How Are People Bored?

It’s boring because if you have no interest in farming content that doesn’t reward you really then you have nothing to do.

Emissary daily rewards 385 for specific slots and if those slots are filled with 385 and don’t need rep it’s pointless to do.

Transmog runs are for cosmetics and if you don’t care about what your gear looks like then you don’t do it.

When you raid/get your box for the week you’re done.

If you’ve completed the war campaign you’re done.

I guess this is no different than how wow use to be if your only goal was to get the top gear for your toon and nothing else. Back in wrath I did all my profession dallies for my tokens to unlock recipes and I did all my dungeons for the week for my tokens. Between all my dallies and rep grinds which I alhad control over due to tabards and specific places I felt like I had more stuff to do. The content outlined before seems like filler content. I also hate grinding azurite because you get a pitiful amount.


chores =/= content


Im sure it’s been said but im not gonna read 100 replies. it isnt that there isnt stuff to do, im sure i could find things to do, its just that it isnt FUN stuff to do. i basically raid and run some mythic + and log off. feels like a mini job sometimes.

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Of course there are things to do. Some people exaggerate for effect and say “there is no content” but of course they know there IS content.

The issue is that very many people dislike the content of this expac. It feels neither entertaining nor rewarding. BfA did not hang on to people who resubbed when they bought the expac. I think subs are at or below the number who were here late in Legion…which is pretty bad.

The problem is that the game is poorly designed. Look at your own language, OP. You have a to-do list. That is what WoW has become. And some people enjoy ticking off the boxes on a list enough so that they want to do that even in their video games…I suspect Ion feels that way…but a lot of us are looking for exploration, adventure, and a sense of moving forward while having said adventure. For people like that? A game that has become a checklist of chores is really horrible.

(And yes, lists have ever been a part of WoW BUT it used to be a list of possible choices, not chores.)


There’s literally no reward. Everything takes little to no effort. And pvp is a complete mess with no reward once again. And now you can just literally buy everything with money. Also the game is so easy a monkey could play it. At least back then there was a feeling of accomplishment when you hit a certain level or had full pvp gear.

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Bet it took some effort to find this thread from February. 0/10

There’s definitely more to do and a lot more content it’s just poorly implemented. The world doesn’t seem whole so all the community aspects are gone which kept players pretty occupied. Content is dished out in tiers so people who would normally trying the raids after overgearing it already cleared it in LFR. All the fun items keep getting nerfed (rip underlight angler this patch) and they are trying to cater to some balanced themepark.

I do feel you where if I’m trying to cram in everything for the week/day across characters it feels busy but it’s not a good busy. More of a “why am i doing this” instead of “this is genuinely fun” you used to get because the gameplay was emergent from the world.

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You’re just mad cause I’m right ;).

I don’t disagree, but you and I both know there are lots of other current threads where you could discuss this.

You did get a bite, though, so revision to 1/10.

Heck if I see a post on my screen when I click forums regardless of how old it is. If it’s interesting enough I reply. Is that ok? Am I allowed to do so? Or is it too late cause it’s a older thread?

Classes are boring due to pruning and oversimplification, leading to PVP being horrendous and boring, therefore on its last legs. That’s why I’m bored - they ruined PVP.

Also world quests are exhausting after doing them so much for the last, what, 3 years since Legion?

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Ion has taken away so so so many things

And given back little to nothing

Ion is in the business of ignoring player feedback until he is undeniably doing something wrong. He doesn’t hesitate to treat our game and time as his personal ant farm to test theories, grind mechanics, and our maximum tolerance levels.

If he had been in charge of the major decisions of wow when it started, it would have been a flop.

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