How are Epic Premades Fun?

honestly don’t waste your time with this kid lol


Pugs can win if they simply work together versus road fighting and trying to top charts …it happens all the time. As far as afk’ing out i agree that will set things off right out of the gate.

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Says the rager…who whines on just about every thread out there even when it does not pertain to premades …always whining. I found a nubless pacifier the other day in an ebg…yours?

how am I raging or whining? Just because you don’t like the truth doesn’t mean people are “raging and whining” smh you are so childish it’s just sad.


Psychology 101 probably first week puts you in that category …the passive aggressive nature of your responses indicate a high propensity to cover your inadequacies with underlying aggression. Generally as percentages go rage and loss of control is a high margin. The child remarks are a throw back statement to cover your own feelings of inferiority and lack of any real intellectual answer to the problem you face, This also leads to rage as the mental to verbal difference is high causing much frustration that the subject cannot control…hence rage

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you have yet to prove the claims made about me bud lol but good job on knowing how to use google

Yet again point proven…it’s called higher learning combining serval factors from the post i made which was positive that you came in and hijacked whining about premades versus anything good to say. So it’s a combination of psychology and sociology on a specific subject. It’s not something you can google as it’s specific but go try …spin the wheels. It won’t change the fact that you lost the nubless pacifier and your upset.

you are simply projecting bud maybe go figure out your own problems before failing to point out others


I am a moderate player who doesn’t do good in arenas yet i do quite well as team support back capping and the like. I know my abilities and i don’t hide them I am so so when it comes to PvP not elite not a noob. I am hiding nothing.

so? I don’t do good in arenas either but I don’t go and exploit to stroke my ego lol nothing wrong with playing with friends but keep it to what’s allowed.

Unlike you i validated your views i did in the other post you hijacked with your views even when the overall subject had nothing to do with waging war with premades. However you cannot see anyone’s views but your own which is a closed mind, simply put talking to a wall. I find such endeavors rather useless honestly. In the immortal words of Willy Wonka “Good Day Sir”

i didn’t “hijack” anything bud lol you need to stop pointing fingers it doesn’t help your case all you do is insult and say everyone is “raging and crying” when they show you facts lol

By the way i vendored the nubless pacifier :slight_smile:

even when i get matched on the same team as the 30+ man premades i care…

because its just a super boring lopsided comp-stomp… win or lose its just uber boring

i wish i could have the option to avoid premades in epic bg somehow tbh

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Ever seen that twilight zone episode where a gangster dies and then starts his after life where he is rich and can get anything he wants?

It starts out where hes loving his new life, he goes to the casino and every draw on the slot machine gives him a big payout. And every hand hes dealt in poker is perfect, he can get with any girl.

He lives like this for a few weeks before he gets incredibly bored. He asks the poker dealer to allow him to lose occasionally, but he realizes its not the same if its not real luck which causes him to win/lose.

He eventually goes into despair and tells the angel who first showed him around that there must have been a mistake, that he didnt deserve to go to heaven after the life he led.

Its then revealed to him that hes actually been in hell the entire time.

sign me up

Its season 1 episode 28
A Nice Place to Visit

if mr gangster had 39 other friends there im sure the episode would’ve ended differently.

the inherent problem with this is that competitive people can compete with themselves. one could use this to manipulate reality and turn their hell into a heaven.

additionally, nobody is in hell who doesn’t want to be there.

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leave it up to the people that it’s meant for to COMPLETELY miss the point XD

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