šŸŒš How are shadow priests for pvp

Ok bud. Thereā€™s a reason you couldnā€™t get past 2k

How many times are you going to refer to arena rating in this vanilla thread? My sides :joy_cat:


Pvp is pvp. If youā€™re good at it in vanilla youā€™re good at it in tbc. Thereā€™s a reason loads of the top people in vanilla got glad and thereā€™s a reason why people who have pvped for years (cdew/ven) will stomp pvp in vanilla.

Bad spreads across all expansions. Your case is no different

I mean hes not wrongā€¦

Wotf and devouring plague are the noob trap.

Troll is way better. Stun is best cc in game, troll provides stuns at 10% chance anytime shadowguard PROCS and itā€™s always upā€¦devouring plague and word are not.

Also alot of the races and classes alliance side can remove DP.


Everything youā€™re both saying is in this picture-perfect vacuum youā€™ve dreamed up. There is no right or wrong just because youā€™re able to bring math into the conversation. But I know Iā€™m not going to change your mind. :crazy_face:

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How about human shadow priests ?

Pretty much. Iā€™m convinced none of these guys have played vanilla recently. Sure it was good back in the day when people didnā€™t even know what abilities others had, but now their DP isnā€™t going to get anywhere besides on the recount meter for diseases cleansed.

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Yes please, challenger Mur, convince me how to pvp and whatā€™s best LOL. Jesus Christ.

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As alliance itā€™s hard to beat out dwarf. But humans have some benefit as they also get desperate prayer which will save you a lot and feedback which can oom casters fighting you. The issue is, normally casters are not your problem at all. They arenā€™t bad just not as good as dwarf.


Vanilla wow thread.


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Refer back to my post above. Bad spreads across all expansions. Youā€™re making my point simply by arguing for undead LOL

Ok hereā€™s what you do you.

Take every race/class combo and for each of the times the character would be effected by DP or you would break a fear with WOTF give undead priest a point. Do not give points for races and classes that break DP, for example a dwarf rogue will stoneform out of DP, so obviously no point.

Now make the same thing for troll priest, and any class who can get stunned from shadowguard troll priest gets a point. And Everytime it can use itā€™s casting haste racial it gets a point.

Count up the points??? Who won??

My money is Troll has more overall uses this giving it the advantage in PvPā€¦this really isnā€™t hardā€¦

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Ugh, math? Again??

And then realize that this list is generous because there are also way more instances where they can have it cleansed from other people or can use a pot thatā€™s extremely easy to get to take it off.

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So youā€™re just basing all your beliefs off your feelings? Let me guess, you think undead is the best warlock class as well. Just because you love the feel of wotf.

Look honey if you prefer undead thatā€™s fine! If you like how they look, I get it!

But we are talking about what is objectively best here sweetheart not what we feel.

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lmao this post.

I mean just read my first post in the thread if you must know. Either way, you have a narrow viewpoint, and you refuse to see anything outside of it. Thatā€™s your problem. No need to make it about me. Sweetie.

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Itā€™s not that anyone refuses to see anything here sweetheart. A lot of us have tested and actually been through these instances the last 5 years or so. This is fact by now there is nothing more to hear.

This is like saying ā€œyou donā€™t want to hear the earth is flat and you wonā€™t listen to my side at allā€.

Thereā€™s nothing to hear youā€™re just wrong

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Yup literally

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Are troll shadow priests better than undead shadow priests for pvp?

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