How Are Trolls Paladins?

I’m sure this has been explained somewhere, but isn’t that just a bit of jumping the shark if trolls are paladins, but there are still other races that aren’t?

Prelates! In a nutshell, paladins get their power through the medium of faith in something to channel the light, and in the case of Zanda trolls, that medium is the Loa!


Because of Loa lore. And why more races aren’t it is because of A : deeper lore reasons , e.g. void elf can’t wield the light, or B : they don’t want the extra work with the chargers.


How Are Trolls Paladins?

I asked one once. He said, “I’m fine, how be you”.


Sure isn’t.

When Vol’jin will be in his new loa form :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Pretty much this. In terms of other races not being able to become paladins, it’s really just a matter of Blizzard not wanting to expend the resources on making a cultural mount for every race.

Light magic’s barrier of entry isn’t really all that high in lore when you think about it. It’s not like you need to pledge to a particular brand of worship to get light powers. Tauren have their sun god, and the Scarlets still kept their magic despite even using it against other factions within the Light.


If so the shark was jumped at least as far back as MoP.


I like to hope they are taking their time to lay some foundations for others in the lore still. I agree it’s not a huge barrier of entry, and many races are basically standing in the doorway already. But let’s be real, this didn’t happen by accident:


It makes as much sense as Horde elves not being allowed to be druids.


Not just any loa, a loa that embodies light.

That makes a lot of sense actually if you know the lore.

Am I allowed to disagree with the ever changing lore?

Its not just the mount, they are also looking for a cultural foundation or lore reasoning for them to be said class.

And paladins are very faithful people by default.

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Thats the thing, that lore hasnt changed since BC, high/blood elves rejecting elune and turning away from nature and embracing arcane is what defined them and lead to their altered appearance.

So there is ever changing lore and then there is this lore that hasnt changed for long long time.


Talanji’s check for their union dues didn’t bounce, that’s how.


Cause they are tall enough to reach the light :stuck_out_tongue:


And shaman get it by saying mother may i

Sad, sad little class

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Sort of, but it’s not a necessity. Previously Rezan was what prelates called upon, but he wasn’t necessarily the ‘Loa of Light’ or really even Light related at all, only loosely being associated with it since the Zandalari royal family is the royal family by a divine right.

The Zandalari prelate no longer name a loa when you speak to them in game about it, instead just naming the loa as a group. Here’s the full quote. They’re one with the Light through their loa, but that loa doesn’t necessarily need to be one with the Light. We very well may see Prelates of Kimbul or Akunda, maybe even Shadra, who knows.

Tauren paladin might have it worse. If a tauren was beseeching An’she or the Skyfather for power, they could say ‘Daddy please’ and it’d be lore compliant.


Still nothing establishing a connection to the emerald dream. :robot::herb:

…Although there was a concept that high elven druids existed creating the runestones-- retconned by mages for the time being but it’s a great concept to revive. Likely written similar to Thornspeakers. :memo::robot: