Get rid of Ion. Put people in charge of the different systems ie (pvp, raids, dungeons, world quests, etc) After they make their part of the game. Have it go to the lead person whom actually cares about the player base and how each system works. Someone who takes the time to test drive all parts of the game and gives good input about each system.
How about someone who actually looks at the forums, see’s what everyone is complaining about and makes some better decisions to fix the problems.
How about someone who does not just cater to the streamers and boosters.
become 15 years younger and erase your memory
True it was easy but difficulty isn’t always what’s fun (in an MMO) to me at least.
first off, ditch the idea that making WoW in unreal 4 and super realistic will some how make it a better game, reality is that WoW has a unique art style, they should not get rid of it. The art style is the face of WoW, but it also allows the game to be played on low end hardware, which the competition cannot say they do as well as WoW.
frankly, WoW can be great again very easily:
- roll back to wrath gearing
- allow us to make crafted gear on the same level as raid gear, but making them stronger for the open world, while raid gear will be strongest in raid. pvp and m+ gear should also follow this
- more simple story so it doesnt get lost
- better world content
if the WoW team hunkered down on THESE 4 THINGS, WoW would easily be great again
The current devs couldn’t be trusted to make Pong 2 let alone a WoW 2.
And besides, most of the studios are being drawn into call of duty support roles now.
the founders who loved the game are gone buddy, just lots of dispassionate peeps many of whom wish they could be at a higher paying franchise
the focus now is squeezing cash out of the players and designing around subtle and not-so-subtle things that steer players into the cash shop to buy more gold
this is no longer the total creative freedom period when wow was just getting stronger every year, where the devs could do whatever they wanted and they had a HUGE focus on ‘fun’ rather than ‘what will these players endure for carrots of different levels’
That’s the mentality to why WoW is failing in the first place.
People like these tell us to lick their boots and kiss the hem for even releasing an expansion like they’re a charity.
I like this answer.
New devs.
Tell the shareholders to take a seat, hire better writers, tell the shareholders to take a seat, give the development team full control, tell the shareholders to take a seat, tell Kotick to go f*** himself, tell the shareholders to take a seat.
IMO give me Wrath’s story and feel, and MOP class and game design and don’t let any of the current designers mess with it.
The only way they would listen is if a large portion of players unsub together.
We? We cannot do anything. Blizzard produces a product and you play it or don’t.
I’m interested in this , don’t know why but I am. Was it the same back then?
Not going to happen. Development team is deadline and time sync oriented and previous teams were quality oriented without strict time tables.
What exactly do you not like? The end game? The casual play? The underlying concepts have not changed since the beginning, all they did was bring in more variety: more end game options, more things to do in the world, and a lot of conveniences along the way.
When you say “most”, you are looking at the very small subset of people you see on forums. They have millions of subs, and the only thing really putting it at risk is the slow down if getting new content out fast enough.
Fire everyone making decisions at the top and give the game back to the blizzard devs who created the game that everyone used to like.
Maybe we could all wear hats that say, “MWGA”
After all, this worked 5 years ago!
Wow has a purposeful art style. They’re not going to change it to a hyper realistic “unreal engine” style.
They are long gone my friend.
Move to Texas and hire employees to actually work together under one roof. Also so’s you can hire me!