How can we make WoW Great Again?

If it dose not start with remove scaling no change will even matter. WoW needs to have it’s core gameplay structure back or it will never be WoW. There is a gaping hole where communities once thrived (all the faces of one). They all left with the rpg guts from Cata to end of MoP,by the time Wod dropped all the wow systems wer damn near gone/or supper stripped. Legion was the end of pvp (TEMP-PLATES) I gues blizz forgot this was an RPGmmo or w/e. It needs serious work and attention from people with true RPG passion,be real g,we are gamers we play games it’s not our job to make cool sht to play cause we should be busy playin cool sht.

Get rid of LFR, get rid of teleporting to dungeons via que.

Get rid of zone locked stories.

Remove rares and treasures from minimap.

Create flying specific content (like TBC and Wrath had).

Stop resetting gear every patch.

Bring back tier sets (transmog and bonuses)

Add more dungeons

Stop having every class be some variation of combo points and build/spend.

Focus on immersion instead of “seasonal” CoD type gameplay.

Look at it differently. You can make it great just by choosing to see it as something great. I can help if you can’t see what’s great about WoW.

Great feedback

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Remove rating requirements to upgrade conquest gear.

Get rid of systems.

This too.

Wrong. Subscriptions are UP, not DOWN. So this is NOT obvious.

To me, it is obvious that long-time veterans (of anything: games, jobs, relationships) become disallusioned and increasingly picky. So MOST of them dislike NOW what they loved 10 years ago. How can THOSE people play a “great” game again? Only by finding something totally new. It will never happen with WoW.

BUT if you dislike Shadowlands, but thought BFA was okay, that’s different. It seems like SL is quite different. If you think SL is a “wrong direction”, fine.

By making it into an entirely different game with a massive overhaul to how it’s played.

You sound like an Activision-Blizzard employee that works in the Public Relations department. I highly doubt subscriptions are up, there was a video posted here recently where Bellular shows they’re down.

We COULD try storming Blizzard headquarters, I mean that worked for the other people in January, right?

(This joke… is probably in bad taste, but I’m taking the risk!)

Honestly I like the aesthetic that WoW uses, I think it’s a really smart choice for a fantasy MMO as it doesn’t worry about overloading processing power with crazy simulated graphics for potentially 40+ people.

We already know people struggle with large scale spell processing even with current graphics, I can’t imagine how it would look for an Unreal Engine driven game. Which is also probably why we don’t tend to see those videos taking on the spell effects as well as the environment.
The current requirements are realistic and accessible to many but I’m not sure those unreal ones would be.

I would love to see something like that though as either a solo RPG set in the warcraft world, or even better as a small party opt in co-op.
That smaller more focused scale would definitely be amazing to see and in my opinion probably work out better.

I do kind of feel like the current design process does have a lot of issues with stepping over old design choices and how they interact with new design choices etc, alongside player driven perspective and opinion which really hurts WoWs future development.

Taking a fresh approach would be a good way of saying “ok this is what we want to accomplish, this is how we are going to do it. Love it or leave it.” Kind of thing where they aren’t struggling with many different conflicting player bases all thinking and expecting the game to be developed around how they specifically want to interact with the game.


theres so many suggestions to filter through i havent had time to read them all on the forums but i just had an idea (it might be stupid) but it’s ALMOST similar to what Blizz is already doing (Re-releasing old expansions as new expansions and making us pay for the same expansions over again) … only idiots play classic… but anyway. im just gunna put my idea out there. if you are playing wow retail today and u enjoy playing the older expansions i think u should have to equip custom gear sets tailored to that expansion. this will give u insentive to farm old gear sets, KEEP THEM. so the items will have value once again… and it kinda brings back that classic feeling instead of being overgeared and just smashing everything to dust in 2 seconds. The reason why i suggest keeping old gear sets and using them is because when u run old dungeons and raids, Ex: Throne of Thunder when it was current content, it felt GOOD getting a purple. but when u run it today just to farm mounts or whatever. getting gear isnt gratifying anymore. other then the XMOG or Mounts. but imagine bringing the value back to every single purple item in the game in one patch… Revolutionary

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Imagine thinking Bellular, of all people loool, has any sort of insider information.

…as opposed to you, someone posting on the WoW forums? So, you work for Activision-Blizzard and/or have insider information different than the information Bellular showed? I would love to see any information you might have, my opinion can be changed.

Not one time have I ever claimed to have insider information.

You can’t all iteration of WoW had a lot of critisism in their respectic epoch and releases. What it’s possible to do, is to wait till the classic version that you love, comes around one more time to enjoy it

Kinda wish they went back to the old Legendary system where it took a whole patch or multiple patches to earn it like Shadowmourne.

yeah, they are actually convinced without a doubt taht they are on the right track because revenue is great after selling gold and slands has increased every single metric compared to bfa and legion thus far


A singly coherent and cohesive story from Vanilla to Shadowlands.

Even if they must go back and invent it to get the game to make sense.

Balance, undo the level squish, undo all prunings, and make everything restored mean something.

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