How Are People Bored?

I’m bored with BFA, RNG, scaling, loot just isn’t exciting anymore, solo play is just plan out boring and not challenging. Crafting is boring, nigh useless for return of investment needed. I did the main story line in BFA, finished psthfinders part 1, I’ve done world pvp too and LFR. so… I’m leveling my last alt instead as a tank mostly in 5 mans (this Character as) and the dungeons are many. Cataclysm dungeons are fricking hard. But I’m wearing out on repeating content with no real payoff, or payout.

So I am tired of wow…no shame no blame just getting tired of it. Waiting for ‘ rise of the fallen’ or ‘Camelot unchained’ to give me a new universe to play in. I need something fresh.


Because there is nothing meaningful to work for .

-Ap seems pointless
-Blue gear world quests would be great if professions were great and profitable making going after it worth it for scrapping.
-Missions fall in the same boat( yeah i know its on a ship bite me :rage:) as above.

The only content left was the story-line that ends for the alliance after killing the king and for the horde after beating jaina . That’s really nothing great and probably done for many ppl on the first raid night. Its all treadmill after that


People are bored because there is nothing they enjoy doing in game. People can list all of the content that is available in game but if I find none of that content enjoyable or burnt out on it does not help.

It is like dying of thirst at sea. There is water all around you but none of it will keep you alive or in this case playing.


Pretty much this. The content I feel is awesome but the classes being pruned and so similar at times bores me to death.

Because it feels like your doing a “task list” after a while and it gets boring as hell. You do it after a while because “I’m used to it” and loses fun


I’ll be more active when flying is introduced. That’s when I’ll level my alts, finish reps, WQ more, etc…

I know there are legions of people like me, so it’s kind of odd they just seems to be okay with people not playing the game for months while waiting on one feature that makes all that content more tolerable.

If they let you fly immediately, I don’t think I’d have taken much of a break at all yet because I’d be working on my army of alts so I can do what I enjoy most, PvP on whichever toon I feel like playing on any given day.

As it stands now I have only a few at 120, and none particularly well geared, and simply don’t PvP at all because most of the time the class I want to play is sitting there at 110 and I get discouraged and just logout.

If flight was already in I would play. Not because I’m boycotting or anything, I just don’t want to do the available content without it. It’s so simpulz.


Nobody will ever admit to it but I’d bet that a lot of the boredom people experience is, ironically enough, a result of too much accessibility. Because people can jump into the latest greatest content with a (for MMOs) trivial time investment, there’s no solid sense of progression like there was with the earlier xpacs. Instead there’s just this feeling that you’re vaguely “caught up” coming from doing the most basic content the game has to offer.

In the past, things weren’t as accessible, and there was a very clear, singular pathway to progress to the leading edge of endgame. You generally couldn’t skip parts of it, and everybody had to take the same path. There was no free ride and if you wanted great gear you had to earn it.

“How does that help with boredom?! Wouldn’t that just make it worse?” you ask. That’s simple. It gave everyone from hardcore raiders to casuals a meaningful goal that lasted all expansion. It doesn’t even matter how many managed to achieve said goal; its mere existence was enough to give people a reason to play and not feel bored. It meant that there was always something to work on.

I’ve never gotten very far with raiding. The best I ever achieved was MC in vanilla and ICC10 pugs in WotLK. Even so, the carrot of achieving high-end raiding that existed back then did wonders for my will to play the game. These days, I have a hard time caring because it’s just sitting there waiting for me to reach for it.


I don’t think it’s that you don’t have the progression period. It’s that what you’re progressing isn’t what is fun to progress. Instead of slowly progressing your character along and simultaneously increasing your rep with the factions you’re working with to eradicate the current evil that’s afoot, you blaze to max level and then slog through what feels like an endless grind of rep and currency/AP which just doesn’t feel as good.


Most of the player base doesnt raid,doesnt do m+10 and dont farm xmogs.

I hate to break it to you.


Yep one of my friends who left during cata made me realize when I was telling him how much the game has changed he said “oooh dailies” sarcastically when I tried to explain emissaries to him.

It made me think “am I having fun?” Or am I just telling myself these repetative list of chores are fun.


I find myself staring at the login screen, and AFKing in Stormwind much more frequently now…

This doesn’t bode well, and I don’t like it.


For me this is because M+ affixes are more plain frustrating and unfun than they are difficult. They try to turn an RPG into a strange child of an action game and an RPG. I wish this is something Blizz would either address or provide an alternative for.


Honestly I just do lfr and honestly just for the appearance because I sadly don’t have time for a long structured raid. The mythic gear is basically keeping me up to speed and a mythic takes 30 or 35 mins.

Most dont even lfr but you see how boring it can get for casuals.Along with bad class design

For some reason I start getting mass lag during gronk and the adds that lead up to him. Probably my old 1070 ti.

The lag makes it almost not worth doing. I dont lag anywhere else.

Most of those things is boring is the reason people are bored.


Your looking at it wrong WoW is boring compared to many Brand new triple AAA titles. Its 15 years old flogged to death copy paste gutted gameplay. Back then there was not much competition in the gaming world, things have changed, PC’s are super powerful, gamers arent buying gtx 2080’s to play wow. WoW has approximately a quarter of its peak player base it once had. To think its not on the decline is delusional, and the suits would be well aware of it.
Look at Fortnite, 80 million monthly players, 200 million registered users, those figures dwarf anything warcraft achieved…gaming has changed.

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Unfortunate but true. It’s too bad because I really don’t like action game style play in anything but single player games, but multiplayer action seems to have taken over almost entirely.

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And most people dont do half that stuff.its why people are leaving wow.


I hear you, give me a good RPG or MMO any day, but those are few and far between (Dark souls, Witcher series) People think another MMO will be the death of wow, the gaming world as a whole will be the death of WoW and like it or not its happening.