This is in relation to a post made several months ago, which received nearly 170 likes on the General Forums, and a tremendous amount of support from the Night Elf players here on the forum community.
The original Thread can be found here:
Now, I am essentially reposting this because I think it is something that shouldn’t be forgotten. It very elegantly and accurately describes the frustration a lot of Night Elf players have. Reading it alone was a small relief for me, because so often the concerns of night elf fans are mocked to the point of being a meme at this point.
Now, some of you who have seen me post before know that I don’t have the most forgiving eye when it comes to the Horde. However, I have come to realize something. While I stand by many of my opinions about the Horde, I feel I am often dismissive of the concerns of Horde players mainly because I too feel dismissed for my own concerns by the player base at large as well as the writers. So, I am here in a (perhaps hopeless) attempt to produce something wholesome on this forum. Something what will almost assuredly result in the typical flame war, but maybe not.
I want this thread to be a place for sharing story ideas, mindfully of all parties involved. My general understanding regarding the concerns of Horde Players is a mix of things (Broad generalizations ahead). On one side, you have “Thrall’s Horde” players who value the honorable and noble savage aspect of the Horde’s identity, and that this is being threatened by a string of villainized characters, and perhaps being overtaken by the more morally questionable culture that more closely follows the Forsaken.
In addition to that, the Horde has Forsaken characters who play Forsaken because they like to push the boundaries of Good and Evil, and play a character with more subjective views of morality without being a mustache twirling do-badder.
Now, on the Alliance side I can speak with a little bit more confidence, though I understand individuals all have their own perspectives and interpretations. What I can gather, the Alliance, on all fronts, feel victimized by the Horde, perhaps rightfully so. The Alliance wants justice and vindication, and everyone has their own reasons to want Sylvanas’ head on a pike, and all think they should be the ones to do it, or are Sylvanas fans and don’t want that to happen at all. That presents a problem narratively using the two-faction medium.
Assuming all listed concerns are valid. How to we satisfy all parties without sacrificing the integrity of their racial identity and characters? If a completely satisfying narrative is not possible, what compromises are reasonable? How could BfA end with a real resolution while mitigating the level of culture and faction idealistic suicide?
To give an example for the type of answers I am looking for.
Alliance Players, if Sylvanas had to be redeemed or justified in some way, how would it have to be done for you to accept? If the Horde as a whole was to redeem itself, how would it have to be done for you to accept?
Horde Players, unfortunately for you, much of the damage is already done. So the only question I can really ask you is, where does the Horde go from here? What would you like to see for the Horde? What would you like to see for the Alliance? Going forward, what would you want to see in regards to faction relations that would be both interesting and faire?
Sylvanas Loyalists and/or Forsaken Players, If Sylvanas absolutely must die, how could it be done in a way you accept? Who would you want to see as the new leader of the Forsaken, that would properly represent the racial identity for the Forsaken?
Night Elf players, again, much of the damage is already done, unfortunately. How could it be made better? What is the future of the Night Elves? What would like to see from the Night Elves that is true to their racial identity, that is both faire to them and all other players they might impact?