🌚 How are shadow priests for pvp

Devouring plague…3 min cd that gets dispelled in 1 global cd.
WotF…good vs alliance warlocks (of which there are very few)

Troll racials are actually better for pvp. Stunning rogues on their opener passively is better than anything undead have.

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watch the early fights of swifty vs the shadowpriest on his server. What keeps that priest alive and makes him a ‘world boss’ is the massive amount of healing devouring plague gives in addition to regular healing. In important fights devouring plague is amazing. Shadowguard is only good because of no cooldown.

And WOTF are far better than berserking. Warriors, warlocks, and other priests all have fears. Warlocks also have seduce. Magic dust is also considered a sleep.

Remind me when dueling is considered anything other than dueling.

There is a reason where there is no 1v1 arena, the game is in no way balanced for it. Put a shadow priest in a battleground or open world environment with a couple people in it and see how long devouring plague lasts for. It has a huge mana cost and having it dispelled is basically mana draining yourself.

What’s “arena”, is that a new feature coming out soon?

so 90% of the community who are rolling priest… listen to these ‘expert’ guides telling them Troll is best… will never see that benefit. Your average priest is the guy in his 30’s getting jumped by hunter. Devouring plague will more likely win him that fight and most ever other fight leveling and even later when in battlegrounds.

Rarely do people find themselves in a scripted 10v10 wsg premade with lightning dispels and full team coordination. Overall DP is better than shadow guard. It can be debated either way and I realize that. That being said… wotf makes going undead for pvp a no brainer. It’s far better than berserker.

I mean, assuming people dont use

Alliance hunters should be Dwarves anyway :heart_eyes:

Or this :

To many items to clean this lol. 50% drop rate. With all the min/maxers it’s gonna be a must

I’m standing by this. Shadowguard sounds tempting but the idea is a fad. I think a lot of spriests are going to later regret that when they see their undead counterparts performing better. On the important fights that count devouring plague is much better. I’ll admit for generic mass battleground pvp where you’re constantly fighting against pugs that shadow guard has its uses. But honestly wotf always trumps berserking.

Try this out:

Troll VS Undead - Classic WoW: Best Priest Race?



DP is fine against classes that can’t dispel it or anyone not carrying restorative potions, but the classes that can will just dispel it and you’ve just wasted a ton of mana giving them the edge.

I prefer troll because of shadowguard and hex, but a well played SP will always do better than one that’s not, no matter the racials, just like every other class.

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what conclusion should i draw from the fact that this lezonta guy who speaks so highly of troll is rolling undead priest?

He actually stated Troll is better in group content, like premades. Solo, Forsaken.

they are great!

i loved it, also you can do some really funny stuff with Mind Control

and early swifty was also bad / unprepared.

that super-easy-to-get-potion from STV that people mentionned 100 time so far can clear devouring plague… if you aren’t a dwarf to stoneform it.

warlock are alway one of the least played classes. Warrior fear is on a long cooldown ( and they’ll likely be out of position if they use it on you in organized pvp). priest in melee range of eachother is just… weird.

shadow priest is so good, i think they even have some special physical damage reduction while in shadowform

Not sure if you actually listened to the video or not, but he said troll is hands down better overall, but he is rolling undead because he believes you should roll the class you enjoy the most aesthetically. So the conclusion you should make is troll is better overall, but don’t just base your decision off of that.

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Well played CC heavy classes will their bane in an 1v1 situation, outside of that they are gonna be awesome. Just be sure to have somebody literally watching your back. :grin:

yes i have seen it before. the conclusion i draw is if it really mattered, he would be a troll.

You will melt faces as a shadow priest in pvp.

Spriests were kinda eh.

But Undead Spriests were insane. Devouring plague was no joke.