Yup, nothing like rebuilding an entire civilization out of spite. That seems like a good idea … rather than focusing on finding a symbol of recovery and healing (like, for example, a new see of G’hanir could be … which with Aviana’s hard work in Cata and Legion we COULD actually see). Rather than just another cutting of Nordrassil, a new TRUE World Tree would be a step towards rebirth for the NEs…
But, naw, you’re the NE main; you’re opinion is the more valid one. I think I’ll just sit over here waiting till Blizz finally lets the Steamwheedle join the Horde so we Gobs can have competent leadership under Gazlowe and Mida (who temper their classic greed just enough to care for their people).
The Horde is the sum of its parts. Dissolving the Horde and saying “okay, now we have the Tauren, Trolls, Orcs, Forsaken, Blood Elves, and Goblins, they’re absolved” isn’t going to happen. The stench that the writers have rubbed all over the Horde will follow them (Orcs and Forsaken especially) long after the Horde ceases to exist as an entity.
Let the Horde go.
Focus on the races like Alliance races. Each one is independent and a unique individual race with its own culture and lore that can exist on its own.
The Horde is nothing but a tyranical regime constantly lashing out against neighbors and committing atrocities left right and center.
Let it go and you will be happier for it.
He’s got a point. Each and every one of those races aided in the war of the thorns and every other thing Sylvanas has done. Why does them becoming individual races rather than the Horde absolve them of anything? It doesn’t.
Oh I completely agree, there will never be a satisfying conclusion to this. I’m going to laugh if Blizzard expect us to play nice with the Horde ever again after this nonsense. If we can’t destroy them we damn well should never ally with them again.
Merging them is no different to working with them. Something no member of the Alliance with a brain should ever be willing to do again. Blizzard wrote themselves into a corner they can’t get out of here and a “solution” like that won’t fly.
We will need to work together.
All signs point towards that with the Old Gods coming back.
That’s why I suggested the reputation system so the Horde character has to earn their way back.
Like Forsaken players start off as hated and get attacked on sight meanwhile the Tauren are unfriendly.
Yeah screw that nonsense. Maybe we won’t stand in their way but working with them? Never again. That just spits in the Night Elves faces some more over the genocide they experienced.
TBH, what they’re liable to do is gut both factions so utterly, and present us with a crisis so big … that survival is the only thing that really matters. 10 to 1, this expansion (and this war) results in the breaking down of the faction system AND the return of the Black Empire (not JUST N’zoth either, all of those big buggers). The only question I have is how Blizz intends to “dilute” the blame on the Horde?
Sylvie is likely to take quite a bit of it (when its revealed that this entire war, and her choice to burn the tree is in the pursuit of her personal Objectives; and she was just using the Horde … and thus will betray the crap out of us once we are of no more use to those goals). I’m guess “someone” on the Alliance side will be revealed as a primary architect of this war as well (I’m pretty transparent about who I think THAT person is) … which will serve to shatter the Alliance even more to boot.
Pretty much our petty “Battle for Azeroth” will result in both factions LOSING in the end (rendering both sides far, FAR too weak to do anything but to try to keep themselves alive in the warping, twisting, void-infested battlefield of the Old Gods (in their prime) as they show us what a real (the original) “Battle for Azeroth” really looks like. Remember, everything on this planet … was theirs first.
Sylvanas is one person, there is no way they can shift most of the blame to her. A leader’s orders mean nothing without an army to carry them out. The Horde will forever be complicit in this genocide, end of story. It’s a part of their history now and not something that can be swept under the rug no matter how hard Blizzard try.
You keep talking about the sea of G’hanir, forgetting that Druidism isn’t the only facet of Night Elf culture. It’s not even the most important one. Elune is much more revered in Nelf culture, and in that, the Icon of Wisdom. Learning from trial and tribulations of the past. Wearing your scars proudly.
The overall feeling for Nelf players right now is not a desire for healing. Its a desire for pride and strength. We don’t want to hide away and like our wounds because the mean Horde hurt us again… We want to spit in their face and say “You can kill us, but you can not kill hope.”
As I said… we are tired of being broken and needing to heal. We rather learn new ways to be broken.
Funnily enough, Saurfang agrees with you. He openly states (after attempting to stop the bombardment of Teldrassil, but acting just barely too late) that this will hang over the head of the Horde for a thousand generations (thanks for that Blizz … its great that you did that for shock value).
However, at the end of the day … if I had to choose the survival of the people of the Horde and the retribution of the Kaldorei; I’d sacrifice the elves every time. Its funny too, because as its portrayed, the reason many of the Horde leaders haven’t moved against her already is that they genuinely are terrified that that very thirst for justified retribution would just destroy them anyway once Sylvie is gone (and they’re actually safer with the psychopath for the moment).
Burning that tree was horrific, but damned was it a solid political move to suppress descent … We can’t move against her in any meaningful way without risking YOU taking out your revenge on us (regardless of her). Capturing Baine after his (likely predicted) betrayal is another element of this. He’s her hostage, she’s got the Tauren by the Short-Hairs until he’s freed from her custody (alive or dead). She certainly loves control … (which if you watch, control is consistantly more important to her than the war).
Sylvie’s goals for this conflict are still a mystery, but it is very likely she’s just using it (and us) for a personal objective. The reason she burned the tree is likely to ensure she maintains control over the Horde just long enough to finish what she wants from us. She needed a wound SO deep that neither side could back out of the conflict; which ensures that there will be no Garrosh 2.0 with her … at least not until the Alliance is weak enough to where it CAN’T afford to exact retribution
This is the part that makes me think they’re aware of this and have some planned method for redeeming the Horde. I don’t imagine it will work from a reader’s perspective, but internally the story likely has some measure by which the Horde will be forgiven. I don’t think it’s going to be a matter of us losing so hard we have to cooperate - the story of Legion was meant to be ‘We LOST!’ and that lasted for all of one patch. Saurfang is gonna throw his axe at a big tentacle and Tyrande will say ‘We will NEVER forget Teldrassil, but we will ACT like we forgot to restore the status quo!’.
They did it before with Garrosh (remember how it went from “All the Orcs and Tauren were cheering him on” to “a couple of Orcs” and then “Malkorak and some dude named Steve cheered him on while everybody else shuffled their feet”?)
Not to mention they’re giving signs of it with Genn and Anduin’s internal monologues regarding the Forsaken and Sylvanas.