How are Epic Premades Fun?

just because i don’t agree with your point doesn’t mean i don’t understand it.

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it’s very clear you didn’t understand lol

Lack of personal talent. The goal should be being able to do what a premade can do without a premade. Some teams make it simply impossible but with most it is possible

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your logic is that 1 person is bad because they can’t beat a group of 40? and they should “get good” you sir are insanely delusional

Did those words ever leave my lips? A premade cannot fight 40 either cause most are only 15 or so max. Obviously you need the team hence

So your saying the premade’s are trash and need 40 mans to win vs randoms?

Found a 5min condensed version of the episode for those who wanted to see it


What an incredible example of Step 3.


Premade vs premade av is really fun


I will say this, as much as I do not condone Epic Premades, Epic Premade vs. Epic Premade is one of the few times these BGs are played the way that they are meant to be played. If there were an Epic BG community that exclusively war-game against other Epic Premade communities then I would join in a heartbeat.


war game mode is not fun to play in. why in the world would we go off and play in a mode with no rewards, toys or consumables?

also, pvp isn’t a middle school fight solved by meeting behind the bleachers after school. a single challenge or duel is meaningless in the greater picture.

Yeah, it’s probably not for premade raids who don’t want competitive games. It’s clear that roflstomping pugs is fun for you.


so far this week we have roflstomped every other premade community. so idk what you are going on about.

Kinda odd you don’t find war games fun.

Equal numbers an issue?


Yes God forbid ya’ll focus on beating up on each other instead of pugs. Ya’ll’s ego is as fragile as spider silk.


we did, SAS won.

you think we are going to make that our entire gameplay experience just to satisfy your ego?

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We, the pugs who get matched up against you and your circle-jerking cadre of clown cars, would very much like for you to get the !#$&% out of our queues. Nobody wants to be the fodder for your inflated egos.


you have played 55 epics. i have played over 6 thousand. who’s queue?

then stop being fodder. you can join or form a community and make your own groups. people group up because they want to play with people they enjoy playing with. get that right and the wins will come automatically. im not saying there aren’t groups out there who group up just to pug stomp, there definitely is, but you fight them by making your own group. i can tell you with first hand experience that stomping the group that inspired you to make your own is extremely satisfying.

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You are welcome to total up all of the epic battlegrounds I have played over my embarrassingly long wow career if you feel the need to validate my opinion. I’m not going to do that work for you.

I can’t link images so I’ll just list the names.

  • Stickbundle - Monk
  • Threescops - Warlock
  • Swagsmcyolo - Druid
  • Moofindiver - Shaman
  • Itslatin - Priest
  • Nerfdady - Dragon

You will find the bulk of my epic bgs played on Swags and Moofin.

Can’t beat us? Join us is not the resounding argument you think it is. Blizzard capped groups at 5 people many moons ago for a reason. Telling us to go out of our way to circumvent restrictions put in place by Blizzard just to be on even footing with you and your groups is asinine.

But at the end of the day, everyone here knows nothing I say is going here is going to have an effect on you and your cadre of “we just do it cause we want to play together” gamers.

See everyone in the next epic bg premade thread. :wave:


“Please stop eating me.” - says my king crab at the dinner table. I say, “more butter.”