How can people play WoW without addons?

Never used them.
Don’t need them.
I play just fine cuz my gaming needs are simple.


I only use MRP, that’s pretty much about it, all the normal addons I see people use just looks like it does nothing but give me screen clutter.

I only have details.

I’ll admit it’s not easy playing the game at a higher level with the default UI. I’m just too lazy to constantly update all that crap so I go without.

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I use minimal addons; DBM, Details, and recently Altoholic so I can find my stuff.

That’s it though, I don’t like having to update a ton of addons all the time (and the O****olf client is garbage, so auto update is not an option lol.

I like the changes they’ve made to UI customization options, there’s really a lot there, and seems as though they’re adding to it frequently. Not that it doesn’t have it’s glitches, but even addons do a lot of the time, so :man_shrugging:

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I did raid without addons in TBC, we did Sunwell pre patch. I also never touched an addon during Vanilla, we reached Naxx. Most healers did use decursive, I didn´t and still was faster. :wink:

Not sure if I would use addons today for raiding, I am older now and may need the assistance of one to not mess up. I only do LFR, which is easymode.

As for non group content, I am using All the Things since I hunt Transmogs and Oribos exchange for pricing. Yes, that´s all, but I always tried to find an addon that shows me where I can find certain crafting materials.

So if I wanted a certain type of leather or cloth, which zone do I need to go, same with flowers or ore and other mats used in crafting. In the end, I always end up with wowhead, to research. :frowning:

I tried TSM once, but I didn´t make it work, I also used questie in Classic era, simply because I struggled with quests and wanted to know where stuff actually drops.

As a teen, I went to Thottbot for help tho. so I may always had this clumsy gamestyle of not finding what I need. :face_with_monocle:

But anything else, that I see people use like DPS tracker, boss announcements or cosmetic UI don´t make much sense to me. Some folks seriously have 10 or 20 addons installed, that is crazy.

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So just playing the game how it was made sounds horrible to you? What boggles me is how people can’t enjoy the game without addons. I mean what do you people love being yelled at by the computer for everything during raids or seriously find so little joy in the game you have to get addons for it? I’m sorry but I’ll laugh if Blizz cracks down on addons more than they may of in the past and makes all the current ones stop working as then it’s either play the game how it was made or go somewhere else…but they’re not that stupid as to drive away more players. I for one don’t use any addons and I’m sick of people talking down to me or the like for just enjoying the game itself. I’d love to see that mythic world first race force zero addons as then you know those guys got skill rather than custom tailored addons that for all i know could make a complete amateur look like a pro


Because “shift+B” is … SUCH A CHORE?! OH THE AGONY!!! lolwut

And what you’re saying (as per the screenshots) is: You have a bunch of stuff. And you’re saying just throwing EVERYTHING into a single box … is somehow more organized than breaking things down into unique boxes??

It’s like saying walking is faster than driving a car. Like… it obviously isn’t.

I’m fine to let people just do their own thing. But the single bag solution is one of those things that will always strike me as a solution to a problem that never existed. Or even more accurately: It’s not even a solution! lol


So, taking my class as an example, in order to “play the game how it was made” I need to track my stagger level, recharge time on purifying brew, maintain stacks of purified brew to buff celestial brew, monitor cd on celestial brew, and simultaneously maintain a rotation of rising sun kick, spinning crane kick (especially when charred passions or counterstrike is procced), blackout kick (ditto for cp), and keg smash, in such an order so that keg smash is never capped, but is lower than priority than the other two, as long as I maintain shuffle.

That is not possible to do effectively when all you have to rely on are tiny buffs in the top right corner of your screen that get lost amidst all the other tiny buffs in the top right corner of your screen.

The base UI is dreadful, that’s why people use addons to display information better.

God seeing my adibags setup would give you nightmares if you are this terrified of a basic bag addon.

What about my post makes you think I’m “terrified” of it? Nothing says that.

I’m just pointing out a FACT: sorting lots of things into ONE box … is the antithesis of “organizing” if you have an option to use MANY boxes.

There’s nothing “terrifying” in pointing that out. Just as, per my example, if you said you needed to go from New York to California and I suggested “you should take a plane”, and your response was “whY aRE yOu so AfRaid ofWalKing?!?!!1111”

You’re missing the point.

I’m not “terrified.” It’s not a solution to the problem.

Especially when THERE IS NO PROBLEM!! lol Every bag-mod user always claims some issue with “opening all their bags” … when it can be done with ONE CLICK!

Remind me: what’s the problem there??? I’m more convinced that bag-mod people clicked all 5 of their bags one at a time, and didn’t know shift+B is a thing, than to believe ANYONE thinks having one box is more organized than many boxes. Because… that’s not reality.


I’ve been playing since Vanilla mate, long before bag addons.

And I don’t use it to “open all my bags”.

Adibags sorts everything into all sorts of categories automatically, so I never have to worry about organising my bags ever again.

I played BrM monk semi-seriously without addons, thanks to the in-game stagger meter, I’d just keep a peripheral eye on that and press purifying whenever I needed to lower it, and kept a charge on reserve in case stuff hit the fan, before Celestial Brew back in Legion. Also Explosive Keg cheese, that 100% miss for like 4 seconds, my god.

And then the brew recharge ability, which also had a decently low cooldown (which in turn was also lowered by using your palms or strikes), you could stay stagger-low almost all the time.

You can do it effectively, you can make the buffs larger or move the bar to an area where it’s much easier to see. By default, WoW tracks your own personal buffs as well, like shuffle, I’m fairly sure, right in the middle where your in-combat health and resource bar goes. I think this is a new feature, not something I relied on back then, though.

(Granted, that’s also what addons do for you, I just find them unnecessary except for specific ones like details, as it’s not included baseline.)

Got the mage tower tank artifact too, would run low keys as well, enjoyed return to Karazhan on that tank. No addons except like DBM and details, that’s my minimum. And Tomtom, not talking PvP stuff.

I played the game the entirety of 2005 (started February that year) with no addons . I simply didn’t know any better. I started raiding and the raid leader required certain addons or you got no invite. That was it for me I discovered addons. Now I use a few still but I don’t raid anymore.


I only really have DBM, primarily so I know when something’s coming and also get yelled at about things (which helps with my tunnel vision problem). I do have WA installed, but I keep forgetting to grab anything for it; only use it’s seen was for the next goblin spawn location, for the D4 event.

I don’t use UI addons, because when I first started, I liked the old school aesthetic design of the UI elements. After they gave us edit mode, I still preferred it over the soulless moderno styles of most of the UI addons I saw. Edit Mode was all I’d really wanted for the original UI, anyway.

Most of my addons have to do with RP stuff - musician, TRP, elephant, storyteller, etc. Got one that tells me auction prices for drops and stuff, and I recently grabbed HandyNotes, which has been amazing for me as someone who likes to explore and collect stuff! But the only ‘big’ content-oriented addon I run is DBM, and I get on fine.

Relevance to … anything? Because I’ve been playing since Vanilla, too. The reason I didn’t bring that up is… it doesn’t have anything to do with the topic being discussed.

So I commented on Bagnon and the “one bag” solution, and how it’s not a solution at all.

You then decided to make a comment about ANOTHER addon that does something totally different, and then take the approach that I was “terrified” of it.

Sounds like 100% of the issue here is that you just woke up and chose violence. You’re picking a fight that never existed. Relax, my friend. Whatever is wrong, it gwoan be iree.

Everyone – have a great Monday. Best we can, anyway. :slight_smile:

I actually hate bagnon. I like stuff sorted properly in separate bags.

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Just to show I’m being open-minded and listening:

Read the above poster and his “suggestion” (+coughs+) for another addon called “Adibags.” It seems it helps with organizing bags, without necessarily smashing them all down into one bag.

Maybe this is something you’d like. :slight_smile:

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I find all addons that modify the UI look like they were designed in MS Paint.

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Only things I ‘can’t do without’ are WIM and Prat, to deal with in game & bnet chat functions. I like my auctionator add on, but could skip it.

Most of the add ons many people seem to ‘require’, I’ve tried and always switched off - bartender, mik’s scrolling battle text, various UIs (elvui, etc), baganon, and so on. I’ll go ‘I’m using this now!’ and then within a day or two, I’ve already deactivated it.

For the first year I played this game I didn’t have any add-ons.

It wasn’t until I started doing dungeons really.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: