How are Epic Premades Fun?

oh we playing that game now are we ?

Not going to waste any more time with you lol good luck with your life :slight_smile:

awe youve given up so soon some troll you are

They’ll just start a new thread and hope their complaints have more traction. Despite not having any real arguments.


this is very true…

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Cherry Garcia all day!

I’ll continue it. Ahem…

EVERYTIME I’ve faced one of you premade cowards 1v1 you run to your lil group like lil %$%$%%$. /s

Seriously though… ive faced a couple of people from GG/SAS/DJL and the moment I win the 1v1 the entire cheating raid comes after me as if a 10v1 makes up for the fact your mate just got t-bagged in the middle of AV.


Epic bg premades are like when ruin would take over nazjatar with 2-3 raids and everyone would have 3k latency. Then that video of them surfaced of them all in discord and the leader screaming “REMEMBER YOUR ROTATIONS” as he flew down and just clicked fan of knives 1000 times in a row.

That’s the skill level that is portrayed by the epic bg premades. They’re simply spamming fan of knives clumped up in a murder ball thinking they are skilled because the scoreboard says they’re winning.

It’s why no one likes them.


I think the biggest thing they are complaining about is not lag but the fact Premades are coordinated and do objectives as a team and that pugs would rather fight in roads and troll in chat

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It’s fun in like a “baby seal clubbing” kind of way.

Yes actually. If I’m in a PuG, then my opponents need to also deal with the same issues that I deal with. I’m somehow supposed to rally my team to do objectives when this was something that you guys couldn’t even accomplish?

Oh you can try leading pugs …but a lot of the time they do what they want unfortunately…i mean a lot try and all they get is feedback like you’re not my mother or other grieving. Yoggy on the alliance side was able to after a long time get pugs to recognize his name and pugs would follow. I wish it were a lot easier than it actually is. I think the going phrase is it is like herding cats. It can be done but takes quite a lot of effort overall to be effective. I hear you though i just wish it were more readily accepted.

yet yall expect us to do this…

I don’t expect anything i am merely stating a fact…you do whatever floats your boat or sinks it

One of your biggest excuses is that “you just need to work together like we do” yet you stay stuff like this

It’s true pugs for the most part do not want to do objectives…they want the fast easy win …they don’t listen to call outs and always complain about anything that prolongs the match. So they do not want to play the map objectives as they are meant to be played. That’s not all pugs but it only takes 5-10 to go off doing whatever they want to change the course of the battle at a node.

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This is you…

if that were the case we wouldn’t be defending and moving from objective to objective. Are you lost sir?

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If you didn’t want a fast easy win you wouldn’t exploit to have an unfair advantage… are you lost?

you really don’t get how we work to win matches do you…probably why you are losing so much. It’s not about rushing a boss it’s about objectives…defending and capturing…that takes more time to do…there is nothing fast about that. I cannot tell you how many times we cap snowfall an the pugs chime in right away…OMG now we are going to turtle sigh