How can we make WoW Great Again?

Blizzard please we got this!

Sorry this is a year late.

  1. Social Contract: I’m glad they are finally realising that they weren’t adhering to this. Nobody needs to regurgitate their thoughts onto someone. If people don’t ask for your advice, don’t offer it. People should ask if someone wants tips first or be more polite. You never know where someone’s boundary is. What is toxicity? Yelling//harrassment/being lazy/words or actions with ill-intent or performing in a manner that is detrimental to the group.

  2. Start simple. It’s obvious the direction of WoW has gotten routinely lazy, creating reskins of mounts like the KeyStone Master (KSM) mounts. There are so many mounts that they could designed to make people drool AND be humble about working as a team to get it! Most top players and streamers are so incredibly positive and have a curiosity for learning ← this behaviour needs to be encouraged. Being toxic is uncool.

  3. Eventually wow needs to evolve. The ego of being the best made them complacent. Other MMOs are on the rise, this is not uncommon in the business world, but it also created fierce loyalty of other games and people that have been stung by toxicity in wow, attach a stigma to wow players, sadly. I really hope that Blizzard FIRST AND FOREMOST make this a safe environment where we can feel protected and not violated, therefore creating more confidence and excitement, instead of anxiety. Being more open to include people rather than exclude them. Not everyone learns well from “failure” or rejection…also dont punish us on top of that. (key being depleted). Who cares if people spend time running the same key over and over? That’s the time they wanna spend.

  4. Right-hand needs to talk to left-hand. Customer service sometimes needs to take things to the dev team and say, “we are experiencing these problems how can we resolve this for our customers? Help us out here”

  5. I enjoyed the Dragonflight deepdive. I felt in awe and excitement like when Shadowlands Trailer came out. Please do more with the nicer areas. Bastion was wasted… Torghast was a horrible experience for most. It was just not a nice place to be. Something should be enjoyable to play towards the goals so it doesn’t feel like work. I would have appreciated a rogue-like dungeon so much more in a nicer theme and maybe doing it just because it’s fun.

  6. What i do love about wow is that it has substance. End game keys are so much fun, the combat system is fun! The toys and the dialogue are fun, I wouldn’t mind grinding professions if I need to get something that I want/need. Once i’ve achieved, there should be more social stuff to go to - can you please revisit housing?! Who wouldn’t like their toon to have a home. Trim the fat so you can make space!

  7. A commendation system might work. Things like farming content for currency makes things more inclusive and brings top notch players back down to help the players who are struggling. They can show off their hard work in return and inspire the new ones to play more and better. eg. Farming valor always brings people back to help. It’s the attitude of players that needs to change.

Only so much happiness can be drawn from inside… when things change, these feelings of disappointment cant be ignored.