How Are People Bored?

Played a long time (2006/8-2012?) Just came back a few months ago.

Only 1 120 now.

Hmm. Ok

Well, I’m solo, and can no longer do raids or pvp due to physical limitations. There aren’t any people around who just want to chill back and mozy through a dungeon. I can still heal, but these dungeons are new… So I’ll work on BFA pathfinding later on when it comes out I guess.

Toon 2 (This one. 115): Once I did the BFA storyline on toon 1, it was incredibly boring to do again. So I’m spending my time in Legion, working on pathfinding, void elves, and the DK mount. Thus, not bored there yet and kept very busy.

But I just got back. BFA needs some more areas?

Hmm I’ve never gotten bored with a class… I had 3 accounts and a gazillion alts before (Only 6 toons atm). Hunter is my favorite, though I’m very sad they standardized pets.

I did start a monk, which is a new class for me. It wasn’t the class that was boring; going through the leveling process is. Like I said, I can heal dungeons and these will come back to me. But… it’s boring and a long way to 120. New 1-60 zones would be cool.

This is all that needs to be said.

  • Emissary (daily). BORING IN BFA
  • Tmog runs(weekly) BORING IN BFA, LOVE IT IN MOP
  • Raid (weekly) YAWN
  • Mythic 10(weekly) NOT REMOTELY INTERESTED
  • War campaign (stay current) ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

I havent played my Hunter much in a few weeks. Did they nerf the pet again?
Mine was being outright slaughtered by what used to be REALLY easy world trash. My Ilvl and character level is exactly the same as it was when I parked the character maybe 3 weeks ago and left it to do other stuff.
I came back yesterday to try to go kill some trash in BfA and its like my pet was made of tissue paper now or something.

I dunno, but ditto. Might as well have a nerfed mage for a pet.

Hunter pets a long while back needed a little changing but a real easy fix was to leave the pet as it was and just have the hunter take a portion of the damage the pet was taking so we didnt feel so invincible. This was maybe 10 or 12 months ago, so Im talking before BfA started.
Felt like my pet could take all incoming damage, keep everything aggroed and I just had to keep reviving it. Seemed like a bit much.
All I was hoping theyd do was make me take a portion of the damage my pet was so Id feel a little more in danger.
Leave it to blizzard to go from one insane extreme to another instead of just tweaking crap like it needs.

To me, the core of the issue is that 1) the classes don’t feel too good to play, and 2) the game feels unrewarding. Remove either one of those points and the expansion would probably feel much better. If the classes were fun to play, people would play for fun and the rewards wouldn’t matter. If the rewards were good, getting a reward would feel exciting and it would be a carrot to keep players playing. But both issues at the same time is a really bad combination.

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Almost everything you listed in the OP is either trivial chores, trivial collectathons of content that’s been out for years, or doing something decently relevant once a week.

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Yea at least we used to get new chores. This sht’s just been recycled since day 1 of launch.

This expansion is indefensible.

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I do not really fun so kinda boring

only fun when you are getting good stuff

not feeling both those this expac

that wont take long

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This is exactly right.

Repetitive, monotonous “content” is not fun when put up as wallpaper behind classes which are also not fun.

You can have repetitive content akin to Path Of Exile and Diablo but it has to be with a deeply, deeply complex character progression system.

Every single system in the game now on top of character design is absurdly simplified and stripped of any fun.

We can’t have large dungeons.
We can’t have class imbalance.
We can’t have rep tabards or any other alternate path for rep farming.
We can’t have difficult world content.
We can’t have flying.
We can’t have interesting itemization because it breaks item balance.

In short all of the nanny practices of Blizzard have ruined WoW.


I’ve never ran into that conundrum of asking myself how people are bored. I did notice the threads you speak of but it’s a game, … people say all sorts of things and I usually boil down to the content not being compelling for them. It’s normal.

  • Emissary (daily).

Really? You find this fun? These are a chore to me.

  • Tmog runs(weekly)

Ok, so this is half a step more “fun” than emissary questing, assuming I want to travel wherever to do it.

  • Raid (weekly)

I don’t do this and have no interest in it, so yeah, no fun there.

  • Mythic 10(weekly)

I don’t do this and have no interest in it, so yeah, no fun there.

  • War campaign (stay current)

More mindless PvE. The only “fun” is if/when RNG actually works out for you and you get a worthwhile item.

To sum up, the list is laughable. It’s nice you think that stuff is “fun.” Many do not. What I don’t understand is why you would find that surprising.

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You can do that in 2 days sadly. That’s why this game is so boring.

So long as the voices are in my head I’m never bored!

Hmm I would say there is not a lot that is really fun, or truly meaningful to do. More boring then anything for myself. You can put in all the content in world, if its not exciting, classes are not fun. The game will be boring.


Because the “Wash, Rinse and Repeat” style of game play got old 6 years ago.

I’m managing 9 alts and still feel bored, it’s not because there’s stuff to do that people can’t feel bored. Being bored is just a state of mind that should happen in mmos, they don’t really keep you “on the edge” at all time it just happens for me a lot more this expan because nothing feels “worth” doing. Might be just me or this expansion might be bad who knows.

As for what I’m doing it include:
-farming the big love rocket on about 20 characters
-doing missions tables about twice a day
-did 3 heroics raids and some mythic raiding this week
-doing wqs emissary on toons I care 3-4 and free stuff on most (warfronts, dungeons weekly)
-did M+ weekly on 4 character, might do a 5ft
-also do battle pets (working on family achiev for bfa)

What do you mean that people “can’t just raid log anymore”. I’m fairly certain logs are still around. Unless you meant something else.

Too many stairs?