How Are People Bored?

While that is wonderful for a player that seems to only take part in one activity like yourself. But I want the core game design of the new expansion I paid for, azerite power, azerite gear, island expeditions, warfronts, professions, missions, incursions, to be more then mindless game play that doesn’t have any challenge, progression, or depth to it what so ever!

You’re right about their being to much to do, to much boring stuff to do because it’s poor game design!


people are bored because we still dont have the zandalari playable :pensive:

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I was doing pretty good until this last raid tier dropped. I don’t do a lot of high end content and really haven’t done dungeons for gear since I quit in cata. But I do like having my gear progress. So I like doing stuff for better gear.

The game launch has had emissaries and world quest. Later a warfront which I think pushed gear to fast but whatever. Then before this last raid tier we had invasions.

The problem being now gear has passed all those things by. Except the latest war front which gives 1 400 for a quest. And any emissary that drops 380 or above for me. Although it was nice to see we dropping 360 trinkets/rings which were had to come by outside of instance content. At least until I saw the 385 emissary for rings and trinkets.

So to me it isn’t that there is less to do. It just feels like there is less giving meaningful rewards.

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I wouldn’t say I’m bored, but being someone who has played since the first Nax was released I can say my candle is slowly burning out. Don’t get me wrong I’ve taken breaks before, but I’ve never really questioned on quitting the game completely.

To me there’s plenty to do, just sadly a majority of it feels like I’m going through a checklist.
-Did I do my expeditions?
-Have I done some M+?
-Do I have materials farmed for potions, flasks, and food?
-World Quests when I have three emissaries up.
-After all that do I have time or want to bother with alts?

Also to some extent to me gear has lost a bit of it’s luster. I know I’m going to sound lame, but I do miss getting you’re BiS item for the current tier and being done with it. Now with titan forging, items having certain perks like sockets, and azerite armor to me feeling like it doesn’t do much besides add another buff to my character I just lose the motivation to care about gear much.

Lastly, I still do enjoy raiding with friends and I enjoy the story. Which honestly those two reasons are probably why I still stick with the game.


This. Every week, I run the exact same crap as the week before until I decide that whatever item/transmog/mount I’m after is no longer worth the effort, or the planets align and it actually drops (which is just about never). I’ve been trying to get the same freaking belt transmog from Heroic Nighthold for months now (not to mention some of the old mounts that I’ve just given up on because I can’t stand to run the raids anymore), and what do I get? Gold and wakening essences, every single time! Yippee!


Oh belts in Nighthold I’ve given up on. I’m pretty content with my current mog but I’m working on one for an alt.

You really can’t ask that question and expect a straight foreword answer outside the simple fact what some people find stimulating others find mundane it is all subjective.

If someone is bored with the game that’s on them it isn’t my place to tell them they are wrong, all that is important is how i feel about the game. I may agree or disagree with them but still it is their prerogative.

It is like asking them why do you eat vanilla ice cream when chocolate is so much better?

Because it is a list of chores. This has been a common phenomenon with Blizzard’s game design since Warlords. By time-gating everything to once a day and once a week, the game puts you on a set schedule.

For example, you used to be able to grind reputation at your pace on your schedule. If you wanted to do it all in a long weekend session, you could.

Now, the game sets the schedule. By doing so, it reduces the motivation to play because you feel compelled to get this list of chores done before you can actually play the content you might be interested in. Time-Gating everything has a way of turning any content into a list of chores.


WoW has Elite: Dangerous syndrome, if you’ve ever played that game.

Elite: Dangerous is extremely flashy, awe inspiring and good looking and has tons of busy work for you to do, but all of it is boring and repetitive and you progress perfectly linearly. It’s also called an MMO and you see people about, but there isn’t an organic relationship with those players, you just see them there and maybe have a brief joint incident together once.

Online sandboxes have more organic relationships between players, stuff like Minecraft, Terraria, GTA:O, etc.

Life’s not boring, just lots of boring people :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Emissary is pretty unrewarding after a certain point. There’s no ‘hope for a legendary or something else you really really want’. Most of the time it’s AP, gold, or war resources and doesn’t merit doing it.

  • tmog runs are something you could do in every expansion and plenty of people have already gained a ton of the mogs for stuff they want.

  • Raid for me is do it once to see it and be done with it these days.

  • Zero interest in M+.


Because people only choose to do a tiny bit of what the game has to offer. These same people want no gating also and be able to do everything in 1 24 hr non stop playing session.

Plus, people feel like they have to log in every day and put in a certain amount of time in game instead of just maybe doing something else or playing something else.

People are different.

Personally, I never have enough time to do what I would like. If I had the time, I would try to get a Full Heroic Clear of BoD for all my 120s and a + 10 Keystone for each.

I play with 3 lvl 120s. I dont always get them each a Mythic Dungeon every week. Or a full clear of BoD Norm. Or even a Heroic boss or two. Or the Emissaries. I just dont have the time.

I have plenty I would like to do in game, and just dont get the chance.

Last week, I had 3/4 mythic dungeons done for the weekly on this warlock. I just didnt have time for the 4th :sob:

How can you be “bored” of dungeons and raids when you don’t do any?

There’s literally no achievement progression on your account on either.

I agree with you, there is plenty to do.

Reminds me of people I work w/ that come in on their days off to volunteer for overtime every week. They claim to have nothing to do at home. I chalk it up to lack of imagination.

I did a couple.
Did Uldir, did BoDA. Got bored, they’re so ugly and boring compared to Legion’s.
I ran every dungeon at least once and they’re boring and ugly as well.
Can’t believe I’m saying this but I miss Legion.

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Class design sucks. If you are not having fun playing your class, the rest is moot.


Emissary: 20 minutes and done.
Tmog runs: I have all the transmog that I want. I took care of that…SoO content lull, HFC content lull, and Antorus content lull.
Raid: Set times. Why did you list this?
Mythic 10: 45 minutes per week.
War Campaign: Did this months ago.

Okay, so you managed to fill up about an hour of free time (not counting raids, still not sure why you put this in a list of fluff). What else have you got?


There are no real goals to work for as well. Gear is thrown at you. Raiding is useless now. Even for the story as the story this expansion is poorly written and makes no sense. You as the player have no vested interest in a faction war . Not to mention what have we gained since reaching level cap? No new abilities. No real power increase except for gear . Thanks to scaling it takes the same amount of time to kill a random mob at 120 as it did at 110 . Actually it was easier to kill at 110 then 120, so now you feel weaker instead of stronger

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That’s only if you have one toon and you do the emissary every day to stay current. Also if you dont get a good group your mythic 10 might not be “45 minutes” if you dont complete it for whatever reason or dont make the time. Raiding takes time regardless. Even for a single toon this would be several hours per week.

But as I said in my first post its not the lack of stuff to do that I think most people complain about its the content and if the “chore list” of things to do is really fun.