How can Warlocks be tolerated?

Does this make the Alliance evil for allowing it?



No matter how you slice it, itā€™d be the pinnacle of ingratitude if, immediately after you helped save the world, youā€™re promptly hunted down for no other reason than your choice of magic casting.

You find any of them actually performing ā€œbad deedsā€ like terrorizing your civilians, or harvesting their souls, then go ahead. No one is saying to give them a pass if they actually commit crimes. But donā€™t hunt them all down without distinction.

Especially not when they could yet help you against the next world-threatening force of evil around the bend.

But if you are using your own life or the life and souls of evil monstersā€¦ how is that evil? Is it somehow less evil if you burn someone to death than if you drain the life out of them?
Not all fel magic is powered by souls.

The societies that turn a blind eye to it are evil to an extent. Though turning a blind eye, isnt as evil as practicing it your self.

I would point out that using Warlocks against evil or generally malicious forces does have an added benefit of channeling what souls get consumed. Better demons and Old God mooks than your people. And if you channel them against fellow Warlocks in service to the Legion, you could stop the hostile Warlocks from harvesting the souls of your side.

Nope, he used something evil, which instantly makes him evil and nulls out all good he has ever done. :smiley:

Many of the victims of warlocks are bound to be neutral or even good creatures. Wild Animals, semi sentient creatures like murlocsā€¦Horde and Alliance soldiers who are more often than not good and honorable.

Alliance doesnā€™t just turn a blind eye. They have celebrated and actively used them for their own purposes. Does that make them evil?

Or they are not and you just hate them for using something you consider evil.

Another consideration. Consider that people are going to be practicing Warlock magic whether its legal or not. But if you donā€™t make a point of persecuting them for Warlock magic alone, you make it so that they can practice it as citizens of your faction, rather than making it so their only option is to side with the Legion.

Sorta like the deal with the Alcohol Prohibition, which drove customers to underworld sources and empowered the crime families. Most Warlocks would gladly side with their native Azeroth over the Burning Legion.

Edit: I mean, hate them all you want, but Warlocks will never be able to match the Legionā€™s industrial harvesting of souls for fuel.

The Alliance celebrates them? Is that why they are still forced to hide in the cellars and sewers of Stormwind?

Did you miss Varians speech about how ā€œWe have warlocks!ā€?

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I dont see how thats celebration? He likely thinks of them the same as death knights. Try playing a DK and turn in the quest when you join the Alliance, Varian says heā€™s moments from striking you down.

The cheers really drive it home.

But he doesnt because he is fine with having evil people work for him. Even though they can never make up for the fact that they use evil powers.
I mean seriously think about it. If all warlocks and DKs are evil because they use evil powers, why should THEY help anyone? Mutual interests? The legion would have gladly taken every warlock as an ally.

The fact that they help us, does not erase the fact of lives and souls are destroyed. Who are warlocks really taking these souls from? Sometimes its evil people, criminals, other times, its innocent animals, and yet other times, from the opposing faction, which contains a large majority of good and honest people.

Yeah, guess thatā€™s enough to make them all evil no matter what. Meanwhile I am going set a whole bunch of deer on fire, but itā€™s fine because im using regular magical fire that does not take a fraction of their souls in the process.

So, your saying warlocks arenā€™t white knights?

So mages and shamans use regular fire to burn people, and thatā€™s good, but I recycle those I burn into energy, and thatā€™s bad?

Honestly, warlocks just recycle the life energy. Other classes just kill their opponents, I recycle that life into energy.

Warlocks are pro-green basically.


Actually Iā€™ve always wondered this. What actually does happen to these souls when we burn them?

I mean, itā€™s only speculation they are destroyed, after all, but that works both ways, itā€™s also only speculation that they arenā€™t destroyed.

Take the Legionā€™s ships, for example. They run on fel magic, so they constantly burn souls to remain afloat. but, when we destroyed one, the souls were released. They still existed, even after being used as fuel.

Im saying continuing to tolerate them, even tenuously, poses a moral dilemma for the factions.