if they were forced to migrate to EK). Northern EK has a lot of territory that could quite frankly use some druidic love; as well as a lot of that territory simply not having enough of a surviving human population to really repopulate it even if it was cleansed. Its far enough away from SW to reduce “Human Potential” infecting the culture; and there is also Seradane up there, allowing access to the Emerald Dreamway.
To top it all off, their neighbors up there are people the NEs could get along with. Thanks to to the NEs influence, the Gilneans are not only the Kaldorei’s closest Allies; but also are the most nature centered Human civilization in this world. There are also the Wildhammer that take up many of the regions to the North, who are easily the most nature centered Dwarf civilization due to to their recognition (and even reverence) to the Earth Mother. Finally, the last remaining Horde race (the BEs), despite being an Arcane focused civilization, do still harbor a LOT of cultural norms regarding their relationship with the natural world (given to them by the NEs post the sundering).
But again, not approving of this plan … but there is enough “merit” to it for me to at least toy with theorycrafting on it.