How are Epic Premades Fun?



when are you going to accept the fact that i don’t play as you would if you were in my position, and that this fact upsets you? making up lies about afk rates is really sad my friend.

theres been a few witnesses many times thats hardly lying tbh

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i’ve never said i don’t afk from the occasional game, Oozo likes to pretend i have a 50% win rate and then just afk from nearly all my losses to get a 90%+ win rate. if that were true, nobody would group with me because i would always have deserter. if i win 5-10 games every day, then i would have to have 2 hours of deserter every day, and nobody sees that, not you, not my fellow team mates, and certainly not the alliance who get chain queued into us multiple games in a row.

if you really want my win rates, check out my evoker, its fresh this season:

this doesnt mean anything you just run 40 mans ofc ur going to be 100% what am i supposed to be impressed by here


if it didn’t mean anything, then you wouldn’t grasp at excuses like afking.

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well ive seen the proof myself its def not lies lol there has also been multiple witnesses just in this thread alone like , id be skeptical of 1 person but multiple yeaaaa no lol

u can just afk out and it doesnt count as a loss tho so theres no way to prove your winrate is legit .


if you want to impress me then show me how many times you’ve placed 1st in trial of style for starters .


what about if you afk from a win?

We count those as 2 loses.


I don’t blame anyone for leaving the sorry state of BGs as they can be. I leave lost causes as well when I get fed up with horrible matchups.

I never said anything about your afk rates. How could I know? Some others have said you leave losing BGs in previous expansions and I’ve personally seen you leave four that I’ve been in.

My only issue is talking about win percentages when you are leaving losing BGs.

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Yup pretty much to meet them before they confine us to the hill we need certain items and crusader. Otherwise we are stuck on the hill while they cap.

Mean all my time I’ve mained horde and I’ve never had a problem getting to hangar first as horde when I played .

It does not happen without crusader and gliders and or other items from the vendor it just doesn’t…and even then its close.

It must have changed since I mained horde then bcuz I don’t ever remember struggling so much as horde /shrug

Can you stream it? Would be fun to watch I think

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I believe there will be a few on forums streaming from what I have heard SPM has a couple players that I believe will stream I’m sure. /me cracks her knuckles…Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!

It would be cool to have streams from both teams so we can get their POV.


Also the discord voice chat for the ragers im hoping for lol

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