How are Epic Premades Fun?

Always with the insults and no answers smh

well, standard game theory would suggest that in any zero sum game, if one party discovers an advantage, any party who fails to also integrate that advantage will lose the game. this is in fact one of the major problems with AI development right now, if we pause development to have a moment of consideration on what we are doing, then china or russia or iran will surpass us in this race. meaning we are forced to go full steam ahead just to make sure our AI is the one to hit singularity first, if such an event is even possible.

but yeah, you call anything you don’t like unfair and anything unfair to you is cheating, so its hard to have a deep discussion on the implication following the rules has to free will and its relation to consciousness, God, and the creation and purpose of reality.

as long as it is an “advantage” allowed by the game sure more power to, but raid in random bg’s vs groups of 5 or less is not allowed therefor exploiting.
and nowhere have I called things I don’t like unfair bud lol

the game allows syncing.

if it did you would be able to que as a big group lol stop lying to yourself

if the game didn’t already allow it, you wouldn’t be here complaining about it.

you are claiming just because you can do it it’s allowed right?

if everyone can do it, then its fair, and thus allowed under the rules.

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So everyone can cheat so it’s ok?

if everyone can do it and its not against the rules, then its not cheating.

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but exploiting is cheating so you should not be doing it lol

Anyone can play MW and spec into Overflowing Mists, so by that logic, using OM is not cheating by your definition, and all the noise SAS was making about that was just them being salty.

people used to say it was cheating when i would dps a turnip with the AA.

i think the word you are looking for is trolling :slight_smile:

Trial of Style is low-key a joke though. My guild mate placed first place three times in a row in his first queue session wearing this hot mess:

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operative word “Yet” but the pumpkinqueen will reign supreme. You don’t know how many times i have been hotkey chucking pumpkins at alliance thinking i was killing them as the Pumpkins are set to my second bar and i forget to change it back. Annndddd you get a pumpkin and youuuuu get a pumpkin… I’m sure there are alotta confused alliance at times fighting me.

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What do you mean …that’s shmexy …is he busy on Saturday ??? askin for a friend

That’s why I like you. You make me feel better about my own sanity or lack thereof. :rofl:


This happens when you mean someone a little crazier than yourself :slight_smile:

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The game “allows” you to do all kinds of things exploiting, botting, type slurs in chat ect. Its blizzard who steps in to stop players.