How can people play WoW without addons?

Every single game I have ever played that had the option, was made better with add ons.

Most games dont even give the option.

Weird you agree with something, while previously saying things contradictory to it, though.

Only addons i use wheb im not roleplaying is details and WIM

Other wise im pretty baron on addons

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They use witchcraft obviously.

Like could not imagine playing healer without addons especially a spec like disc where there’s buffs you need to keep track of.

I generally don’t like how ‘required’ addons have become.

My favorite iteration was Vanilla, because this was the time the least amount of people played with addons. Everyone was on the same level.

This crap right here, is why I quit WoW.

You’re just reacting to some noise and hitting a button.

It’s ALL addons. The top players rely on them too much, causing a trickle down, and that’s not enjoyable to me.

I just miss the MMORPG that was a bit slower, maybe I’d play Classic I don’t have that sort of time anymore!


I actually enjoy Old Republic without addons. I have everything I need in thst game, though. So that’s probably why.

As someone who has done my share of 95th+ percentile parsing, in raids and in M+, I confess that I use very few addons. Usually just a damage meter and DBM or Bigwigs. If it’s content under heroic raiding, I usually just turn all addons off. Outside of that, I used to run TSM on AH alts when I was tycooning for gold. Oh and sometimes I’ll use Plater when I tank since it makes it easier to see what the enemies are doing.

I actually wish they’d lock down a lot more of the API from addons. There’s too much reliance on them and too many people get sucked into feeling like they HAVE to have them in order to play (you don’t…).


R.I.P. Sylvanaar. :frowning:

Somethin happen?

He died a few years back and a few of his friends took up his projects, which is why they are still being updated.

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I’d die without addons.


I started playing in 2009 with the help of a group of friends who had been playing for some time before that. One of the first things they did when I downloaded the game was have me install a small set of addons. They explained their use and how to get and update them and from that time on I became used to playing the game with their assistance. I never saw it as a problem - except now and then when they played up, but I adapted to tht too.

They still do act up occasionally - right now TSM is giving me a bit of a headache as it is massively lagging some of my characters. I’m just not sure if that is the fault of the add on or my aging computer. And I will now and then get a pop up that X is interfering with something and I have to turn it off which is certainly something to do with the add on.

Only time I’ve played with zero add ons was for a time when I started playing Classic back when it first launched. I didn’t find that particular fun and it made me realise that I had become used to the QoL aspects that add ons provide.

To think I shouldn’t use them would be a bit like saying I shouldn’t slip on sunglasses when I drive to cut down on the glare. Trust me, these eyes were never intended to put up with that aspect of the Natural World… :sunglasses:


depends on the class. My Arms warrior can go without any. Rogues, idk…especially assassin rogues. I NEED weak auras for mut rogue.

Aww. I just use bartender because i liked the older set up.of the UI (aside from that its the basic)

Then i have postal for AH earnings.

And DBM (which gets ignored before the season hits half way marl)

/shrug. Playing a minimalist style helps you adapt and learn tell tale signs

I was in lfr one day and somebody whispered me “Hey you’re on my server and nice dps btw”. I replied hi and what’s dps? . Joined his guild and found out what dbm, gtfo and recount was lol. Get in vent he said and I was like What :slight_smile:

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For retail the only add-on I use is Gathermate2, without loading any community data. And even for Classic for the longest time that’s all I used. Others for Classic like Questie, SellPricePerUnit, a spam blocker / unlimited ignore, have nothing to do with general game play. I even refused to use various threat meters in Classic raiding as a tank. And the role and class doesn’t matter, for them all I’d rather pay attention and react.

I never look up and read or watch any guides. In all games I just go in blind and learn on the go. Pay attention to what is going on and learn and play that way. That has always been my play-style. And even when games nerf dungeons and bosses where they add aoe markers instead of paying attention to boss tells (yes looking at you FFXIV) that just annoys me.

So for me “gameplay” add-ons are just an annoyance, they get in my way and just add clutter to the screen, in my opinion. Part of my annoyance with retail, everything nerfed and lots of clutter. Not that my way is better, but for ME it is.

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Only add-ons I use now are plater, no talking head and weakaura for better tracking of my buffs/CDs. I got rid of everything else.

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It’s not. You just push buttons and click the mouse.


Well, ye move with WASD, press number keys on ye keyboard tae use abilities faster and ye use yer mouse tae look around and control yer Dragonridin’ mounts better.

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If you play without addons, you will never log in and find your addons broken. I guess that’s the only advantage.

Too many addons creates screen clutter.