How are Epic Premades Fun?

It seems like 99% of your games are just pug stomps with no tough fights. Doesnt it get boring never feeling any challenge or feeling any risk of losing?

I’ll admit I used to run with a horde premade community back in shadowlands. My goal was to get the bloodthirsty title and doing premades seemed the fastest way to do it.

The only reason i was able to stay motivated/have fun was that i had a goal in mind. How are you premaders able to stay engaged and enjoy your games? Do you also have a goal you are working towards?


Some people just want easy wins.

Or they like to RP as General George S. Patton as they toy with hapless pugs.



Step 1 - Be bad at the game
Step 2 - Join an EBG community so you’re no longer accountable for your own gameplay
Step 3 - Win EBG’s and think you’re good at the game

Simple instructions for enjoying epic premades.


Lots of kills, easy wins. That’s all there is to it.


I personally love coming to the forums to see the whining take place…it encourages me to try harder


I just like slapping shell shocked soldiers so…this exactly


just say you can’t win fair fights and move on no need to be childish bud.


Because they are fun because it’s friends . Those that don’t idk what to tell you.

playing with friends is one thing

refusing to play the game at all unless u have a sync premade of 30 ppl is another thing

some of these kids legit dont even play unless they r apart of a giant premade

would be funny to see some of these dudes in a 1v1


winning is fun.

Closest thing you can get to large scale WPVP nowadays is epic bgs. Sometimes I run solo, sometimes I run with friends. The thing is, its my sub, not yours. So who cares? I’ve got AOTC on my war and PVE is way more fun than PVP this expac. I agree that stomping pugs is very boring. GY camps and the like are on the low end of premade epic bg community standards. Have fun with your friends and kill ppl. That’s my speed. If it makes random ppl on the internet upset, so be it. Good day.


The 40 people on the other team care. All of the players who queue for an EBG and encounter a premade enemy care.
It is remarkable that no matter how many times this gets said to you clowns you seem to completely gloss over the fact that you are hurting the game experience of the players on the other team.


the other team cant backcap? the other team can’t hearth back to defend bunkers/towers?
most premades aren’t doing anything in the bg besides playing the game how its supposed to be played. as an example most premades wont rush to the end and wait for pve which seems to be the most popular pug strategy for AV.


I solo’d in a pug the other day against a GG premade …we won …simply put it all depends on the pugs and wanting to work together and win or sit around crying about it.

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Think about how miserable epic BGs can be when you’re solo queueing.
Now imagine the opposite of that feeling.

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Ok? i have won vs them as well lol still doesn’t change the fact that yall do like easy wins lol just proves yall are trash

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no it means we don’t like playing with people who do not do simple objectives …pretty simple stuff. Rage on

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lol how am i raging? you sure project a lot i feel

I said what I said :slight_smile: …stand by it 100%

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I’ve done the same, faced a premade and won but I’ve faced alot more and been on the losing side simply because they are a premade of “friends”.

Claim all the anecdotal you want but the fact remains these “communities” ruin the experience for a lot more people. Even BGs they aren’t even in… see thread about gaps of players in EBGS (most likely caused by a community dropping queue because MUH FRIENDS DIDNT GET IN)…