How Are People Bored?

GCD. Really that’s it for me. There’s tons of stuff to do this Expansion, but I can’t bring myself to do it because my class feels like I’m fighting in smelly molasses because of the GCD changes.

Get rid that the awful GCD changes, and the game would actually be enjoyable for me again.


The classes would be okay to play if they had a bit of power. I find doing content tedious on my feral but it is very okay on my mage.

You do know what the definition of insanity is?

If not your post just illustrated it.

Also, your profile doesn’t indicate you have done any M10’s , barely been in raids, etc etc. I am sure your response will be " this is my alt"… Sure it is…

Not everyone is interested in doing all the content. I don’t particularly care for Mythic+ or Raids. I’ve done the war campaign, emissaries, and all the zone quests on this character. I’ve leveled 5 characters to max (including a Horde druid as well).

I also understand that MMOs are about repetitive content but honestly there is very little replay value in this expansion. Legion had class quests that encouraged you to level multiple characters. Just to see the story differently. This has faction based story which reduces replayability. I can see how people can get bored.


Classes are terrible, same boring face roll content.

Finished both factions war campaign.
Have all the tmogs I like.
Nothing useful from WQ
I’ll farm emissaries when I can fly and it goes much faster.

Like many here, the classes have become less engaging for me as well. I have 12 lvl 120’s, all at 340+ ilvl. Aside from 2 specs, they are all rather boring, which wasn’t the case for me in previous expansions.

The RNG nature of rewards, mixed with mob scaling, no flight and bad story are really making this one of the hardest expansions for me to stay subbed. Maybe I wouldn’t dislike WQ’s if we didn’t just have multiple years worth in Legion.

All in all, this expansion just leaves me with a greater feeling of, “why bother” than I’ve had to date, in WoW.

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The only real answer is the game’s reward structures don’t resonate with them, or more so, they don’t enjoy what the game’s purpose is at max level.

You have multiple infinite progression pathways, and thanks to how lockouts and various types of content works now, you can just do whatever you like best over and over again all day every day.

That’s what I do. I do about 25+ Mythic plus dungeons a week across usually 20-25 hours. I would do them if they gave no loot, like I did with Challenge Mode dungeons in MoP and WoD, but the fact that they do give extremely good loot makes me do them even more, on more toons other than just my DK.

In the end, it is factually wrong to say there is nothing to do in the game. People who get bored by so many different types of content in a game this big should probably just start asking themselves what it is they actually want from this game, because if a comment like you see above where you just go through 5-10 different things to do and say you dislike all of them is happening to any of you, I don’t know what you are expecting.

This stuff is what the game has always had, and now it has even more.

I think the two big issues are that there is honestly TOO MUCH to do, such that you can never really get everything you want done in a week, and it feels kind of pointless trying after a while.

And obviously some people still seem to be playing a class they dislike, so that is contributing to problems there too for sure.
I understand if you played a spec for a decade and now you dislike it, but I was the same way in Legion.

The horrible changes they made to Holy Paladin had me ready to quit the game.
But I switched to Blood DK and honestly it was the best choice I’ve ever made.

Try new things. You’ll find something you like for sure. Best way to stave off boredom, regardless of what is causing it.


I have one toon really. Two at max level, a third at 118, but I honestly just stick to 1.

I don’t really have a reason to go out and do WQs or emissaries. I am in the mind of not doing something if it’s not fun, and since reps don’t give me anything outside of a profession thing here or there which I can live without (I got the ones I really needed) and I don’t need anything from them.

If I was a plate wearer or a clothie I might do this, but there’s nothing in mail that I want out there.

Yes, I do this twice a week (maybe a bit more if they’re doing side raid with normal).

Once a week or if someone has a dungeon they need bodies for that could drop a trinket.

There’s tons of things people can technically do. I could figure out what the safari chain is for a cool pet, except I don’t want the pet from this expansion if I remember correctly. People could RP, work on professions and make gold, farm old content for mog /toys/whatever. So there are things to do, but I guess when people say there isn’t they mean “there’s nothing I want to do”.

I do not think the issue is that there is isn’t enough to do but rather why and how do we want to do things. What is the purpose of playing? Personally when you look at complaints it seems the core issue isn’t the lack of content but the depth and complexity of the game. In terms of content, there should be a mix of both filler and in-depth content but at the moment it feels that its highly favored to the filler, or rather elongated time sink. It feels like that when you accomplish content it takes a while to receive rewards, and it is not due to lack of time invested but time invested over a period of time. It’s the little things that add up. People will invest large amounts of time right off the bat but wont be rewarded for it. But someone else will invest the same amount of time of a span of weeks and get a higher return. There is a lot of artificial caps in the game to expand the time played, but due to this people will burn out because they experienced the content by investing a lot of hours right away and then look forward knowing they have to wait to get the rewards. I’m not saying to just hand stuff out but things like reductions in AP, receiving loot from weekly boxes on reset rather than on completion, reductions in how many reroll coins we receive per week, no currency system to invest long term for gear, not having goals to make a BiS list due to titanforging, and no longer term quests are just examples of how people can say there is not a alot to do.

Sure the content is there. Its nice having something to look forward to on a daily/weekly basis, but the reward comes from small amounts of time invested in a long term, rather than the actual time invest over whatever span the person chooses makes people feel like there isn’t a lot to do.

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It is a combination of Azerite not being a very fun system, a terrible story and poor class design. Things that otherwise could be fun becomes unfun.

It was recently acquired, and no, I do not do real raiding. Never had the time or interest.

I’m not big on RPing either so i dunno where you get your fun in this game if all you do is the boring repetitive stuff.

It doesn’t really matter to me if you “get it”, honestly. I certainly do not do every WQ that is up at a time, and don’t bother if the reward is meager, e.g. 200 resources, but overall it is still entertaining.

Because that “content” isn’t fun. And surprise! People don’t find doing something they dislike fun.

Everything you’ve listed is legacy content (not new content), or “chore” content. It’s not new or engaging content that people want. Legacy content runs aren’t current or new content… War fronts are a joke, impossible to lose, and not fun. Emissaries are a chore since they are just the same old world quests on endless repeat for a carrot. The weekly mythic 10 is another chore and another carrot to chase. The War campaigns are painfully short and completely rely on being absurdly time gated to last longer. The only thing you’ve listed that is relevant is raiding, and that’s about it. Even still, the game needs more than a raid, and lots of people don’t even raid to begin with. So yea, it’s completely reasonable that people say there’s no content.

When people say there’s no content they mean there’s no newly developed stuff to do in WoW anymore. They don’t mean there’s absolutely nothing at all in the game whatsoever. People have to stop conflating displeasure of lack of new content with WoW as a whole over that last 15 years.

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It’s less a matter of a “lack of things to do”, rather than a “lack of things to do that I want to do, that feels worth doing.” Island Expeditions are a good example of something I just don’t want to do and don’t feel worth doing. But that’s just me.


Just to add my “vote”, whatever that may be worth these days:

I agree with soooooooo much said in this thread. There are things to do, but no reason to do them or enjoyment to be had in doing them, at least for me.

Fix that, and WoW will draw me back in, no problem. But right now? I’m content to get the occasional month of game time, play a bit, go “oh right, that’s why I stopped”, and let it run out while I putter around on the forums.


the classes are a major underlying theme on people dissatisfaction with this xpac.

almost everything can be “chore” content. What would your content be that isn’t “chore content”?

If classes were like they were in 5.4 I’m sure doing Islands or w/e other “content” there is currently would feel a lot better. Atm it just feels so bleh :frowning:

Edit: Mog runs are always fun but as you see I look super fly so I’ll hold off on those for now

Its boring because the only single way to develop your character is by an RNG loot drop…there is nothing else in the entire game, no systems, no diversity, no skill trees, no paragon levels, no nothing. Its RNG or bust. Its not really a traditional RPG MMO its just a cartoon loot sim.