🌚 How are shadow priests for pvp

Shoutouts in my first post. What you quoted was only in the context of horde racials.

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They are faceroll

Cool, all right.

By golly, it seems like the people who posted math for trolls winning have been usurped by the undead.


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They are absolutely amazing! Especially as Dwarf or Undead!

Im up in air over undead and troll. Im going undead regardless cause troll cant do the grudge tongue design and idc about racials. Troll by far has more damage. With shadow g And devouring isnt super good. Just v some clsses in duels. What is a toss up to me is that undeads touch of weakness can be lower rsnk spammed for black out procs and that trinket is nice. Versus mortal strike and 3 charge shadow gaurd from troll.


They melt faces.

This could help in the Troll/UD debate :


The alliance will dispell it always in pvp and its bad in pve also. Pallys, priest and dwarfs can dispell it and dwarfs can stoneform. Also there’s a remedy that drops off undead mobs in sv that has no cd and has high drop rate that will clear any disease

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Let the people still live by the hype of Undead even though its bad

Imagine a racial that lets you literally have a 10% chance to stun anytime you get hit
 That seems pretty gody

Or be Undead, where your racials do nothing

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High 14 ranked pvp players even tell you why trolls work better in most situations in this link for tipsout video. It is 2 hourd long but the first 7 minutes will tell you all you need to know when picking race. Lezonta is the guy that tells you what you need to know, tipsout is just asking questions.

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Now im all for telling people not to pick race over what you want to play. If you hate the look of troll priest then i understand and you won’t have as much fun if you do so.

I like both but troll racials are better and i cant wait to play it and see rogues get stuned

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Not the mention the curse you can do i forgot all about that.

Yeah all the people just overestimate how good undead is.

Literally like half the Alliance will either be a class or race that can remove DP.

And WOTF is only good vs 3 classes vs the Alliance

Where as troll can stun any melee on them, and hunters with Shadowguard blackout procs, and hex of weakness is solid too. The troll racial is also better for spell haste.

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Can someone enlighten me if shadow priests are good in PVE also ? Didnt play one back in Vanilla. I think i levelled one in end of tbc.

like forsaken as much as the next person, but I wish I could roll a troll lock in classic
did I mention I hate trolls?

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Well only helps on mind blast, mana burn and mind control but for healing out of shadow its good or for holy priest

They are great in nax but not many. Just one i think. They’re more for utilities than DPS but they get better later in the game. Warlock has also become really good late game in naxxramas. These two classes scale really well with gear

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Shadow priests are very powerful in 1v1, but in group pvp are a bit of a pain as they have to DOT everything to be of much value, and this inhibits CC options. In those cases, most other classes (including disc priest) are of higher value than a shadow priest IMO.

Shadow priests are also mana starved, so once they kill a player 1v1, they’ve been targeting, they are then stuck having to drink. They don’t have mana gems, or evocate, or life tap to keep contributing once they’re oom.

They are highly considered the best 1 vs 1 pvp class