How Are Trolls Paladins?

Technically but it seems like a really inefficient engine.

I dont know if druid circles would accept them either, seeing as they dont already like the arcane.

Forsaken is death magic, not void. It’s different.

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What annoys me about Zandalari (and Tauren as well) Paladins is that even though their lore is very different, their abilities all still have generic human effects. This also means Night Elves, Void Elves, etc would all likely be the same way even though many would like different color options (similar to Warlock green fire) for those races.

You can’t just change the color and be done with it. Holy Light but it’s purple doesn’t make any sense. It’s a lot of work for no reason when there are so many class race combo already available.

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The Loa.

Blizzard hasn’t gotten around to making all the racial Paladin mounts yet.

Personally I think it’d be cool if they added some cosmetic glyphs that could alter the particle effects some, or some light spell effect alterations. Maybe some eagle wings for Sunwalkers instead of the angelic ones, maybe something more naaru-esque for draenei and lightforged.

Things like that, y’know?

It wouldn’t be Holy Light though, lore wise it would be void energy. Sure for gameplay purposes it would still be listed as Holy damage and Holy spec, but it would be unrealistic to expect that to change.

That would be awesome, and something Loa inspired for Trolls as well. Guardian of Ancient Kings is another ability that could use some Sunwalker and Loa variations.

If I remember the books, Illidan was a druid 1st, and then went and sought power on his own.

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As it is unrealistic to expect void elf paladins.

It’s been awhile since I read War of the Ancients, but I don’t think that was the case. What I remember is - Illidan was a sorcerer first and tried to learn druidism because he thought it would help him win Tyrande from Malfurion. He never took to it, ultimately stopped his studies under Cenarius, and continued to rely on Arcane magic until he became the first Demon Hunter.

As long as nothing turns light purple.

First of all, I meant that in the sense that it would be unrealistic to expect the devs to change the damage types and risk breaking things, not unrealistic from a lore perspective (there ARE ways to logically explain it).

Second, it is not unrealistic to expect Void Elf Paladins, Blizzard has even introduced a VE Paladin NPC already (though it goes the lazy route of being a typical human Light themed Paladin rather than a Shadow / Void themed fallen Paladin).

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And there are npc with dual classes. :man_shrugging:

Moonglade probably wouldn’t. So what? Deny them Teleport to Moonglade and people will still want to play them.

The power of Paladins doesn’t come only from the Light but from any cosmic power or “group of entities” (like the Loas for Zandalari Trolls, An’she for Tauren).

In fact, it’s technically possible to have Void Paladins or Death Paladins (Death Knight?), who would be strengthened by the Void/death cosmic power, respectively.

(I’m considering WoW lore, not the classic RPG lore that usually depicts Paladins.)

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“void elves cant use the light” lmao void elf holy priest go brrr

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Yeah, but that doesn’t make sense.

Again, what makes less sense? Void elf paladins or a class that can’t use two of its specs? If you can’t see how they’re not comparable at all, I’m not wasting my time any more.

Buddy, have you not played the Harbinger questline? There’s literally a Void Elf Paladin in Telogrus Rift. They are already a thing.

While I can understand why others are averse to the idea of void elf paladins, much like Lightforged/Draenei warlocks, I do feel that there will likely be some form of explanation as to how it’s possible should they be added to the game.

The VElf paladin shown in the Rift area as Varodoc mentioned is already at least something suggestion that we’ll see them come around. It wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard clarified or expanded upon the rules of their universe, but at this point, whatever ‘mechanics’ that its magic system uses is entirely soft. They may reveal that there’s some crazy amount of discipline a VElf paladin must have to prevent some crazy void and light volatility.

They’ve already confirmed Light and Void cannot exist without the other. I’ve got my money on some cheesy “We must maintain a balance in our order, otherwise we’ll be no better than those who let the void consume them” angle.

Bottom line, whatever ‘rules’ Blizzard has in place about VElves using Light magic probably won’t stick, and we’ll likely be given some new lore chunk to chomp at and argue over until they decide to do another rule of cool moment without thinking what implications it has on the rest of the story. :person_shrugging: