How Are People Bored?

I see a lot of threads where people say they are quitting due to “lack of content”, or “I log on once per week to do x”. Now me personally I have two toons and I manage them with a to do list like such:

Toon 1:

  • Emissary (daily).
  • Tmog runs(weekly)
  • Raid (weekly)
  • Mythic 10(weekly)
  • War campaign (stay current)

Now on my alt I’m also doing the chapter quests since I faction transferred him. But I can always find stuff to do. However anymore I feel like this is more of a chore list than any actual fun.

I feel like 7 years ago once I reached max level and professions I just found myself standing in front of the bg npc queuing up. Then of course running raid once per week. Honestly the game seemed more casual back then and there was less to do.



Because classes are boring. /thread

There can be all the content in the world but if classes are uninspiring and tedious to play, it doesn’t matter.


I hear you. Classes are a lot less diverse now that they are pruned down so much. I do still have fun playing my toons its just the content of what we have available that I’m not sure I agree with. Theres plenty to do per se…


True. Definitely didn’t mean to be snarky and I do agree there is plenty to do. :slight_smile:

Just wish the classes were more involved like prior periods of development… so said activities would be more enjoyable.


I think about this all the time, when people say

"I get to the login screen and don't want to do anything"

I’m just the opposite;

"I can't decide, there's so much to do"

  • WQs and incursions.
  • Leveling one of ~6 up-and-coming alts
  • All the pet battle stuff not done yet
  • Continue the Alliance campaign to get ready for Kul Tirans.
  • Ivar is up in Darkshore, run the 120 Hordes thru for drops
  • Farm for Love Rocket, that accursed White Whale
  • Do some heroics for hydrocore
  • “I still haven’t done the new LFR wings”
  • “I haven’t finished archaeology yet?”
  • IEs for the map drop, and pets/mounts

and so on.


Trash reward

No drop

Boring, no drops.

Boring, got trash which is worse to what I already have. Forced to get a group(ew)

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz lore and character destruction campaign.


Its like imagine you are tasked with driving a car across the country and back, stopping at all the great wonders in the country. On the first trip across (Legion) you get to drive the latest Tesla, fully loaded. On the trip back they take away the Tesla and now you have to drive a 1992 Toyota Camry, no AC, no heat, one window doesn’t roll up, only AM radio and at some point something died in the back seat. THIS IS BFA.

BFA is essentially driving back through the same trip in Legion (be honest, gameplay barely changed between xpacs) but in a much much worse vehicle for the journey.

Ya you get to see some cool things on the journey but then you still have to get into that stinking, rotting vehicle to finish the trip.


WQ And incursions are just chores, not fun. Even when flying will come around, they will just be shorter chores.
Leveling alts are done within 4 hours spam running freehold. Chore again.
Pet battle is only done when the WQ reward AP and they are all irrelevant because you can field a serie of pets that simply crush the WQ pets.
Doing the same campaign for the 4th time is extremely boring considering the campaign itself is comprised of simple go kill 10 of that quest.
WQ in the warfront takes about, 2 minutes to kill on each toon then that content is done and you have 60 more gold on your character.
I’ve been doing love rocket thing since it was released and never got one. I’m not even trying anymore as i never would even use that mount. ( Invincible forever ).
Heroics for hydrocore? What are you smoking. What do you even want to do with hydrocore. First off, its Tidalcore now for crafting and i’ve crafted all my 415 pieces already.
Why would i step into LFR?
I’ve done my weekly cap for Island ( takes about 15 minutes of your time doing 3x mythic ) and got a stupid transmog quest. Total waste of time.

All and all, what people are looking for is relevant content which doesn’T exist anymore. People that i raid with are mostly happy to log off the game once raiding is done. Nothing in the game come close to progression on a hard boss.


Because doing the same thing over and over and OVER AND OVER =/= fun or interesting.


class design is garbage, so it cant hold up the empty game.
wq blow, islands blow, warfronts blow, M+ sorta blows, pvp blows because classes are lackluster.
professions feel like crap, azerite feels like crap, the game rng system feels like crap.

i dont have fun playing it anymore. everything in the game feels like a chore except for raiding, which i dont even LOVE because im not a fan of pve.

farming cosmetics has been in the game for years, its boring. just like mounts are now


Emissary quest you can get done in like 15 mins.

Tmog is boring yet rewarding if your lucky, yet still boring.

war campaign I’m done with on my main,

Idk man I guess there is not a lot of fun interesting things to do?

Patches are very stretched out as-well so it leaves players who are done with most things left in a rut…

Class design hasn’t made a impact on me for pvp this expansion either. I usually do what I need to do pve wise then go rally pvp…

Again IDK I find myself talking to people in goldshire dueling more than actually playing the game.


That’s fine, for you.

For me, I find all the content I listed to be enjoyable, otherwise I would not be here.


The whole list takes ~4 hours total play time in a week. Besides the mog runs. Its all chores that tend to offer nothing of value. Mythic+ and Raids would be fun but class design is awful.


This just in, fun is subjective.

A lot to do does not mean a lot of fun. You could have plenty of dishes and mowing to do but that does not make it fun.


Doing the same thing over and over for 14 years really put a dent on the fun of repetitive questing.
You also dont raid, you dont seem to worry about the strength of your character ( if that was the case you would have gemmed that pioece of gear you have ).
I’m not big on RPing either so i dunno where you get your fun in this game if all you do is the boring repetitive stuff.


I’d make a correction, if I might clarify one piece. When most of us say there’s no content, we mean no compelling content. It’s not that there isn’t technically things to check off a list, it’s that it just feels like checking off a list.

Compelling content should be fun, engaging, and have a reward path that keeps me coming back to it. Let’s break it down:

  • Emissary

Many Emissaries hold nothing of value to me. I don’t need more war resources (because I don’t care for the mission table much), the gold is nice but not common, and the gear is often unappealing.

I might do 2-4 of them per week because I desire the reward. Many times these are back-to-back. I’ll check the phone app for emissaries, but the WQ’s have lost any appeal, and the reward would have to be notable.

  • TMog Runs

This is all well and good, of course. I don’t really farm TMog that often, though. I’m just not really that “sold” on it. Like, I enjoy TMog, but I prefer to just hop into sets that I’ve collected already (I focused on ones I really liked, basically, and the stuff that’s left is odds and ends that doesn’t feel worth hunting).

If you enjoy this content, great! Not everyone does, though, and we’re talking about content we want to do not content that can technically be done.

  • Raid

The majority of the player base, as always, is not raiders.

Back during MoP and WoD MMO-Champ had a thread going about how many people raided. I recall someone dredged up some data from WoWProgress and put it together. Something like 60% of players do LFR at least once, 40% do normal at least once, 20% do heroic at least once, and less than 10% do mythic raiding.

I doubt the ratio has changed much, it’s really always been like that. Even in Vanilla we had substantial player base who only ever dabbled in raiding, and otherwise did PvP/wPvP, dungeons, or professions and alts.

Regardless, those players aren’t likely to complain about whether raid content exists, because they aren’t interested in doing it. They’re complaining about the other systems (and not complaining about raiding really at all).

  • Mythic+

Mythic+ is a fine and fun activity, but:

The dungeon design this time around didn’t resonate with me. Waycrest Manor is top notch and I’ll always go do that (even if it’s heroic with a friend who’s gearing up), but Temple or Shrine probably not.

I also don’t always want to go through dungeons during weeks where the affixes are too irritating. I know, I know, “lazy”. Still, affix combinations are a known irritant to the player base at times. It just means that some weeks I’m not going to bother (though, if you look at my armory, I haven’t bothered much on this character at all).

  • War Campaign

Takes a pretty short amount of time. This isn’t repeatable engaging content, honestly.

Overall I think there’s more to do, but it’s not necessarily fun or engaging.

One solid piece is that most of my characters feel shallow and bland to play. Like, they’re a portrait of what they are, gussied up and pretty but two dimensional. (Some classes, in fact, are like really crappy portraits by bad artists)

It’s going to be a really unpopular opinion, so let’s hope no one takes offense:

I think that the glut of catch-up mechanics, ease of access to end-game content, and overall flow of rewards has diminished the value of the reward structure.

Hit 120, and there’s no progression path between leveling and end game, not really. With all of the gear that you can acquire rapidly, and no real “slope up”, it makes gear feel like a throwaway reward. Most of it’s useless, which breaks a huge portion of overworld content (unless you’re fishing for WF/TF, I guess), and the pieces that matter are irritatingly hard to come by.

Without this gradient of gear acquisition, it cheapens the entire treadmill. I genuinely believe that, even if we don’t realize it, the problems a lot of us are having is a lack of reward to playing.

Not a lack of gear, but rather a lack of that “ooooh!” moment. Getting gear should be an “oooooh!” moment, but it often isn’t. In fact, it’s so rarely an “oooooh!” moment that I think many of us just stopped paying attention. They stopped engaging us on the treadmill with that, and I think it’s surprising that people are confused as to why things feel shallower.


Classes are shallow, reward structure is flat, much of the content that exists is just “things to do” that keep you busy instead of providing consistent progression.


just because they give us boring things to do, doesn’t mean we aren’t still bored

I can make a crappy game filled with a million grinds for you to express the same bewilderment “how can you be bored with so much to do?”

simple fact of BfA - the grind design has taken us to new levels of time requirements for lower relative rewards

almost everything feels like the time spent wasn’t worth it - loot upgrades are pretty much the only reward we want. Loot upgrades and feeling of meaningful power progression.

Scaling removed most power progression in both pvp and pve. Gear is now far less of a reward and deserves less time spent. Azurite is completely worthless as a fake endgame grind.

This ain’t rocket science buddy. Although some people, largely super casuals who barely care about progression at all, may not care about the grinds there is a TON of players that do. They are the 85% that have quit BfA and/or are complaining on the forums.


The key phrase people generally leave out when they say there’s a “lack of content” is that there is a lack of content they’re interested in doing.

I’ll give you a few examples of how I feel on the matter specifically:

Don’t care for world quests or the daily emissary rewards. I don’t care about gear progression, at most I’ll drop in once in a while to chip away at some Proudmoore Admiralty rep to work them up to Exalted for the purposes of unlocking Kul Tirans… maybe. Even that’s getting harder to work up the motivation for.

I have run out of gear to collect for transmog.

Do I have everything? No.
Do I want everything? No.
Do I have everything I want? Yes.

The only “good” transmog set this expansion (so far) was the Tier 3 Arathi Warfront Plate set, and only for Alliance. I finished it… so I’m good.

I haven’t touched a single raid this expansion, not even LFR, and have NO interest in doing so.

Also, gear progression is meaningless to me; has been for close to 10 years now.

I’m not going to go through an endless see of jerks and other deplorable individuals to attempt to even make this worthwhile.

And again, gear progression holds no interest to me.

… I can’t even muster the motivation to progress the story in WoW at this point, and it pretty much WAS the only thing keeping my interest remotely tied to the game.

To be perfectly honest, there’s VERY little keeping me subscribed to the game at this point… and I’m starting to wonder why I haven’t completely jumped ship just yet.

Maybe a fool’s hope that the game will actually get better (and being too lazy to turn off the 6 month subscription cycle), or that Classic WoW won’t be horribly tarnished by recent developments. Affordability isn’t an issue by any means, so that could be a mitigating factor as well.

… and the following:

  • Guild still has a handful of friends I can chat to and play with on the rare occasion.
  • Sunk costs fallacy, especially since it now contains “exclusive” and time limited gear which is no longer obtainable (MoP cloak, WoD ring, Mage Tower appearances).

… but even those are starting to run a little thin.

So yes, WoW isn’t without content right now.
Even during WoD’s infamous dry spells, there was still content to do.

Content players want to do is a different story.


BfA has objectively more content than any other expac at this same time. People are just salty they can’t just raid log anymore

boredom is very subjective

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