How can Warlocks be tolerated?

Not really, it’s kinda more morally acceptable now than ever for warlocks. The legion is gone. The risk of inviting a demon invasion is gone. The threat of corrupting people into demons is less than ever. We have an army of demon hunters in both factions.

Ok, do you want to donate your soul to be fuel, for this oh-so ok warlock magic? I mean you say there is no problem it be used on other people, many of whom aren’t even evil.

I said it’s fine for them to use it on evil people. Hell im ok with them using it on animals. And I don’t think basic warlock magic costs an entire soul to cast. It takes fragments.

But most importantly, I think it’s evil to accept help from someone only to turn around and throw them away.

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“Thanks for helping us save the world from Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito. Now we’ve all got together and decided you’re the bad guys. We’re the soviets/capitalists. Sorry Poland/China/EtC”

And this is just in relatively recent history. Are you seriously telling me there aren’t groups that would be very much interested in the downfall of murderous and ILLEGAL groups? Yeah, let’s keep around the criminals guys, they did after help when their very lives were on the line, no harm done!

Id be ok with keeping around warlocks who decide to retire, or step back down to being the mage/shaman they used to be. As gratitude for their help in saving the world. But if there going to keep using evil fel magic, even when the world isnt in danger anymore, it makes it almost impossible to morally tolerate them.

I mean my shadow priest lobotomizes people by literally ripping apart their mind, ensuring they die a horrible death as I rend them asunder with old god magic.

And then there’s Void Elves…

Tbf, I wouldn’t donate my life to be put to the sword even if I was A-ok with their use on others.

Tbc, I have no problem with moral dilemmas existing in fantasy worlds.

When isn’t the world in danger.
Fel magic is evil, using it does not make you evil.

Druid magic is undoubtedly good by nature, but I would consider you evil if you turned into a bear and bit my face off for fun.

It’s not like all of the warlocks are cackling mad monsters who suck the souls from anyone they see for fun and just take a break to save the world. It would be crazy to say some are not, but im sure some druids love to go bite the faces off of people they dislike.

Does raise a question though. In order to get good at something, you need practice. Does that practice involve using baddie populations as soul farms or does it involve good intentions of only using bad people but an ever dwindling supply of easily visible bad guys causes you to get very liberal with the definition of who is bad?

The world has only been in danger of which warlocks made a significant contribution during the Legion invasion. Since their inception they have always been a force of evil or at best on the sidelines largely watching as others did the actual work.

They are by nature, useless and dangerous. Death Knights have actually been self-destructive to the world, and Demon Hunters are defunct.

For most warlocks, the opinion of “Who is bad” is “Who is trying to kill me and mine?”

That’s a very long list for a great number of factions.
Gnolls literally eat the people they rob, sometimes while they’re still alive. Why should they be owed any mercy by a human warlock?
Quilboar could be considered little more than bipedal vermin, so the use of their “souls” is easily justifiable, by an orc warlock.

Though I guess it’s more a question if the faction they’re working for can justify it, in which case it’s probably along the lines of, “The less we know, the better.”
It’s also just pieces of souls that a warlock uses, not souls in their entirety. After all, do you really need the whole thing? That’s not so bad, right?

First of all, rude. The Illidari are far from defunct, they were just victorious at the first and largest goal of defeating the Burning Legion. Lord Illidan knew the way.

Their overarching goal is to protect Azeroth by any means necessary, and they will be needed against the Void and to keep the Legion from getting back on its feet.

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Hmmm. Do you think they make sure to only harvest enough souls to make sure there will always be more? or, best we don’t look to much into it :stuck_out_tongue:

What have you sacrificed?

Well we don’t look into how you use pickpocket do we?

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They were sure protecting Azeroth when they fled to Outland and starting ruling it as a personal fief of their Lord Illidan

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THAAATT’S IT! You just earned yourself a spot on the official class’ Do Not Summon list.


Actually, they were according to Chronicles

That’s were most DH were trained. Kinda a problem when people won’t tolerate you trying to save them from an endless demon army because they think the magic you use is evil.


Sure. And I help the world at driving my car. See, it kills it right now, but as long as my goals are accomplished at an expedient rate, some day down the line, I’ll pay it back… Right?

Illidan’s lust for power would have just turned himself as an enemy later down the line. I don’t even care for Azeroth that much, I’m a spacefaring goat. And A’dal said Illidan had to go, you expect me to balk at my windchime?