How are Epic Premades Fun?

I do believe that most of the people in those communities are there more for the social aspect rather than the competitive aspect, so I wouldn’t expect too much raging from the masses. Maybe some of the leaders, though…


What a lot of people don’t seem to get is it’s about people.

Here’s a simple example: I want to play epic BGs with people like Hellkitty, not with people like the OP and the usual suspects who barely play and/or disdain eBGs.

Don’t like epic BGs? Don’t queue for them. It’s not rocket science.


This week I won’t queue a single epic BG because the weekly is for regular BGs. The previous two weeks the weeklies were for epic BGs. In weeks where the weekly is epic BGs people who don’t like epic BGs will queue for them.

Sweet as, take away the epic BG daily and I won’t Q for epics. I estimate a lot of other pugs won’t either.

Then you will be left with epic premades vs epic premades and see how fast these communities crumble when their forced to face each other each BG instead of roflstomping pugs.

I don’t stream.

since we consistently try to que against other premade that’s awesome…i don’t think many communities like rolling over pugs…at least not the communities I’m in.

I am competitive, but try not to rage. And with it just being DJL folks there won’t be any “you’re not my dad” crap.

Yeah …well i’m usually too busy saying “here hold my beer …Watch This”


Awww shucks …make a girl blush :slight_smile:

Reminds me of Captain Grim’s youtube video of Dranei crashing into azeroth, hilarious stuff

i haven’t seen that I’ll look it up lol …it’s just a common saying where i live when we are about to do something really, really stupid…so i have it macro’d lol cause I’m always doing stupid things

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Omg Rofl…never seen these before

Last expansion I played almost all premade and did solo arena which is a pug basically and had a blast. This expansion I decided play mercenaries horde. Geez I love the horde play style and dedication to many of the epic BG’s and AB one of my all time favorites.

I agree that horde have less educated people pvping just like alliance does. But, horde do a great job with little to no negative comments way less than an alliance pug.

There is a lot more playing going on horde side vs alliance.
I’d love to run a few rated PvP BG’s with a few horde premade but I just haven’t had the time to find one to play in.

My healer love to plow the roads with her healed juiced up team mates , I am as dedicated healer on the horde side as I would if I played alliance with the exception I don’t have to save my buttas much on the horde side as I do on the alliance side freeing up valuable seconds to heal the horde team I am on.

You’ll know it’s me when you see me use an alliance PvP battle flag (got to be a opps blizzard forgot) and there I am all horde with an alliance battle flag that kills alliance.

We rake those babies over the coal nearly every game I am in!

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Yeah i play both Horde and Alliance (mainly Horde) and both sides have their attention seekers but i have found Horde tend to have less but it also depends on the time of day like all things. Good to have ya aboard :slight_smile:

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All the premade’s have gone over to normal bg’s smh legit trash players

then why are you complaining? you should be able to stop legit trash players.

Can’t say I’ve ever noticed any epic BG queue-syncs in normal BGs, but there are so many people in those communities it would be easy to miss. Saw Fraam in a DWG brawl once, but it didn’t seem to be a preform or if it was it didn’t play like one. :stuck_out_tongue:

40vs1? ya that sure makes sense lol your excuses are trash as well XD

i have been running into nothing but premade’s sense reset lol