🌚 How are shadow priests for pvp

Yeah I don’t give it the gravity many seem to. Doesn’t matter much to me since I won’t be going Shadow Priest.

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You will melt faces as a shadow priest in pvp.


Still a cc breaker that no one else has, and don’t discount devouring, it has a lot of healing potential

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Faces will be melted in PVP.


People must not realize that pvp trinkets are based on class, and different classes can break different CC. Having more options available is super strong, and they’re separate cooldowns. WotF is very very strong.


yup remember everyone, all the top pvpers have basically stated that troll is the best race for horde as a shadow priest, but no let’s listen to a random 2k 2v2 nobody who says otherwise LOL.

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Idk man, everyone who has been “vanilla” pvping for years says undead has an advantage, but they’re close

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Uh no they don’t lol. Undead is literally a niche pick. The only time DP is even semi reliable is when you’re fighting 1v1 who doesn’t have a way to get rid of it (which most do) and if they aren’t a dwarf. And even STILL sit costs almost 1k mana so you have to waste your IF to use it or you’ll oom and die, removing the best part of that ability which gives you a huge mindblast crit that would do even more damage than your DP would have done anyway.

In a fight where you’re DP actually gets off it’s full damage, your shadowguard would have done more damage while also giving you chances to proc blackout. I mean if you want to argue that undead is probably best while fighting non dwarf warrior who doesn’t have any disease cleaning pots… then sure we can argue that. It’s still close considering shadow guard procs blackouts like crazy.

If we are arguing what’s better overall for every fight, the clear winner is troll. Idc if you don’t believe that, that’s fine, you’re just wrong.


I’ll trust people who have been playing “vanilla” for the last 15 years over a random forum poster kthx, I’m not even going to pvp anyway, was just posting the I formation I have spent the last year collecting


Who are you talking about specifically because literally every private server pvper knows troll is the best. I feel like you’re just making this up. I’m premades your DP isn’t going to stick on a target for a second before it’s gone. There is an item with a 40% drop chance that literally counters undead priests completely making you waste 2 spells or die oom lol. You can’t argue facts

I would honestly like to hear what makes you think DP>shadow guard because this topic has been discussed so much I can tear it down very easily

Dp isnt better then shadowguard, but wotf is better then beserking

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There’s a reason the cool kids are cool.

So once again, a niche ability. How many classes is wotf good against? 3? Wotf is good dont get me wrong, but the times where wotf will save your life or win a fight don’t even come close to the times where shadow orbs will save you and win you the fight just based on that.

Not to mention the free 25% healing reduction trolls get that is only cleansed by druids and mages.

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This is wild hyperbole. You’re not completely wrong, but the way you express your point is exaggerated. Plus, not that many classes could remove DP, and DP isn’t the only reason to be undead. O.o It’s one of many perks.

It’s a chance to crit, and it won’t be “huge” lmao…

EDIT: “and you’ll oom and die” c’mon man.

DP also heals you and it double dips with VE :slight_smile: It is a versatile effect with more than one use.

All in all I think you are too focused on PuRe DaMaGe StAtS to see the value of anything else. Shadow priests are damage dealers, yes, but they are hybrids first. Assuming equal gear, you are never going to nuke somebody down as a spriest, and you’re better off playing to your strengths.

Troll is best, you get shadowguard which is basically lightning shield except the damage it does is shadow and it PROCS Blackout stun.

Nothing beats having a rogue open on you and he stuns himself from your shield.


I saw you say the crit wouldn’t be huge and stopped there, you have no idea how shadow priests work sorry I’m not wasting my time with you.

Also just saying this again, you can swoon over DPs minimal damage and healing all you want, it’s not sticking on a target for longer than 2 seconds in a bg. Amazing ability LOL

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Overpowered, that’s how they are.

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I wrote you off right away because you only phrase things in LITERALLY ABSOLUTE HYPERBOLE so that’s probably for the best. Have fun in your bubble.

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All the 2k hero’s swooning over DP and not understanding how good troll is.

I guess undead really is the true noob trap.

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