How can we make WoW Great Again?

It’s pretty obvious that are most are unhappy with WoW and the current direction it’s going, but how can we improve it?

This is just my personal opinion but I feel like this version of the game should just be scrapped and design should commence on WoW2 immediately. Every time I go on YouTube or Reddit and see all these “What WoW would look like in Unreal Engine4” posts drives me nuts; they drive me nuts because all that time spent developing sub-par expansions like Shadowlands or BFA could of been spent developing a next generation MMO or WoW2 for Blizzard.

I fully understand that not everyone is in favor of a new WoW and that’s perfectly fine. Having spent 15 years in this game just to kill it forever does sound like a sad meme but ultimately most things don’t last forever. World of Warcraft 2 would be a massive opportunity for Blizzard to re-invent the MMO (currently a dying genre) with fresh and innovative ideas with a new art style and Engine that would allow for new play experiences that this current Engine of WoW does not.

Outside of a WOW2 though what would you likes like to see be done to this current game because clearly mission tables and artifact power systems for 3 expansions in a row isn’t getting it done anymore :man_shrugging:t4:


There’s no simple answer, because there are so many players.

But I think everyone can agree that Player Housing would be a good start. (No, not really.)


“We” cannot make WoW great again…or even improve it really.

The developers are going to make the game they want regardless of what players suggest. They have demonstrated it over and over again. Occasionally, they will make small changes based on feedback, but they have never redesigned a system to meet player demands.

So really the only thing we can do is unsub or hang on for the ride.


If you think the forums right now are much different in terms of hating the game than they’ve been since I’ve been on them in late vanilla, I have some bad news for you.


Coordinate a mass unsub movement.

You won’t get anywhere trying anything else to effect fast change.


Get people who care about the quality of the game as much as we do…like it used to be.


the simplest answer is to turn everyone into male worgen druids named gaahr



Why would they change the game ? It’s profitable . People are playing. Investor report shows new players joining


And I stopped reading right there. Yawn. Need better bait threads :thread:


Put polymorph and fear on the same dr


I can play wow2 with unreal engine they look amazing.

but if they keep these gated systems? hell noooooooo

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With how bad the quality of SL is are you sure you want to trust this team with wow 2? We’d probably get the beta version to play like SL.


According to what source? If it’s GD or some other online forum, they don’t represent the playerbase. Those unreal renders are just good examples of how overrated unreal engine is. Who ever made them took out one of the key aspects of what makes warcraft, warcraft. It’s art style is just as important to the game as any of its lore, dungeons, pvp maps and raids.

Those unreal mockups stopped being WoW the minute they tried applying photorealistic garbage to empty maps.


I disagree. It’s obvious that the forum is always unhappy with the current direction, no matter the patch or expansion. Most of the outrage that I read on this forum is never mentioned in-game, other forums, or in any of the discords I am in. The forum will move on from one complaint to the next.

This genre probably isn’t worth spending the many millions of dollars it would cost as this genre isn’t as popular as it once was. Many gamers are interested in instant gratification, which is why games like CoD and Fortnite are so popular. It’s becoming more and more of a common theme for the forum to complain about wanting something easier or gaining something for nothing, this shows how widespread this issue in within the gaming community as a whole.


WoW2 would be the death of all WoW like EQ2 killed Everquest and EQ2.


You should be the first.

Be a leader, don’t be a follower. You go this.


They just basically need to focus more on a level playing field, fun, and a simplified, less punishing experience. They also need to look at new paradigms for the game rather than the standard go kill monsters loop.


Simply remove restrictions around the systems like azerite traits, covenants, conduits, etc.

Just let players have fun And enjoy the game the way they prefer.

It is happening already no one needs encouraging to do it atm. Or they’re going to play TBC.

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The game is as level as it needs to be. The game’s already fun, and simplified? How much simpler does the game need to be?

The latest quarterly suggests otherwise.