How are Epic Premades Fun?

i do know exactly how you work… and of course you do objectives that’s literally the only way to win…

that takes time…pugs want to just rush bosses when they can…thats the fast way and it rarely ever works

no “pugs” don’t want to rush boss lol they only reason yall don’t is because you want to camp and stroke your ego…

Are you playing some other game?

These statements are mutually exclusive. Camping isn’t fast, nor easy.


we don’t camp in my communities it’s actually frowned upon especially in SaS

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yes thats what you r supposed to do bgs are not solo shuffle , its a team game …

Per Blizzard…

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

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this has nothing to do with my reply to you .

you said

so again yes … thats what you r supposed to do bgs are not solo shuffle , its a team game …

Ah ok, well in that case.

Per Blizzard

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

It is a team game. It’s a MMO after all. But that doesn’t mean you should find so many teammates that you heavily stack the deck in your favor. There are outlets for organized PvP, and then there’s you guys. If there were an Epic premade-only queue, you guys would run from it. As we can see from the twinks of old, when it’s an even playing field people would just rather not do it.

yes as in even in a pug you are supposed to communicate call outs and help the team . Its part of teamwork . Idk what other nonsense you keep trying to bring into what i said to win your lil argument but it has nothing to do with my sentence .

Then i’m not really sure what it is you are trying to imply with your “bgs are not solo shuffle” comparison. You are also supposed to communicate in Solo Shuffle.

you said why should you have to communicate with your team as a solo pug . I stated simply that you should still communicate because its a team game . Not solo shuffle where you mind yo business .

if you cant figure this out theres no helping you .

But I didn’t.

I said “If I’m in a PuG, then my opponents need to also deal with the same issues that I deal with. I’m somehow supposed to rally my team to do objectives when this was something that you guys couldn’t even accomplish?”

Making the comparison that I am asked to do something that they themselves opt out of doing. They couldn’t rally their random PuGs, so they don’t do it anymore. The comparison is always made that if PuG’s just communicated a little more then they can overcome the premade. But if PuG’s communicated more these epic BG communities wouldn’t exist.

Also, since it’s brought up. You should not be minding your own business in Solo Shuffle, you absolutely need to be communicating with your team before the gates open.

you lit did you said ill quote it again

what part of " rally my team to do obj" do you not understand . Because if needed i can school you on what this means and how communication helps provide wins even when solo in pugs .



You need to read the entire post to understand the theme. You aren’t even taking it a sentence at a time, you’re taking it half a sentence at a time.

htt ps://

ill say it again .

so what part do you not understand ?

The overall theme of the comment is the refusal of my opponents (epic premade communities) to do the same thing. As per usual kitkat, you’re lost. You shouldn’t so arrogantly attack someone’s intelligence when you yourself miss way more than you hit. Please watch the video I linked, and feel free to check out the rest of the website.

I haven’t insulted you tho im asking you a direct question , but yet you keep avoiding it why? What is so difficult for you to grasp with this direct question . You can keep insulting my intelligence all you want . Im still going to ask you the same question .

im only responding to this very sentence. You can keep dancing around the issue trying to avoid answering why you think you dont have to communicate in a pug bg . The entitlement is real . Basically you just want free wins without the effort . There i answered it for you .

its the

that does it for me liek huge entitlement .

yes your supposed to communicate with your team to try t help your team win the game . Its TEAM based bg . Its not solo shuffle where it switches around and you really only focus on what you need to do without talking much . The whole point is to communicate and try with your team . So for you to sit here and have the audacity to ask

then the answer is yes . If they refuse to listen then you tried and that is all that matters . The point is its a team game .

Let’s break this down.

It started with this.

The sentence before the sentence that you qouted.

But you are focuing on this part.

But ignoring the last half of the sentence.

Implying that they themselves are not able to do this.

I never said I don’t do that. I pointed out the double standard. You need to understand the theme of the thread and the context of my post.

If you find yourself stung by a bee in this thread don’t panic. You have a miracle cure right here under your noses. Salt, in its glorious over abundance around here also acts as a natural salve. Immediately wet the area of the sting then reach for the offending post and cover it with salt. Then you simply log out for an hour or ten and wait for the pain to subside.

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