How Are Trolls Paladins?

You trespass upon sacred ground invaders! De Light of de Loa gives me strength!

Nope I haven’t done harbinger. But NPC don’t conform to our classes rules so it doesn’t mean much. There are a handful of npc that dual classes. Blizzard is also very well known for trolling their players, as evidenced by the multitude of high elves giving quests for the alliance.

Didn’t realize he was an actual druid. :robot::sweat_drops:

Suppose that would’ve given him a better life if he remained a druid alongside his brother. :robot::thought_balloon:

I believe he was a failed druid,accomplished mage and than a demon boi

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Maybe he’ll achieve something new for the Last Titan. Either as a powerful sorcerer or as a pile of ashes. :robot::sweat_drops:

The life expectancy around the titans might be lowered if they won’t tolerate others. :robot::sweat_drops::sweat_drops:

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Yeah, it’s because who cares anymore? The lore is stupid now.

Usually said by people who know absolutely nothing about the lore.

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Look, you can shoehorn whatever idiotic reason you want into the story and call it “lore”, but the real reason trolls are paladins is because players wanted more combinations, not because of any story-driven reason.

So the pre existing lore for years that talked about Zandalari paladins is just bunk?

Pre exists before bfa too.

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Yeah, pretty much.

Well, to be fair, most of the reason he left was over a girl.

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Not only that, but wouldn’t Azeroth have just fallen to the Burning Legion the first time they attacked? Isn’t that the primary reason he became a Demon Hunter, was to stop that?

Power 1st, Legion was second, and both was to prove himself to his girl.

They shouldn’t be pallys but the playerbase rather have all races be all classes so whatever.

Its less egregious then lightforged warlocks.

Yes and their people are also cannibals and practice voodoo. A Forsaken would make a better candidate.

The following is from page 354, in Tides of Darkness, and I think it is import to point out how much lore has been retconned over the years.

For months Turalyon had been struggling with his faith and had been unable to wield the Light like Uther and the other paladins could. He did not understand how to reconcile the notion of the Light uniting all creatures while beings as cruel and monstrous as the orcs walked the world, but Doomhammer’s words-- “I have conquered! And so shall all our foes die, until your world belongs to us!”– reminded him that the orcs were not of his world.

Turalyon reasoned that the Light only united the creatures of Azeroth and that creatures like the orcs did not belong. Taking up Lothar’s shattered sword, Turalyon disarmed Doomhammer, and defeat him in a single blow. Other orcs cowered from him as the light around him grew blinding, and the black rock on which he stood was blanched white by its power.

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Not all tribes! The Zandalari don’t consume troll flesh, and the Raventusk Tribe in the Hinterlands actually talk smack about the neighboring troll tribes in the area that do.

Would play the hell out of a Forsaken paladin still.

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A gnome once told me that someone once asked the zandalari “how many trolls does it take to change a lightbulb?” and they thought about it a little too hard.

I was a little skeptical of that story though.

There is precedent for Zandalari paladin-equivalents as far back as the first 20-man raid in vanilla WoW.

edit: look at those set bonuses!

That’s 30 extra seconds on a 5 minute blessing (which falls off if you die anyway)
That’s a ~4% cast time reduction on a single spell in a version of the game that doesn’t have any haste!
That’s 48 free mana per minute!

Say what you want about modern set bonuses, Blizzard is leagues ahead of where they used to be.

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Control. The Light is dogmatic and sees one correct path. You follow its design, or you oppose it. There is no middle ground.