How are Epic Premades Fun?

DJL is fighting SPM 8/26.



We also reminded everyone that this was for fun and good times. Any drama or salt and you wouldn’t be invited again.

Naturally, I didn’t make it past the first 10 minutes of the first game.


We have to use eng. items and buffs to get to hangar as the alliance do in IOC since Blizzard hands it to them on a silver platter.

Said it before and will say it again. Premade vs. premade results would be interesting and could even potentially be interesting content to watch. Nobody worth anything respects premade vs. pug fights, hence the resentment.


And what happens when an alliance preform also uses items and buffs to go to hangar? What you are describing only works on a mostly pug opponent that does not care enough to tryhard epic BGs.


They get there a few seconds before we do, which is how it is if we don’t use items to get there fast.

Yes, so in the end you are using these things to have an advantage over… PUGs. That the map is biased towards alliance at hangar is well known.


ive never had to use eng ever as horde to get to hang thats a new one to me

Actually we rely on it most when facing other premades.

How do i tell my dad that im an epic bg premade gamer? hes gonna kill me!


To have a good time with a full 40 man vs 40? And rewards? Honor is useless, and you get 25 conquest per win.

So coordinating with another epic BG community is like 2 high schoolers meeting behind the bleachers, but not like 2 major league teams matching up their schedule to play against one another. It’s isn’t two kids fighting, it’s going to a bar sober and beating up a bunch of drunk guys.



Can you please stop with the high and mighty. You’ve let your ego become severely inflated. SAS afk’ed out of a SS VS TM just last week. Just because you guys que with 60 people at a time doesn’t make you the best. It just makes you the biggest. Premade epics is a numbers game it is as simple as that.


again, 4 people isn’t the whole community, what is it with you guys and thinking victory over a orphaned split is a victory over SAS? you’ve seen what happens when you face our actual community.

they all AFKd out because they got matched against another premade?

lol no way


nah, Deacon did that yesterday, we stomped him in game one, then in the next game he didn’t even go to the teamfight, he stayed in base, watched his teammates get wiped, then afked.

They may not have beaten SAS outright, but leaving because you aren’t with more of your pals is pretty cowardly.


nah, people have their own reasons for leaving. calling them cowards just makes you look immature.

But leaving when you don’t get your way makes you look mature? Idk what other reasons there could be. It’s not like they all had life-threatening emergencies all at the same time.




its not the first time ive seen it b4