How are multiboxing banned?

so how are people being banned for multiboxing? is it because of the addons they install that work with the program or is it that the multiboxing program is running while or the WoW client is also running, or are they somehow scanning your hard drive or something like that? can you have multiboxing programs on your computer but not have them running or anything while your playing WoW? (if they are hard drive scanning then this kinda answers itself)

It basicly boils down to that some of the multiboxer programs claim they are safe arent as safe and not encouraged by blizzard and use at ones own risk. You want to multibox go ahead but beware the program you use isnt gaurenteed to not get u into trouble.


There won’t be a lot of detail you will get here sadly, as most of this is proprietary, and people will always try to find ways around the detection. Suffice it to say, if you want your account to remain safe, it is best to not install these things.


i personally do not multibox, i have before in other games but not WoW, but it says “mirroring programs” arent allowed, but then what about people who use things like Razer Synapse or iCUE?

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And, if those are deemed detrimental to the game, Blizzard will ban the use of them as well.

As long as its one click per action its fine but when it does 1 click 50 different actions it then against the rules.


auto clickers are bad then too lol

Yes, and get people banned for using them.


Firstly, multiboxing is not against the rules. What you’re thinking of is broadcasting software.

There are a couple of different ways they can detect stuff. The Warden is the most widely talked about, and basically, its software for anti-cheating. It runs via packets sent to your pc, and does a scan on what your RAM and CPU are doing. At that point, it flags you or it doesn’t. Because of this, it is relatively easy for the program to detect compiled programs.

That said, the Warden does not target the entire WoW population all at once (that would require an enormous amount of bandwidth). For this reason, Blizzard still relies on player reports.