How Are People Bored?

Emissary (daily). - 400 azerite yay or 200 war resources - yawn

  • Tmog runs(weekly) - can do those anytime
  • Raid (weekly) - not for four days
  • Mythic 10(weekly) - no
  • War campaign (stay current) - finished it all both sides.

I’m bored because the level-cap content feels either boring or unrewarding.

-World Quests, being the same as levelling content, make it so I’m not only burning out on my main, but also alts. The only incentive I find worthwhile right now is in the Emisarries, but most don’t feel rewarding enough to overcome the tedium of the WQs that spawned with them.
-Dungeons, similarly, have me burned out, to the point where I don’t feel motivated to even do a M+2 for the weekly chest. Aside from the potential for mounts and whatever-cores, I have literally no use for dungeons: AP and gold rewards are too low, and I outgear any potential reward below M+5, while having no personal interest in the difficulty spike of the affixes introduced at that level.
-PvP, in this game, just doesn’t hold my interest. This one’s more of a personal “I prefer PvE” reason.
-Pet Battles, similarly, doesn’t hold my interest, though this one is primarily due to personal annoyance at the majority of pet battles essentially requiring specific team compositions thanks to the preset moves each pet has. Besides, if I really wanted to play Pokemon, I already have a copy of Omega-Ruby that I could just play instead.
-Raiding would be the one angle of content that I’d enjoy doing, but I don’t play long enough sessions now to justify joining a PuG weekly.

People who get bored by so many different types of content in a game this big should probably just start asking themselves what it is they actually want from this game,

Flight now instead of doing one achievement back in Sept and then waiting on an endless timegate to do the rest to actually get the reward.

Island expeditions are a disaster, the fact that the doubloons dont even have a drop rate is reason enough.

Read that.

Scaling and in particular ilevel scaling destroys progression.

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If I didn’t pay with gold I probably wouldn’t be back. But I missed my gnomes :>

I think the game is boring to me because I also play other games with a lot more enjoyable systems. One example on class design would be to compare my warrior in WoW to my warrior in GW2. In wow my Fury warrior has ~3 main attacks (not counting talent abilities), whereas in GW2 he has ~10 (also not counting talents).

As far as crafting is concerned, in WoW professions feel widely useless (I don’t even craft pots on my alch anymore because it’s cheaper to sell the mats and buy flasks), whereas in FF14 the professions systems are treated as thoroughly and as seriously as if they were their own individual “classes.”

The class abilities and playstyle available within WoW when it comes to pvp are really boring when compared to an ANCIENT game that is still around called Dark Age of Camelot. The mechanics of gameplay and abilities in DAOC combined with their siege mechanics made realm vs realm fighting the end game because it was fun. In WoW you have instanced arenas, broken wpvp, and large scale pvp can’t be supported by the servers. Without classes like bards for example that can cast wide net and long duration mezz abilities, you lose the opportunity to play strategically as a group and instead it turns in to just everyone rolling their face on the keyboard and which ever side has the more players is most likely going to win. The removal of pvp vendors in WoW also eliminated the only thing that actually got me in to arenas at all as I would chase certain gear for xmog.

Also, as someone who generally enjoys the gathering professions in games, the sharding in this game is ridiculous. Running towards an herb node only to see it vanish when you try to gather it back to back to back just feels like a joke.

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Does anyone know how I go about giving all of my expansion’s up votes to this?


“How Are People Bored?”

When not excited, or otherwise engaged meaningfully, people are “bored.”

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Good lord dude, this list is nothing but side trash. What’s really bad about your list is that I hardly play the game (at least it feels like I hardly do) and I’ve done more than you. Of course there is a ton of stuff to do in the game when you don’t play it.

First the whole different strokes for different folks thing…

I dont find a lack of content as in “quantity” in the game. There’s plenty to do in that sense.

For me its the lack of engaging content in the game. Especially for a casual player like me who not only doesn’t raid but also has no desire to even go back to raiding…a main stay of time consuming content is rep grinds. I’m not a fan of how big and prevalent rep is 8n the game now. Doing the same world quests over and over for literally a month or more straight to ding exalted is not engaging game play. Its merely a carrot on a stick that is solely done in chorelike fashion to get it over with
. Yes rep has always been in the game but never to be so prominent as now.

Before you earned a mount or tabard perhaps some cool gear. Now rep is needed for flying and unlocking new race models.

So there’s all rhat and yes the classes are stale and boring. Not just on rotation and abilities …my goodness we havent even seen a new talent row for two expansions. Also classes don’t feel unique.

Blizzard went all “leftist touchy feely” with class design philosophy now many classes offer very similar or the same abilities.

in an rpg game each class should have unique value…if some players complain they should have a similar ability 8n their class…tough. they quit…let them. Say good bye dont let the door hit you where the good lord split ya!


I dont like that gear matters hardcore in pvp but I have to do m+s to get gear and hope from raids or wb etc I get drops. I wouldn’t care if there were pvp vendors but haha.

Another poor widdle soul, who can’t handle the fact that someone likes the game when they do not. :rofl:

And judging by your profile, my dear, you have some M+, which I’m not at all interested in doing, but otherwise you’re an LFR hero just like I am. But by all means, play the “BUT MUH OTHER ACOUNT!” card.

Run along.

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Yo dingdong, I openly said I hardly play the game which is what made your list even worse because you hardly do anything.

There is so much to do in this game, I can’t keep up with everything. If you are at max ilvl, max profession, max honor points pvp, have all the achievements, all the transmogs, etc, etc. Then you have been playing wow nonstop for years. I have started at legion xpac and have thousands of hours invested and imo, only have done a quarter of the stuff wow offers.

Each class plays differently than the other. How does a tank, healer and dps play the same? Each class has three specs. And some specs play very different from the other spec. SV vs MM hunter as an example.

If the game bores you so much, take a break from wow for a few days.


Trolling the forums of a game you profess to “hardly play”, when by your account activity you clearly do play, is a sign of some sort of insecurity. You might wanna work on that, and on lying when it is so easy to debunk it.

which is what made your list even worse because you hardly do anything.

Let me clue ya in here, Chuckles; this is a video game, with many, many, many things to do in it. I do what i enjoy doing, and do not do what I do not enjoy doing. I do not do raids above LFR, Mythics, or rated pvp, nor with Heroics even til later in the expansion. Don’t have the time, or honestly, really the skill. I’m old, and know my limitations.

I made a list of the things abut the game I like. I’m sorry if that awakened some frustrated insecurities in your Grinch-like heart. :sunglasses:

Boredom is considered a form of depression.

Hmmm…how to put this so you can understand it. Normally I would just talk slower but since this is text, that is a little hard to accomplish.

You gave a goofy list full of nothing but side trash as to why there is so much to do in the game. Me, someone that said they hardly play (because I have other things to do, not because I don’t like the game), has done more in said game then you have, calls you out on said list because you have barely engaged in anything on said list. When someone that hardly plays the game has done more than someone claiming there is so, so much to do that it’s hard to pick and choose, something is wrong.

If it’s a list of things you like in the game, that is fine and dandy but unfortunately, things you like in the game doesn’t necessarily equate to content in the game. Attacking someone for saying they are bored is pretty dumb when you haven’t even engaged with enough content to warrant even being in the room to discuss said content.

You don’t have anything worth saying, and this is as far as I plan to read.

When you grow up a bit, you’ll figure out how to interact with others who like to do things that you don’t. I have faith in you, kid.

I am going back to Incursion-running. Ta-ta. :pray:

Now it’s great that players can go back to other expansions and play that content.

But when players buy a new expansion, they should rightfully expect to get new content that’s meaningful and keeps them engaged in it.

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Well of course I have nothing worth saying when you have no way to defend against what is said. You would rather curl up in the fetal position and hope it all goes away lol.

These are just very boring bloat.

Once done a few times, these lose their fun value and become too easy and repetitive. Especially the latter.

This has actually been a bit of fun.

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Just do what I do when I have WoW boredom

Spam different class alts

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