How can people play WoW without addons?

None of the addons I use affect what I’m doing in a dungeon run / actual combat.

If I ever start raiding again I’ll pick up DBM again, but that’s less of a “need it to do the content” thing and more of an “need it to better time things to parse better” thing, which is most of the fun of raiding after prog is over.

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Did you know that there are addons that actually run completely in the background, hide things, or are designed to only show up when you need or want them to?

Heck, 3 of my addons are designed to do things in the background, have no UI at all, and actively HIDE things.

Not every addon is a horrible GUI mess.

Yes, as a coder, not being able to customize my experience with something is uncomfortable. I’m not trying to come off as attacking you - I just don’t understand how someone plays without having all the information TO play.

As I’ve said earlier, the default UI has gotten better over the years but there are still annoyances and lack of customization in it that makes me so sad.

It’s presentation. Also why press a keybind when you don’t have to? That’s a waste of .05 seconds of life you’ll never get back. Are you truly okay with wasting your life? :slight_smile:

BTW, you seem to have missed that there is organization within my bagnon bags. It’s also more expandable than sorting them into their own bags if I were to need more space.

While I understand your point of view please refer to my previous reply and screenshot. :wink:

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Also why press a keybind when you don’t have to? That’s a waste of .05 seconds of life you’ll never get back. Are you truly okay with wasting your life?

Yes if it means I don’t worry about nonsense like optimizing units of time that I can’t actually perceive. I have better things to do with my time.

The time spent to set up add-ons is not worth it to me at this point, especially now that blizzard lets you edit the UI.

I hate all in one bags, I find separate bags are easier to sort especially in my inventory.

I personally think the game is boring and cluttered if you run dungeon mods. Blizzard’s default notifications are plenty sufficient for me to not stand in the red. I hate everyone spamming /s with notifications in a raid.

Sometimes I will set up nameplate mods to make purging spells in pvp easier.

The only mods I run consistently are handynotes and one of the pet journal mods so you can save teams.

Occasionally I set up weak auras to track cool downs but that’s a lot of work so I don’t do it very often.


I only used Domino’s and Map Coords Since 2004, but when things were changed in DF I no longer use Domino’s. No others -no need~

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How? Easy:

Step 1: Open the Launcher
Step 2: Click “Play World of Warcraft”
Brief Intermission while everything loads
Step 3: Choose the toon you want to play
Step 4: Enter Realm

I imagine the process is the same whether you use add-ons or not. That’s really none of my concern tbh.


I think details is my only add on.

You…you have a search bar it takes legit like 2 seconds. Also you can set ur bags to auto sort by Armor/Misc/crafting Im confused why you need a addon for bags lol.

i only play with the weak aura to keep track of my profession weeklies because I run 13 characters through those. If I only played 5 or so I wouldn’t miss it.

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I don’t do any content that requires add-ons, so I don’t bother with add-ons.

I have used add-ons in the past for things like quest tracking, but the functionality was later added into the game itself and the add-ons became obsolete.


I used to run tons of addons back in the day. As they’ve slowly improved the base UI, I’ve gotten rid of most of them. Currently, the only addons I now run are:

  • DBM, because almost every group requires you have it
  • Details to track my personal progress
  • TRP3
  • VuhDo, only because the base unit frames don’t have click-to-cast
  • RareScanner
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I’m tryna just log on and chill.
I don’t think any game needs add-ons but to each their own.
But I’m not trying to hit the biggest numbers or do things in record time, I’m just trying to have fun and play a game.

Tho I do think it would be funny if add-ons were cracked down on more. Imagine some people having to actually learn fights on their own.


This is exactly my thoughts, because if you’re aware of your surroundings within the game, then add on’s simply aren’t needed, but may be convenient. Awareness seems to be lacking especially when the need to skip certain mobs within an instance requires to just walk very close to a wall, but a DPS walk right down the middle, and aggros the mobs that could’ve have been easily avoided if they just hugged the wall tightly.


its honestly not that hard. what i find funny is that people think that addon’s are a REQUIREMENT to play the game.


Until patch day, when you can play as usual and everyone is freaking out over addons not working lol.

I have never, and will never use an addon. Has never stopped me from my goals. Raiding, M+ etc, don’t need 'em


It’s through an IRL addon called paying attention.

/inb4 you mad.


It’s weird how people enjoy complicated buggy visually cluttering annoyingly noisy addons if you ask me. To each their own.


100% the reason I stopped using UI addons before BC launch.

To this day, the only ones I use are Recount, PetBattleTeams and MapCoords.

All the aura based hand-holding addons have always been a crutch/excuse for players.


very true, they rely on them a ton

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I respect your decision to be absolutely unhinged!

I don’t like how the autosort feature works. It always sorts to the top and I’d rather manually sort my items. The most pressing part of it is that I’d rather have everything laid out in front of me instead of sorted by individual bags.

Honestly the default bags should be able to have nicknames or specify the type of items that go into them automatically.

It’s not that I literally CAN’T go without a bag addon. It’s just that I’d rather not.

I agree. They aren’t needed but in my view they make certain things a lot easier to manage.

Why would I be mad? I just think you’re limiting your own experience by not using them - but to each their own. :slight_smile:

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It became a vicious feedback cycle, where players would develop addons to hold their hands, then Blizz would design content with the expecatation that player hands were being held, which would lead to further hand holding, etc.

The dragon slayer players are to blame, though.

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