How can people play WoW without addons?

I did for a while during DF. It makes doing raids a bit harder, but it also makes you learn the mechanics better.

/timidly raises hand

I confess, I donā€™t use addons.

But! Thereā€™s a story behind that!

When I started in 2005, I was playing on a 2001 MacBook. Not too old, butā€¦ I used this MacBook until 2011.

Then I got a 2008 MacBook, which I used until 2016.

Then I got a 2012 MacBook Pro ā€” which got stolen in less than a year when my roommate forgot to lock the front door. :confused:

So I went back to using my 2008 MacBook in 2017. It wasnā€™t until 2018 that I got a 2015 MacBook Pro.

(Then in 2020, I got an actual gaming PC laptop. From the Legion brand, I forgot its exact specs.)

Do you notice a trend? From 2005 to 2020, I played WoW on old iMac laptops.

I tried addons a few times in WotLK. They nearly fried my laptop.

Lesson learned! No addons on old computers!

So, now? I guess I could run addons on my PC, since it could handle themā€¦ but, man, Iā€™ve played WoW for 15 years with no addons (make that nearly 19 years now, I guess). Iā€™m just used to it. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Its doable I did most of season 1 of Dragonflight M+ without addons(mind you very casually) outside of the storming mechanic everything else is fairly visually obvious.

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Just donā€™t install them. Thereā€™s really not much you need. Most of it is bloat. The new UI changes replace quit a few addons, and DBM+ other stuff is optional.

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I canā€™t be bothered to manage 13 chars worth of inventory without Altoholic, tracking their activities without SavedInstances, monitoring basic info without TitanBar plugins etc.

Auto repairing, auto selling junk, auto mail organization/opening etc.

It saves so much timeā€¦

If I only played one non-healer character, preferably melee, then yeah, I could play without addons.

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To me it is unplayable without at least two addons. That includes Gathermate2 and its data pack and also a DPS/Heal meter of some sort.

If I were to list extras that are good. GTFO would be one at the top.

Altoholic is good. But I recently in the past two months stopped using it due to errors.

I could ask the same question of you. 10 years ago i would agree but in the current year when wow has added to the stock UI numerous addons so people dont have to download something from a shady website. Theres nothing that an addon really adds to this game anymore. I say nothing but sparkle dazzle fluff.

Gathermate is more useful on Classic Vanilla due to limited node spawns and more competion of nodes. Retail has shared taps, faster respawn times and ton more supply.

There are people who download addons from untrusted sources? Iā€™m sure most people get their addons from either curseforge or wowinterface. The only time you might need to get addons from other sources would be if youā€™re trying to play old versions of the game.

I prefer Track Resources. Itā€™s not as resource heavy as Gathermate2.

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It seems some people rely so heavily on addons that they canā€™t fathom anyone being halfway decent without them. The game telegraphs almost everything pretty well these days as long as you pay attention. I donā€™t know why having stuff like DBM spamming someoneā€™s UI and audio and having them follow along to that makes them any better than justā€¦ knowing what to do without it? So many people still donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing even with DBM/Big Wigs because they still need to pay attention to those cues and know what to do with them. Addons like that are just sensory overload to me. It honestly feels easier for me to not have that spam and just learn mechanics organically. It only takes a few attempts at any piece of content to get a grasp on it.

Everything can be done without addons, certain mechanics and specs are just easier to track with addons but itā€™s definitely not required. The only real exception are world first raiders who need to squeeze out every little advantage they can but thatā€™s probably not any of us. Though I do wish nameplates had some customization options.

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Someone asked this in my guild chat but specifically about Weak Auras. The first super proud guildy said ā€œ<ā€” Currently running 0 weakaurasā€ - Iā€™m not sure if this guy knows but he is like a 4th percentile player. It was so poetic to everyone but him.

Yikes. At least they are proud of themself. :rofl:

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True. But flying between nodes having the markers allows for sorta a tom tom GPS flight path. Even if tracking the node does not pop.

DBM and Damage meters are probably the most used. Along with Altoholic.
I do use Tom Tom and also Handy Notes a lot. (Including these addons plug ins)

Howā€™s that affect you though?

If they can do just as well as you do with a default ui or without dbm by just paying attention, whatā€™s it matter?

Only if you do content that demands addons. I would probably die far less in LFR if I had weak auras or something like it, but I canā€™t be bothered and I have the same chance at gear whether I die or not.

I have no one to impress and I personally am fine with the game as-is. There are a hundred situations that Iā€™m sure would get stupid real fast if I was guild running or something but I donā€™t do that. I may download an addon or two once or twice a year but I usually uninstall them as soon as they break. And donā€™t really miss them.

My shadow priest is pretty survivable though, I only died twice out of 6 bosses this week. Both times I had zero idea what was about to happen, just bang, instagibbed. Iā€™m sure an addon would help with that but honestly itā€™s whatever.

And I do get better the more I do the bosses, which I feel is as it should be. Itā€™s just that I only am interested in LFR so many weeks in a row, so only very rarely do I get really on point with knowing whatā€™s going to happen at any given moment.

TL;DR: Iā€™m still having fun and donā€™t see a need for them. I just donā€™t care I guess.

its easy ( :
I donā€™t use any. I do pretty well too.

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Is there a addon for telling me if I am in the 4th %. :smiley:

You play on that DK. You do not need addons. LOL

this dk was for the promo drake only.
I got my pvp cheetah kitty last season and have done some raiding too<3

I donā€™t need them. My preferred playstyle does just fine without em.